The undersigned authorized representative of ______hereby acknowledges that in order to qualify for workshared discounts (reduced postage) First-Class Mail must meet the Move Update requirements promulgated by the USPS and certifies that (CROSS OUT ANY THAT DO NOT APPLY):
___ 1) The addresses appearing on all First-Class mailpieces submitted to _____[Your Company]___company for mailing at reduced (discounted) rates will have been updated within six months of date the mail is submitted using one of the following approved address updating system(s): (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
___National Change of Address (NCOA)
___Address Change Service (ACS)
___Appropriate Ancillary Service Endorsement (including appropriate address record corrections)
___FASTforwardTM via an agreement with ____[Your Company]__ or a software vendor that has a
FASTforward license to process addresses prior to mailing using FASTforward Mailing List Correction.
___ A National Customer Support Center (NCSC) approved alternate method (available to mailers
that (a) are subject to statutory or regulatory restrictions that prohibit changing customer addresses without direct notification from the addressee or a prohibition on the release of address information, or (b) have an address correction processes that effectively produces a
Move Update accuracy of at least 99% as measured against the Postal Service's Change-of-Address (COA) systems.) (Attach Copy of NCSC Approval)
___ 2) The ZIP codes appearing on all mail pieces submitted for entry into the United States mail directly to the USPS or by way of a presort mailing company will have been verified and corrected where necessary within 12 months of the date of mailing using a USPS approved method, such as comparing ZIP codes with a current Publication 65, National Directory Five-Digit Zip and USPS directory, Five-Digit Zip code file, Address List Correction Service or other approved methods (effective January 1,1997).
___ 3) All business reply, courtesy reply or meter reply letter-size cards or envelopes enclosed in mailing pieces submitted for entry into the United States Mail directly to the Postal Service or indirectly via a presort mailing company shall bear the correct Facing Identification Mark (EIM) and barcode and meet all appropriate automation standards.
The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that ______(company)
will be liable for and will pay, subject to appeals described by postal laws and regulations, any revenue deficiency assessed on reduced rate (discounted) First-Class Mail submitted by it directly to the USPS or indirectly through a presort mailing company that fails to meet any of the requirements outlined above. The undersigned further represents and acknowledges that (a) the submission of a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement may result in imprisonment of up to 5 years and a fine of up to $10,000 (18 USC 1001) and (b) failure to comply with the requirements described above may result in a civil penalty of up to $5,000 and an additional assessment of twice the discounts falsely claimed (31 USC 3802).
Name of person signing (Please Print): ______
Signed: ______
Title: ______
Company: ______
Date: ______