Language Arts 8

Mrs. Workman

Maywood Middle School


"Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day and you are a success". - William J.H. Boetcker

Welcome to Language Arts (LA)! I look forward to sharing my love for writing and great reads as we embark on this 8th grade journey together.

My GOALS for the year: I want students to…

-write and read with their head and their heart

-know that their abilities to write, read, speak, and listen will offer them the greatest range of choices in life

-challenge and respect themselves and others as writers, readers, speakers, and listeners

-develop into the strongest writers, readers, speakers, and listeners they can be by showing growth in these areas from September to June

  1. Classroom Expectations (The Maywood Way):

*Be Safe *Be Kind *Be Respectful*Be Your Best

  1. Grading Policy:
  2. Assessment = 100% (Tests, Quizzes, Presentations, Projects, Essays, Learning Checks, etc.)
  3. Student Success Indicators = 0%(WICC) shown through class participation, daily work and homework, these non-achievement skills will not be directly calculated in the student’s grade, but they do have a significant impact on student learning.

(SCORE: 3=consistently; 2=sometimes; 1=rarely)

Work Habits: work quality, work completeness, work punctuality

Initiative: self-advocacy, reflection, persistence (GRIT!)

Collaboration: teamwork, inclusion, participation

Citizenship:integrity, conduct, respect

  1. Homework = Not Graded

the purpose of homework is for students to have an opportunity for independent practice of the skills and concepts learned in class

the teacher will provide feedback/score to inform the student’s learning, but it will not count as part of their academic grade

Final class grades are based on the grade system chart that can be found in your student handbook on page 13.

Assessment retakes and resubmissions: students have the opportunity, and are encouraged, to retake or resubmit assessments to raise their score for any standard not met. If students can show improved understanding, the original score will be changed to reflect that improvement. This needs to be done in a timely manner (within 2 weeks). It is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher regarding options for retake/resubmission.

  1. Late and Absent Work: Late work is accepted. When you are turning in late work, you will write “LATE” across the top of the paper! Major due dates are generally given a week or more in advance. If you are sick or a due date slips your mind, please visit my Website (link from Maywood’s homepage). Absent work: If you were present the day the assignment was given, but absent the day it was due, it is due immediately upon your return. If you were absent the day the assignment was given, you have the number of days you were absent added to the original due date. When turning in absent work, you will write “ABSENT”across the top of the paper!
  1. Textbook: McDougal Littell Literature. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2008. Print.
  1. The following is a brief overview of major units/activities covered in 8th grade LA+. Units are aligned with theISD Scope and Sequence; unit activities and assessments aligned to Common Core Standards.

Big Question: How and why is languagePOWERFUL?!
Trimester One:
Writing: Writer’s Workshop “How Writers Work”; Multi-genre Memoir
Reading: Short Stories; Information ReadingUpfront Magazine
Grammar/Vocabulary in Context
Speaking/Listening opportunities ongoing
Trimester Two
Writing: Research Report
Reading: Warriors Don’t Cry (novel); Diary of Anne Frank (play) Information Reading Upfront Magazine; Poetry
Grammar/Vocabulary in Context
Trimester Three
Writing: Argument/Debate
Reading: Books That Change Lives Reader’s Workshop; Information Reading Upfront Magazine
Grammar/Vocabulary in Context

*For most reading and writing, we function under a Writer’s and Reader’s workshop method.

  1. Supplies: Bring to class every day!
  2. Reader’s-Writer’s Notebook (RWN)
  3. Independent Reading (IR) book
  4. Planner
  5. Sharpened pencils, blue or black ink pens, highlighter, post-its
  1. Modern cinema offers the chance to further relate literature, prose and poetry to students’ lives. The eighth grade Language Arts team has selected several titles to enhance our curriculum. While we may or may not view any of the following, we feel it necessary to have your permission in the event that we do. Our experience has shown us that these films, with the proper foundation, stimulate intelligent, thought-provoking discussions in class about the unit we are studying. Please feel free to preview any of the titles listed before granting permission. Students not granted permission will have an alternative information source to take to Maywood’s library during viewings. The films are as follows:

Dead Poet’s Society (poetry unit) PG-13

Life is Beautiful (following our Anne Frank lit book unit)PG-13

Charly/Flowers For Algernon(following lit book unit) PG

*If an additional film comes up, I will send a separate email/permission home!

Parents: please sign this page and have your child return to me

Student Name: ______

I, ______(parent signature) have read the syllabus and give my

permission for ______(student name) to watch the titles listed above.

Films not to be viewed? Please list:

  1. Finally: I encourage you to write any comments that you feel might help me to educate, evaluate, motivate, or better understand your child. I’m always amazed at the difference these insights can make.


Thank you!

Hilary Workman
