Service Delivery Tracking –
Counting rule ready reckoner
Youth services

The ready reckoner contains a summary of performance measure and counting rules for the activities in scope of Service delivery tracking stage 2 which commenced 1 July 2016. Frequently Asked Questions for each activity are available on The Funded Agency Chanel which are available at and for secondary measures and other information please refer to the Policy and Funding Guidelines which are available at

Activity No. / Activity Name / Cumulative / Performance Measure / Service Description / Counting Rule
31414* / Leaving Care Support Services / Yes / Number of new cases / The program assists young people to successfully transition from out-of-home care to independent living.
Services include the following:
•Leaving Care Mentoring (LCM
•Leaving Care Hotline
•Post Care Support, Referral and Information Services
•Leaving Care Brokerage funding
•Leaving Care support for Aboriginal young people. / Count the number of new cases that were opened during the month.
31421* / Springboard (Leaving Care) / No / Number of clients / The program provides intensive, youth-focussed one to one assistance to young people who are in, or have recently left residential out-of-home care and are disengaged from education, vocational training or employment. Springboard providers support young people to:
•participate in re-engagement activities
•enhance their skills and personal capabilities for successful participation in learning or employment
•sustain their re-engagement with education, training or employment
•achieve relevant education, training or pre-employment milestones or qualifications to maximise future employment opportunities. / Count the number of clients supported in Springboard during the month.
94646 / Youth Foyers - Operating (Broadmeadows)
Youth Foyers - Operating (Holmesglen)
Youth Foyers – Operating (Shepparton) / No / Number of clients / •Youth Foyers provide case management, accommodation and facilitate an integrated service response to:
• successfully engage young people with education and training
• develop young people’s vocational aspirations and capabilities
• build living and interpersonal skills and confidence
• foster economic independence
• develop young people’s social, familial and community connections, networks and supports
• facilitate access to and support engagement in employment
• enable a transition to stable accommodation and independent living
• facilitate young people's health and well-being. / Count the number of clients supported in the Youth Foyer during the month


*Whilst the leaving Care Support Services (31414) and Springboard (Leaving Care) (31421) activities are actually from the Child protection and family services output areas, for ease of use, they have been included in the Youth services ready reckoner

Further information about cumulative and non-cumulative targets refer to the service delivery tracking online process frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Funded Agency Channel

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© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services June 2017.
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Ready Reckoner- Youth services June 20171