6. Brief Review of intended work
6.1 Need for the study
Pandu is one of the commonest clinical conditions, which we come across in our day to day practice. The present day unwholesome food habits are influencing deficiencies of vital nutrients and leads to nutritional disorders. In modern period so many commentators discussed Pandu roga & they correlate with Anaemia the word Anaemia first appeared for medical use in 1824 and in 1849 it began to specific medical meaning. It is one of the common clinical; condition both in the developed and developing countries like India1.
On an average globally, 50% of the Anaemia is assumed, to be attributable to iron deficiency. In developing countries 30-70% of the population is iron deficient. There is an urgent need to develop effective and sustainable intervention, to control iron deficiency Anaemia.The World Health Organization (WHO), has recognized as the “World health Problem” which is much common in our Country2.
Iron deficiency is the commonest nutritional deficiency, over World and its prevalence is highest in India. In India 30% adult males, 45% adult female& 60% children have iron deficiency3. As per Indian Medical Association (IMA) 95% of pregnant women suffer from Anaemia in India.
The Pandu roga is agnimandhya janya pitta pradhan vyadhicharaka samhita4.Ayurveda advocates the treatment of Pandu with many herbal drug. Patola (Tricosanthes dioica Roxb) is considered as one among the Panchatikta in Rasatarangini. Patola is usually perceived for pitta and rakta vikara, because of its pittahara prabhava.5
Although a number of Herbal preparation are currently available, it is clear that
noneof them is ideal for the treatment of majority of Pandu patients. Thus the
developmentof new and novel therapeutic remains highly desirable. Several herbs are
described in Ayurvedic Literature for the management of Pandu, one among them is
Patola. In present study an attempt will be made to evaluate the effect of Patola
(Tricosanthes dioica Roxb),with a view to find out a therapeutically efficacious, safer,
cost effective and easily available drug.
6.2. Review of Literature:
In Vedic literature specially in Rigveda and Atharvaveda4 we found the terms (Halima) and (Harita) which are observed to be correlated with Pandu roga . The main samhita like Charaka and Sushruta have clearly described Pandu as a roga5. In Charaka Samhita chikitsa sthana and Sushrata Samhita uttara tantra we can find the description of Pandu roga Astanga Sanghara, Astanga Hridaya, Madhava Nidana was elaborated about Pandu roga6.
In Ayurvedic classic Pandu has been taken in three forms i.e.
1) Panduas a disease.
2) Pandu as a signs and symptom (clinical features).
3) Pandu as a complication.
But maximum part it considers as a disease due to change of the natural body colour into abnormal colour and “Raktalpata”.
The word Pandu is derived ‘padi nashane dhatu’ by adding ‘ku’ pratyaya in it. The meaning of which is always taken in sense of “nasham” and as Pandu has been kept under the group which is classified and named according to the change in colour. Therefore the nashana is related with the varnaof shareera, which is further approved by Charka with the word “vaivarna”.Thus Pandu is a diseases in which there is mainly vivarna or change in colour of the body takes place.
According to our classic Patola (Tricosanthes dioca Roxb) is having tikta rasa, katu vipaka,ushana veerya and pitta hara property, so that it can be used in Pandu roga7.
The authentic classical references, the easy availability of drug and cost effectiveness developed the interest in selecting this drug for the clinical trial.
6.3. Aims and Objectives of the study:
1)To evaluate the efficacy of Patola panchanga churna in the management of Pandu.
2)To evaluate the pitta shamka effect of Patola panchanga churna.
7. Materials and methods:
7.1 Source of Data:
a)Subject: Patient suffering from Pandu will be selected from OPD and IPD of DGMAMC&H, Gadag after fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
b)Literary: Literary aspect of the study will be collected from both classical Ayurvedic, modern textbooks and will be updated with recent medical journals.
c)Selection of Drugs: The trial drugs will be collected from local areas and market after being properly identified.
d)Preparation of method: The Panchanga of Patola is collected and dried under shade, and fine churna in prepared and mixed with guda and given in form of vati.
7.2 Method of collection of Data:
a)Study design - Single blind clinical study.
b)Sample size - Minimum of 30 patient’s are subjected for the study.
c) Inclusive criteria:
1)The patient’s of both sex between the age of 15 to 65 year’s with mild to
Moderate Anaemia.
2)Patients having Lakshana of Pandu as explained in classical texts.
3)Patients other than exclusive criteria are included in the present study.
d) Exclusive criteria:
1)Age group of below 15 year’s and above 65 year’s.
2)Associated with vital organic disease.
3)Severe blood loss.
4)Parasitic function.
5)Sickle cell Anaemia.
6)Thalassemia and Pernicious Anaemia.
7)Anaemia associated with any malignancy.
8) Anaemia associated with radio & chemotherapy.
E) Posology : At the maximum of 3gm/24 hrs in divided dose.
F) Study duration:
45 days study and follow up 15 days.
G)Assessment of result:
1)The result will be assessed by clinical, as well as Haematological study.
2)Hb% is assessed for all the interval of 15 day’s.
H) Subjective parameters:
a. Durbalta e. Daha
b. Shrama f. Toda
c. Gatra shula g. Praseka
d. karna kshweda
I)Objective parameters:
Complete Haemogram. .
1)Haemocratic Investigation.
2)E.S.R. ( Erythrocyte sedimentation rate )
3)TC ( Total leucocytes count )
4)DC ( Differential leucocytes count )
5)Blood cell smear.
6)Urine routine (If necessary).
7)Stool microscopic examination (If necessary).
7.4 Ethical clearance:
Yes obtained and is enclosed.
8. List of References:
1)API Textbook of Medicine editor Siddharth N. vol 2nd Shah 8th edition, page no 795.
2)API Textbook of Medicine editor Siddharth N. Shah 7th edition, page no 923.
3) search..com.
4)Agnivesa ,Charaka samhita sutra Sthana 24/23,editor: Pandit. kashinath Sastri.Edition 2004, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi , page no. 303.
5)Agnivesa ,Charaka samhita chikitsa Sthana 16/11,editor:Pandit. kashinath Sastri, Edition 2004, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi , page no. 415.
6)Sushruta ,Sushruta samhita sutra Sthana ,14/24. editor Dr Ambika Dutt Sastri – edition 2005.Chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi page no 53.
7)Sushruta,Sushruta samhita uttara tantra 45/1,editer Dr Ambika Dutt Sastri – edition 2005.Chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan,Varanasipage no 283.
8)Madhavakara, Madhava Nidana with Madhukosh sanskrt commentry ,by shri Vijayarakshita & Srikanth Dutt with Vidyotini Hindi Commentry, By Sri Sudarsana Sastri. Editor Prof.Yadunandan Upadhyaya Varanasi , Part -1.Chaukhamba Sanskrit Academy, Edition 2005,Varanasi page no. 245-264.
9)Vagabhata,Astanga Hridaya Chikitsa Sthan ch16, VaidyaYadunandan Upadhyaya editor,Chaukhamba Sanskrit Academy, Edition 2005,Varanasipage no. 364-36.
10)Vagabhata,Astanga Sangraha Chikitsa Sthan 18 ch sanskrit english commentary by ,K.R Srikantamurthy edition 1996, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Academy varanasi, page no 472.
11)Davidson principle and practice of Medicine,editor John A. Hunter& NicholBon 20th
Edition, Page no. 1025.
9. Signature OF CANDIDATE:
10. Remarks of the Guide:The research work with the drug Patola Will
beneficial for innumerable number of patient
suffering from Iron deficiency Anaemia.
11. Name and designation :
11.1) Guide : DR. KUBER SANKH M.D. (Ayu)
Asst. Professor.
Dept of Dravya guna
11.2) Signature :
11.3. Co –Guide : DR. VEENA KORIM.D.(Ayu)
Dept. of Dravya guna
P G S & R C, DGMAMC, Gadag.
11.4) Signature :
11.5 Head of the Department : DR. G.V. MULAGUND M.D. (Ayu)
Prof. & H.O.D
Dept of Dravyaguna
P G S & R C, DGMAMC, Gadag.
11.6 Signature :
12.1 Remarks of Chairman and PRINCIPAL:
The above synopsis is scrutinized by P.G. Training cum Research committee and submitted for registration of subject for dissertation.
12.2 Signature :