Present: / Tom Smith (Chair)
Andrew Booth
Claire Bruce
Councillor Barney Crockett
Councillor Jim Gifford
Steve Logan
John Michie
Rob Wallen (items 1 – 4)
Apologies: / Alfie Cheyne
Dave Blackwood
Ron Cookson
Colin Crosby
Paul de Leeuw
Stewart Milne
Derek Provan
Mike Salter
Ferdinand von Prondzynski
Adrian Gillespie
Valerie Watts
Gordon McIntosh
In attendance: / Maggie McGinlay (items 1 – 5)
Colin Mackenzie
Stephen Archer
Maggie Bochel, Head of Planning & Infrastructure
(deputising for Gordon McIntosh)
Jamie Bell
Martin Barry
Susan Knowles / Scottish Enterprise
Aberdeenshire Council
Aberdeenshire Council
Aberdeen City Council
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise
1. / Welcome and Apologies
The apologies listed above were noted.
The Chairman thanked Aberdeenshire Council for hosting the meeting.
2. / Note of Previous Meetings and Matters Arising
The Minutes of the ACSEF Board meeting of 16 April 2013 were approved.
2.1 / Matters Arising & Updates
Anchoring the Oil and Gas Supply Chain
The Chairman advised that a meeting had been arranged for 21 June to take forward discussion at the April ACSEF Board meeting in relation to anchoring the oil and gas supply chain.
Housing for Talent Attraction and Retention
Stephen Archer advised that Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Council had met with Scottish Government officials on 18 April. Officials were interested to hear of ACSEF’s discussion regarding housing challenges and a potential pilot is being considered in both City and Shire, with associated funding in part for scoping. A working group comprising officers from both Councils and some ACSEF Board members is being set up to consider the innovative approaches to tackling the area's housing challenges. A range of initiatives will be put to the Scottish Government and it is hoped to have an early response.
ACSEF/NESTRANS Communications Contract
Maggie McGinlay advised that Aberdeenshire Council had been the successful bidder for the joint ACSEF/NESTRANS communications contract following a competitive tender process, which was outlined to the Board.
ACSEF Development Manager
Stephen Archer advised that it was hoped to announce the appointment of the ACSEF Development Manager shortly.
2017 UK City of Culture Bid
The shortlist for the 2017 UK City of Culture will be announced on 19 June.
Scotland Food and Drink Excellence Awards
The Chairman and Board congratulated Andrew Booth on The Store at Foveran's award in the Food and Drink Tourism category at the recent Scotland Food and Drink Excellence Awards.
Energetica Walking and Wildlife Festival
Very positive feedback has been received regarding the Energetica Walking and Wildlife Festival held over the weekend of 24/25 May.
Scottish Enterprise Regional Advisory Board Representation
Scottish Enterprise is to appoint members of its Executive leadership Team to replace national Board members on each of its Regional Advisory Boards. Adrian Gillespie, Managing Director Operations, Company Growth, Innovation and Infrastructure, will represent the Executive Leadership Team on the ACSEF Board, replacing Russel Griggs. The new model for Scottish Enterprise representation was welcomed, as was Melfort Campbell’s appointment to the Scottish Enterprise Board. Adrian had been unable to attend the 18 June ACSEF meeting however the Board looked forward to welcoming him to future meetings.
Consideration will be given to issues ACSEF would wish to raise/make Adrian aware of and the Chairman will give this thought once he has had an initial discussion with him. The Board would welcome deeper engagement with Scottish Enterprise at a senior level to broaden the organisation's understanding of the Aberdeen City and Shire area.
Stephen Archer updated the Board on progress regarding the AWPR. The shortlist of bidders is under consideration with the award of contract to be made to enable work to start in 2014 with construction completion expected by 2018.
Short Life Working Group on Place Promotion
Maggie McGinlay updated the Board in Colin Crosby's absence. Anthony Standing of Skills Development Scotland, who is ACSEF Management Team lead for this priority, and Colin had met, with Anthony agreeing to undertake some scoping work and co-ordination of this. Colin had also met with Claire Bruce to give initial consideration to the scope of the work and its aims. Given the number of parties involved in place promotion it is taking some time to establish how best to scope out what is required to move forward. The Chairman advised that it would be useful for the outcome of the short life working group to be available for the September Board meeting and will meet with Colin to discuss further. / S Archer
A Standing
Chairman/ C Crosby
3. / Rural Economic Summit 'Aberdeenshire's Future Harvest from Land and Sea'
Stephen Archer presented on the Rural Economic Summit held on 16 May at Haddo House, Aberdeenshire. The Summit had highlighted the importance of the rural economy of Aberdeenshire, the key note speaker being Richard Lockhead MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment. Andrew Booth and Claire Bruce had attended from the ACSEF Board.
The Summit celebrated the significant strengths and importance of Aberdeenshire’s rural industries - particularly tourism, food and drink, agriculture and fisheries and discussed challenges faced. Key points were the area's position as second only to London City in UK GDP per capita, improvements in fish stocks, major opportunities for Peterhead and Fraserburgh harbours, the need for farming and land based industries to diversify and the significant contribution to Scotland of the area's Tourism sector. Digital connectivity was also raised at the Summit.
Following on from the Summit there will be a series of very focused outcome based sessions in the autumn looking at specific industries, their challenges, actions required and how the Council and other stakeholders may be able to assist. The first of these will focus on farming. Account will also be taken of Planning and Energetica. A further summit will be held in 2014 focusing on the outcomes and what has been driven forward.
Aberdeenshire’s creative placemaking programme, 'Be Part of the Picture', was also announced at the Summit. The project will engage with residents, businesses and partners to shape a refreshed identity for Aberdeenshire, showcasing the breadth of the region in terms of its strengths, geographies and people. Although facilitated by Aberdeenshire Council the programme's emphasis is on place making and therefore links strongly to and compliments the work of the City and ACSEF's short life working group on place promotion. Andrew Booth highlighted that the Energetic Place Making Conference on 25 June would be another important strand in Place Promotion.
Claire Bruce advised that the Summit had been a good event; she highlighted the need to be aware of all the activity around place promotion, and would be interested in following up in relation to Place Promotion/Tourism.
Andrew Booth advised that during the Summit he had raised the change to the Scottish Government’s Food Processing Marketing and Co-operation Grant Scheme for food and drink businesses which he believes disadvantages the area's food and drink sector because of the perceived affluence of the area. He asked that this issue be taken up by ACSEF. Maggie McGinlay agreed to investigate.
It was proposed inviting Aberdeenshire Council's EU officers to a Board meeting to advise of funding available and the challenges involved. It was noted that EU funding was scheduled to be discussed at the next ACSEF Management Team meeting and a decision would be taken then on an appropriate focus to take to the Board.
The contribution of the Food and Drink sector was highlighted and Andrew Booth will arrange for figures regarding this to be circulated to the Board. The paper on the sector’s importance to the region, provided to the ACSEF Board previously, will be sent to Andrew. / M McGinlay
ACSEF Management Team
A Booth/S Knowles
J Bell
4. / Digital
Stephen Archer updated the Board on progress on the four strands of broadband provision for the area: Rest of Scotland (excluding Highland and Islands and cities); hilltop project; Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City project and mobile infrastructure project and commented that ACSEF's work had been instrumental in progressing these.
Tenders for the Rest of Scotland project under the BDUK framework were due for submission on 17 June. The contract is due to be signed by mid July with mobilisation commencing in autumn 2013 and completion in 2016/17. There is an opportunity for local uplift to improve the position in Aberdeenshire, and therefore the Council has committed £16m to the project. Aberdeenshire's target is the below 2mps premises and no service premises - the aim is to create a minimum download of 8mpbs across the diverse area. A mix of technologies will be employed - fibre optic cable, satellite and other technologies such as microwave/TV technologies, with an early roll out planned. Once it is established where fibre optic cable will not be feasible it will then be possible to determine the correct approach for other areas.
The hilltop digital programme aims to deliver high quality cost effective wireless broadband to 500 locations across Aberdeenshire, covering its schools and Council offices.
In December 2012 the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) announced funds for an open access cable project however it is not known exactly how much will be received by successful bidders, when and in what form. It was noted that Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils have written jointly to local MSPs regarding potential State Aid issues, and been advised that they will write to the DCMS in relation to this. Irrespective of the degree of Urban Broadband Fund monies Aberdeen City and Shire will pursue an open access cable project for the City and Westhill.
DCMS is offering funding to put in place infrastructure to tackle mobile 'not spots' with Aberdeenshire being an early pilot for this, with completion due by the end of 2015.
Overall Aberdeenshire Council is investing £21m to improve broadband in its schools, businesses and homes.
The Board noted the multiple initiatives, all of which were being progressed to give a major step change in performance and would find it helpful to get a 'visual' of the roll out programme and what would be achieved at completion. / S Archer
5. / City Centre Developments - Update
Maggie Bochel referred to the update paper provided by Gordon McIntosh. In addition to updates within this she highlighted the Scottish Government's current consultation on new Scottish planning policy. A recommendation within this would see the planning system promote town centres beyond their traditional retail role with a more diverse mix of uses to support their future. Once agreed at Scottish Government level, the new planning policy will require to be taken into account within the Aberdeen Local Development Plan to be published next year.
Progress has been made with regard to a number of individual projects since the update provided to the December 2012 Board meeting (some of which are at a confidential pre-application discussion stage with developers). At the western end of Union Street plans have been submitted for office developments behind the frontages of The Capital, Bruce Millers and Bells Hotel whilst at the eastern end, the Pinnacle development adjacent to the Douglas Hotel is being progressed to planning. Demolition of St Nicholas House has commenced and a preferred bidder for redevelopment of the site announced.
Construction of GDF Suez's new HQ at Riverside Drive is well underway and a planning application has been lodged for development of a nearby site. The City Council is working with Scottish Enterprise and other parties on masterplanning to create a business hub in this part of the city with a draft scope currently under consideration.
The Broadfold works have been given planning permission by the Scottish Government subject to a Section 75 agreement.
Work is also underway on sustainable mobility planning for the city centre and a draft sustainable mobility plan will be produced in parallel to consultation on the Main Issues Report.
Some concern was expressed regarding connectivity between the city centre and AWPR, so as not to disadvantage the city centre and Maggie Bochel advised that a series of meetings to look at transport management in relation to the AWPR would be taking place in conjunction with NESTRANS and Aberdeenshire Council. It was requested that the BID Board be kept informed regarding the issue of connectivity and also the Council's thinking regarding potential pedestrianisation plans.
The City Council is continuing to work with the Robert Gordon University to co-ordinate city centre proposals.
The Council has appointed PWC to work with them to develop a Strategic Infrastructure Plan to help build on and deliver the aspirations of the Strategic and Local Development Plans. A visualisation day is planned for 25 June as part of that process and the work will seek to identify and prioritise infrastructure development requirements across the city and develop a plan of how best these may be finalised using all available financial instruments. John Michie advised that he would be attending and Aberdeenshire Council will also be represented. The Chairman advised that he was unavailable but would hope to send a deputy.
Deadline for submission of the Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) 2 is 30 August with a decision expected in January 2014. This round of THIs will be more economic development focused. Preparation underway for a bid for Union Street, with exact boundaries yet to be determined.
The challenges of achieving ease of connectivity for pedestrians between Guild Street and Union Street were raised and noted that as part of this the City Council was working with the BID team on a ‘way finding’ strategy for the city centre.
Maggie Bochel advised that Aberdeen City Council was considering creating a city centre team with a strong focus on project delivery and implementation. Discussion had taken place with Scottish Enterprise regarding how it might support the team. ACSEF's thoughts on what the focus for the team should be and what ACSEF and its members might be able to offer in terms of support would be welcomed. Terms of reference and a scope of work for the team is being prepared and it was requested that this be circulated to the Board once available.