Suggested wording for financial broker email to customers
Are you worried about the cost of educating your children? I can help!
Dear <Client Name>,
It’s back to school time, so you’re probably acutely aware of the cost of primary and secondary education. But are you prepared for the time when your children start college? Just under half of parents (49%) say they have made no financial preparations to meet the cost of putting their children through third level education. That’s according to Aviva’s Cost of Education Report1, which shows that, on average, parents expect to pay out €5,122 a year to send a child to a third level college or university. If the student has to move away from home to go to college, the expected cost is almost double, at €10,125 a year. A four year degree would cost over €20,000 for each child living at home and over €40,000 for each child living away from home.
The good news is that there are savings and investment products available from Aviva to help you meet the financial challenges of educating your children. When you savewith Aviva your money will be invested, meaning it will have good potential for growth, especially over the long term.
Click here to learn more.
Call me today on «Broker_Number» or email me at <insert a personal e-mail address not info@> to arrange an appointment to see if Aviva’s savings and investment solutions are the right fit for you. I’d be delighted to hear from you.
Kind regards,
Insert name
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in this product you may lose some or all of the money you invest.
Warning: These products may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
1. Source: Aviva Cost of Education Report. For more information on this report please see the media section on
Adviser to insert regulatory status and any other necessary regulatory wording here.
Aviva: Internal