Multiple Choice Questions for the ESTSS Workshop: An Experiential approach to Reliving with Complex Trauma

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  1. Which of the following is true
  2. There is no guidance at all for treating complex trauma
  3. Guidance for treating complex trauma lags behind that for treating adult trauma
  4. There is an equally good evidence base for treating complex trauma as there is for adult trauma
  5. There is a better evidence base for treating complex trauma than there is for adult trauma
  1. Which of the following is not an evidence-based treatment for trauma
  2. Supportive counseling
  3. Prolonged exposure
  4. Cognitive reprocessing
  5. Cognitive therapy
  1. Which of the following is not a treatment goal of trauma focused CBT
  2. Elaborate traumatic memories
  3. Identify and challenge negative appraisals
  4. Avoid feared situations
  5. Reduce unhelpful maintenance strategies
  1. Which of the following was the conclusion of the (1995) BPS working party
  2. Memory is reliable
  3. General memory is reliable, memory for detail is not
  4. Memory for detail is reliable, general memory is not
  5. Memory is unreliable
  1. When doing reliving with a client it is important that
  2. The client is not feeling any strong emotions
  3. The client is feeling all of their emotions as strongly as possible
  4. The client is engaged with their emotions but not overwhelmed
  5. The therapist does not feel any emotions
  1. Which of the following is not an appropriate method for reliving
  2. Timeline
  3. Narrative
  4. Free association
  5. Drawing
  1. Which of the following would not be an appropriate method of cognitive restructuring
  2. Surveys
  3. Flooding
  4. Behavioural experiment
  5. Site visit
  6. When working with multiple memories, which of the following is not true
  7. You can start with the first memory
  8. You can start with the last memory
  9. You can start with the worst memory
  10. You must expose the client to all of their memories
  1. Which of the following is not true of imagery re-scripting
  2. You must not change what happened
  3. You can be wildly creative
  4. The therapist can enter the memory themselves
  5. The client can enact revenge
  1. Which of the following is not recommended for therapists to do to look after themselves
  2. Control empathic attunement
  3. Use recordings
  4. Formulate positive factors
  5. Avoid complex trauma cases