Minutes of OASIS SDO TC Conference Call

Call date: 04 December 2007

Call time: 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM Eastern Standard Time


·  Cesar Andrei (BEA)

·  Bryan Aupperle (IBM)

·  Fuhwei Lwo (IBM)

·  Shawn Moe (IBM)

·  Frank Budinsky (IBM)

·  Henning Blohm (SAP)

·  Stefan Bunning (SAP)

·  Ulf von Mersersky (SAP)

·  Ron Barack (SAP)

·  Francois Huaulme (Xcalia)

·  Eric Samson (Xcalia)

·  Christophe Boutard (Xcalia)

·  Jessie Davis (Progress Software)

·  Blaise Doughan (Oracle)

There is a quorum in place (>50% of voting members are in attendance and 5/6 participating companies are in attendance)

No modifications to presented agenda

Shawn will take minutes today

No objections to last week’s minutes. Minutes from 29 November have been approved

Web Conference does not appear to be working. Adobe attendee may need to start this for each meeting.

Current call-in number may not be permanent. Ron would need to get permanent funding for this.

Are there any “standard” items that people would like to discuss? No.

SDO Charter – we’d like to get someone to volunteer to discuss each of the charter items at the F2F. Anything that has been contributed to OSOA must be formally contributed to OASIS. Each company would need to do this by email from a member of the TC that contributes a particular document to OASIS. Document must be posted first, and then the email would point to this link.

F2F charter topics and volunteers to present/lead discussion at the F2F:

·  Ron will present #1 – Enhancements to static SDO

·  ??? (need volunteer) will present #2 - Service Level Programming API

·  Eric and Xcalia will present #3 – Data Access Services

·  Frank will present #4 – SDO XML path support

·  Frank will present item #5 – XML and SDO

·  Blaise will present item #6 - Cleaning up/ Enhancing the SDO API

·  Cesar will present item #7 - Organization of SDO Type System and Helpers

·  Frank will present #8 - Enhancements to SDO Metadata

·  Cesar will present #9 - Interoperability with .NET

·  Ron will present #10 - Relaxing Containment Requirements

·  Frank will present #11 - Notification Support

·  Bryan will present #12 - Programming Language Support as determined by the TC. Bryan will discuss C++ portion anyhow.

Assignment of editors – do we have any volunteers? Do we want to bring tech writers from each company into the mix? Existing spec document will need to be reformatted for OASIS standards. There will need to be conformance statements as well. There will be a large amount of work to restructure/reformat the document.

Bryan offers some insight on how docs are created in OASIS. Working drafts are created. There is no formal format on these in the early stages. Each document is numbered. A committee draft is then formalized when the TC votes on a particular draft. There is no formal concurrency control across the documents. Much of the work of spec writing is done via issue resolution.

SDO 2.1.1 discussion will continue on Thursday. For OSOA members, please see the YahooGroup for details

F2F is still planned for Jan 10-11 (Thursday and Friday) at SAP facilities in Berlin. The agenda is now starting to firm up. Need information on hotels, etc. in order to make reservations

Action Items

Action item: discuss Adobe tools with Charlton. Do they (Adobe) have some cross-language tools that might help manage the kind of cross-platform/multiple author document s?

Action item: Ron will move the SDO 2.1 specs (Java and C++) from OSOA to OASIS.

Action item: someone needs to get in touch with RogueWave folks from OSOA to determine if they are going to participate in OASIS. It is understood that RogueWave is involved in SCA spec, and so they should be able to participate here too. Shawn will contact Michael Yoder.

Action item: Ron will distribute information on the F2F facilities in Berlin so that travel arrangements can be secured.

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