How to Plan “Zero” Waste Events at Schools

Planning your schoolwide event or meal to be “zero” waste is easier than you think. It only requires a little forethought and simple planning, as well as one or two volunteers for refuse station and possible dishwashing duties. Ask your school Green Team to partner with you to go “zero.”


1)Start with fellow organizers to agree to go “zero” waste as a team commitment. Let any vendors know well in advance that they are asked to go “zero” as well.

2)Start thinking zero waste when planning the menu. Remember the motto – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – is intended to show the importance of REDUCE first, so think about how to serve items with less waste. For example, instead of serving scoops of ice cream in bowls with spoons, serve scoops on ice cream cones.

3)Serve in bulk. For example, forego ketchup packets and serve from big ketchup bottles.

4)If you are trying for a food line where families can go through quickly such as for a before-school breakfast, get creative to make bulk serving speedier. For example, for cream cheese for bagels, a limited number of small scoops of cream cheese could be predipped with a small melon baller onto a plate to utilize bulk cream cheese containers.

5)Check well in advance what the school kitchen has available to borrow. The second step of the motto is REUSE, so reuse cafeteria plates and silverware. Be sure to coordinate with the kitchen staff so the supplies won’t be locked in the kitchen when needed. Have a volunteer ready to offer help to wash the dishes before the cafeteria’s next meal time.

6)If you don’t have enough reusable eating ware, use plain (no plastic coating) paper plates and napkins that can be composted.

7)Plan your refuse station with a large compost bin, a large recycle bin and a small trash can. Have a knowledgeable volunteer in place at the station. If your school does not have a compost service, a compost bincan be ordered through Sustainable Schools.

8)Parent groups are already great at this, but remember to plan your donation of any leftover food to the school staff or parent volunteers. And, several schools have a “chicken” bucket for food scraps to feed local backyard chickens.

9)Remember to ask Sustainable Schools for help in providing educational signage for tables and the refuse station.


Some of the worst, common offenders at special events can be easily avoided by communicating well with your event planning team.

1)NO Styrofoam – food grade Styrofoam is not recyclable and not biodegradable

2)NO plastic water bottles – Steamboat is blessed with wonderful tap water. Use water pitchers and recyclable or compostable cups. Buying bottled water is expensive, and the production and transportation is very energy intensive. For outdoor events, Sustainable Schools can provide a “water monster” refilling station for guests’ water bottles.

3)NO unnecessary supplies that will become trash, such as table covers, non-compostable straws, non-recyclable drink lids, “hybrid” wrappers that are half trash/half recyclable.


Planning a successfully run “zero” waste event can save the organizers money, help the environment and make a lasting, positive impression on parents and students. For questions or assistance(including volunteer training), contact or 871-9299 ext. 101.