Allsorts Toy Library SystemsVolunteer Role Description
Do you love creating systems? Are you a digital whizz? Then helping disability charity Allsorts to create a booking and hiring system for our new Toy Library could be the perfect role for you.
Why do we need you?
Allsorts is a pioneering local charity that works with families with children who have disabilities or additional needs. Strongly rooted in the local community, we want to involve as many people as we can in building an inclusive Gloucestershire where people with disabilities and additional needs are included and able to contribute.
We’re growing all the time, with new families joining and new activities being developed. Your role as a volunteer will help us to deliver more for more families in Gloucestershire.
We are soon going to be opening a new Toy Library. Our existing library is very successful and busy, and operates through a range of digital and paper systems. With the opening of the new library, we would like to develop the systems we use to book and hire toys.
How much time should you offer? When would you be needed? Where will you be based?
- you would be needed to volunteer for a few hours per week to develop a new system.
- This role is based at The Allsorts Office in Stroud but could also be carried out from home.
What activities will you be involved in?
- Gaining an understanding of our existing systems and processes.
- Developing online and paper systems that will help us hire toys out to more members and on a greater scale than before.
What can you gain from this opportunity?
- Ongoing support and supervision
- Making a difference to families who have children with disabilities and additional needs
- Experience of working with an innovative and growing organisation
- Getting involved in your local community
- Reimbursement of out of pocket expenses as defined in Allsorts’ volunteer policy
Is there an induction and training?
- you will receive a full induction before you start
What are we looking for?
- Someone who is adept at developing systems and processes.
- Someone who can work confidently with a diverse team.
Due to the nature of this role volunteers will be required to complete a DBS form and provide referees.
Who should you contact to find out more?
To find out about more, please contact Georgia Boon at or on 07741409800.
To apply for this role:
Please complete an Allsorts Volunteer Form and return it to Georgia Boon before May 15th 2018.