The members of the Board of School Trustees of the North Putnam Community School Corporation held their Nine Hundred Twelfth (912) Meeting, Special Session, Thursday, September 1, 2005, 7:00 PM, at the North Putnam Community School Corporation Administration Office, 300 North Washington Street, Bainbridge, IN 46105.
Board members present: Dale McGaughey
Patricia Baldwin
Debra Sillery
Mark Fordice
Carl Blau
Board members absent: Jon Buser
Charlie Boller
Superintendent present: Murray F. Pride
Administrative Assistant absent: Kevin Emsweller
Attorney, absent : Gene Hostetter
President Dale McGaughey called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
President McGaughey opened the public hearing. Superintendent Pride stated that the budget had been properly advertised and the law requires a public hearing in regards to the 2006 Budget, 2006 Capital Projects Fund and the 10-Year Bus Replacement Plan.
1. Public Hearing on the proposed 2006 Budget was opened by President McGaughey
There being no comments or questions from patrons or board members, the Budget Hearing was closed.
2. Public Hearing on the proposed 2006, 2007 and 2008 Capital Projects Fund was opened by President McGaughey
There being no comments or questions from patrons or board members, the Public Hearing on the 2006, 2007 and 2008 Capital Projects Fund was closed.
3. Public Hearing on the proposed 10-Year Bus Replacement Plan was opened by President McGaughey.
There being no comments or questions from patrons or board member, the Public Hearing on the 10-Year Bus Replacement Plan was closed.
Superintendent Pride recommended the approval of the request for the TSLA to travel to Plainfield, Camp Camber and Craig Middle School in Plainfield for an overnight trip on September 8 & 9, 2005.
After discussion, Mark Fordice motioned to approve the overnight trip request for the TSLA to travel to Plainfield as recommended by Superintendent Pride. Debbie Sillery seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of five (5) ayes and zero nays.
Superintendent Pride recommended the following North Putnam Community School Corporation and Old National Trail Special Services Cooperative personnel:
I. Personnel:
1. Resignation, Non-Certified Staff:
A. Dee Wendling High School
Athletic/Administrative Secretary
Effective September 2, 2005
B. Rhonda Galloway Bainbridge Elementary
Instructional Assistant
Effective August 17, 2005
2. Transfer, Non-Certified Staff:
A. Mildred Herbert Bainbridge Elementary
From ONT Instructional Assistant
To Corporation Instructional Assistant
New Position
Effective August 22, 2005
B. Lisa Asher Bainbridge Elementary
From ONT Instruct Asst. at Greencastle HS
To Corporation Instructional Assistant
Effective August 23, 2005
3. Employment, Non-Certified Staff:
A. Amber Goode Bainbridge Elementary
Instructional Assistant
Replacing Christie Herrman
Effective August 23, 2005
B. Jill Ferguson Roachdale Elementary
Instructional Assistant
New Position
Effective August 29, 2005
4. Resignation, Extra-Curricular Staff:
A. Linda Patrick 8th Grade Volleyball Coach
5. Employment, Extra-Curricular Staff:
A. Michelle Spencer 8th Grade Volleyball Coach
B. Aaron Allee Middle School Assistant Wrestling Coach
C. Valerie Preecs & Middle School Cross Country Volunteer Coach
Jeff Salyers
I. Personnel:
1. Termination, Non-Certified Staff:
A. Sara Pringle North Putnam Middle School
Interpreter for Hearing Impaired
Effective August 15, 2005
2. Resignation, Non-Certified Staff:
A. Jodi Clodfelter North Putnam Middle School
Instructional Assistant
Effective August 16, 2005
B. Carrie Myers Greencastle Middle School
Instructional Assistant
Effective August 16, 2005
C. Michele Huelsmann Mill Creek East Elementary
Instructional Assistant
Effective August 12, 2005
3. Employment, Non-Certified Staff:
A. Judy Kennedy Middle School
Instructional Assistant
Replace Jodi Clodfelter
Effective September 12, 2005
B. Casey Purvis Mill Creek East Elementary
Instructional Assistant
New Position
Effective August 22, 2005
C. Rena Harmon Mill Creek East Elementary
Instructional Assistant
Replace Debbie Bell
Effective August 16, 2005
D. Tina Fogle Greencastle Middle School
Instructional Assistant
Replace Carrie Myers
Effective August 16, 2005
E. Shelley Fields Bainbridge Elementary
Instructional Assistant
Replace Mildred Herbert
Effective August 22, 2005
Debbie Sillery motioned to approve the above North Putnam Community School Corporation and Old National Trail Special Services Cooperative personnel as recommended by Superintendent Pride. Patricia Baldwin seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of five (5) ayes and zero (0) nays.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mark Fordice moved for adjournment of the Nine Hundred Twelfth (912) Meeting at 7:07 PM. Debbie Sillery seconded the motion, and it carried by a vote of five (5) ayes, zero (0) nays.
Dale A. McGaughey, President Mark A. Fordice, Member
Patricia Baldwin, Vice-President Charlie Boller, Member
Debra Sillery, Secretary Jon Buser, Member
Carl Blau, Member