What is an Outcomes Framework?

The Outcomes Framework measures and reports on progress towards the achievement of the strategic objectives or ‘outcomes’ and the overall goal set out in the Ministry of Health’s Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm Six-year strategic plan 2010/11 – 2015/16 (“Strategic Plan”). The Outcomes Framework involves two key stages to measure progress against the objectives of the Strategic Plan:

  • Stage one: Baseline Report, provides a ‘snapshot’ of the current state of the objectives and outcome indicators
  • Stage two: Annual Report(s), measures performance against the eleven objectives and outcome indicators.

What is the baseline report?

The baseline report presents a ‘snapshot’ of the current state of the preventing and minimising gambling harm sector in relation to the strategic objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan.

Why do one?

The purpose of a baseline report is to identify the current position in relation to a desired future position (see figure 1 below). The Outcomes Framework can then be used to assess progress and improve performance towards a future position.

The purpose of the Outcomes Framework is to measure and report on progress towards the achievement of the 11 strategic objectives and the overall goal set out in the Strategic Plan.

Figure 1: The purpose of a baseline report

What are the key findings?

The baseline report analyses a large volume of data and includes many findings. The report is structured according to a pyramid hierarchy, with the most important messages in earlier sections. The report includes:

1A single key conclusion statement for each of the Ministry’s eleven strategic objectives (page 16)

2A summary of findings for each of the Ministry’s eleven strategic objectives (pages 17 - 41)

3A summary and detailed findings for each indicator (pages 44 – 260)

What are the main data sources used within the Baseline Report and what methods were used to collect data?

Existing data was collected from a range of sources, including:

  • New Zealand Health Survey
  • Client Information Collection (CLIC) database

  • Health and Lifestyles Survey
  • Electronic Gaming Machine (EGM) Electronic Monitoring Systems (EMS)

  • The results of audits of service providers
  • Venue compliance reports

  • Government sector annual reports
  • Gambling industry advertising spend

  • Problem gambling service provider reporting to the Ministry of Health
  • Territorial local authority gambling policies and submissions on these policies

New data was collected through surveys, questions added to existing surveys, focus groups, and reporting templates. A total of seven surveys were conducted.

What comes next?

Following on from the Baseline Report, performance will be assessed on an annual basis in a series of annual reports. The first annual report is due to be completed at the end of 2013.