California State University, Long Beach

Health Care Administration Department

HCA 353 - Marketing For Health Services Organizations

Spring 2014

Instructor: Gary W. Lawson, DPA
Office Hours: Wednesday, 12-1 p.m.
Phone: (888) 380-6337 / Class Number: 3389 - Section 1
Class Meets: Tuesdays - Jan 21-May 9
Room HHS 204
Additional Contact Information:
HCA Dept. Administrative Coordinator:
Deby McGill,
Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886

Required Text: Berkowitz, E.N. (2010). Essentials of health care marketing, 3rd Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett
Required Text: Lawson, G.W. (1994). Lawson's Guide to Healthcare Business Development & Marketing. Midgard Publishing, Kansas City, MO (Given free to students from Instructor)

Four Class Rules

1. Come to EVERY class on time, leave on time and participate.

2. NO computers, cell phones or other electronic devices. If I see them out, I may ask you to leave class.

3. NO PowerPoint

4. Turn in ALL written work on time using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation

Course Description: Prerequisite ECON 101 or 300. Pre or co-requisite: HCA 402. Development of marketing strategies and analyses in a health care setting. Design of services to include pricing, communication, distribution channels, and client motivation and services. Letter grade only (A-F).

Course Outcomes, Competencies and Assessments. The Health Care Administration Department has adopted a competency-based curriculum, based on the American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE) Competencies Assessment Tool and the Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA) Competency Directory. This course is designed to develop competencies in the business skills and knowledge - strategic planning and marketing (BSK-SPM). The chart below describes course outcomes and how they will be met and measured.


(1) Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of strategic planning and marketing applied to service industries generally and healthcare organizations in particular.

Competency- Strategic planning processes development and implementation
Measurement - In class exercises, marketing plan, presentation, exam

(2) Investigate customer characteristics, distribution channels, and competitors in a healthcare market service area.

Competency - Marketing plan development
Measurement - In class exercises, marketing plan, presentation, exam

(3) Create a marketing communication piece promoting a healthcare product or service.

Competency - Marketing principles and tools
Measurement - Marketing communication product

(4) Identify and appreciate the role of key stakeholders for healthcare marketing activities

Competency - Marketing principles and tools
Measurement - Marketing plan, in class activities, exams

Learning Objective / Domain / Competency / Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) /
Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of strategic planning and marketing applied to service industries generally and healthcare organizations in particular. / 5D
BSK-SPM / Strategic planning processes development and implementation / A1- In-class exercises; A2 - Strategic marketing plan & presentation; A3- exams
Investigate customer characteristics, distribution channels, and competitors in a healthcare market service area / 5D
BSK-SPM / Marketing plan development / A2-Strategic marketing plan
Create a marketing communication piece promoting a healthcare product or service / 5D
BSK-SPM / Marketing principles and tools / A2-marketing communication product
Identify and appreciate the role of key stakeholders for healthcare marketing activities / 5D
BSK-SPM / Marketing principles and tools / A2-Strategic marketing plan, A3-exams

CLASS PROCEDURES: This class will be taught seminar style. You, the students, will be responsible for much of the teaching and learning. Given the active, involved nature of the class, both attendance and class participation are crucial. Your first absence can be made up by going to a business meeting. A second absence could result in a drop in your grade. Further absences could result in a further grade decrease.

Marketing Health Services Organizations is designed to increase students' skills and abilities to apply marketing methodologies and tools to healthcare organizations in the real world marketing situations.

ATTENDANCE: Regular preparation, attendance, and participation are necessary to maximize your benefits from this class. In-class exercises, some of which will be done in groups, will be completed during the class meetings. All students are expected to be prepared for class by having read the assigned material, completed the homework assignments, and to participate in class discussions. Poor attendance will decrease your class grade.

ASSIGNMENTS AND PROJECTS: Each student is required to complete several projects. A student should utilize library resources, the Internet, and other resources to complete these projects. Late work will receive less credit. The format of the projects will be discussed in class.

A (Excellent): Meeting course requirements with a superior level of performance. A is recognized to be an honors evaluation.
B (Good): Meeting course requirements with a high level of performance.
C (Satisfactory): Meeting course requirements with an acceptable level of performance.
D (Passing): Meeting course requirements with minimally adequate performance
F (Failing): Inadequate performance or not meeting course requirements.

Extra Credit “50 Points” for attending a business meeting (Rotary, Chamber, Toastmaster, or?)

1.  Points assigned per class for attendance/participation – up to 90 class points.

2.  Random quizzes - (25 point maximum value )

3.  Chapter key concepts (10 points per chapter)

4.  Group Chapter Presentation (200 points)

5.  Healthcare websites (50 points)

6.  Healthcare advertisements (50 points)

7.  Lawson Marketing Guide Book Report (50 points)

8.  Final Group Project Competition (200 points)

9.  Final test (100 points) - Test link will be available on Twitter.

Class Attendance/Participation- (90 points per class)

I cannot stress enough the importance of coming to class, being prepared, and taking part in discussions and other classroom exercises. It is expected that every student comes to every class on time, leaves on time and participates. DO NOT USE ANY ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (no cell phones, no computers, no IPADS, no IPods etc.)

Random Quizzes (up to 25 points each) No make-up quizzes

Group Chapter Presentation (200 points)

On the first day of class, students will be put into groups of 2-3. Each group will be required to teach the class a chapter. The training will be a minimum of 20 minutes. NO PowerPoint. NO written paper. However, class information minimum one page handouts are required for everyone in the class. Student grades will be determined by the other students . The key to grading group presentations include (1) Clarity & Quality of Information; (2) Audience Participation; (3) Creativity; (4) Appropriate Check for Understanding.

Chapter Important Concepts (10 points per chapter)

Choose 3 concepts that you believe are the most important for each chapter . The concepts will be turned in at the beginning of the class. Write a minimum of 50 words listing each chosen concept (150 minimum words per chapter). The chapter key concepts need to be turned in the same day that the chapter presentations are scheduled.

Book Report (50 points)

Write a minimum of 300 words regarding your general impression of the entire book, and then specific topics that could be useful in the "real world".

Internet Resources Paper/Presentation (50 points)

Select two websites. Try to find unique resources. Write a minimum of 200 words for each website explaining how the website can be used for healthcare marketing. Typed, double spaced, using correct English grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Healthcare Advertisement Resources Paper/Presentation (50 points)

Select two healthcare advertisements . Write a minimum of 200 words for each advertisement explaining the effectiveness of each advertisement regarding healthcare marketing. Typed, double spaced, using correct English grammar punctuation and spelling

Final Marketing Plan Presentation Competition (200 points)

Senior care in-home assistant business marketing competition. No PowerPoint. The final presentation is graded by the other students on the following four criteria: (1) information; (2) creativity; (3) audience participation; (4) check for understanding; The written plan is a minimum of 1,000 words and must include developed marketing materials (brochures, cards, advertisements, Facebook, website, etc.).

Note…Plagiarism is the act of presenting the ideas and writing of another as your own. Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of any dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means. Plagiarism and cheating are violations of the Student Discipline Code and may be dealt with by both the instructor and the campus Judicial Affairs Officer.

If you need accommodations for a documented disability. The CSULB office of Services to Students with Disabilities is able to provide help and assistance.

Class Calendar

Every effort will be made to keep all students informed as to due dates, projects and times. However, due to unforeseen complications, circumstances and events; days, times, projects and requirements may change..

Tuesday, Jan 21- First day of class. Introductions; syllabus; magic word; Bad to the Bone; set up groups; Twitter; Business is changing, Marketing mix, AINC, Cacophony = sound of money! Set up attendance monitor. Sign no cell phone policy. Fake it to you make it. Power position. presentation - Linkedin and Twitter
Tuesday, Jan 28 - Prepare for chapter training, ask the professor, donuts, secretary, late night, lemonade stand competition, late night healthcare product/service pitch - grapevine, dating (broke up with boyfriend)
Tuesday February 4 - Networking, healthcare marketing, diagramming, marketing, (cleaners, barber, African art) Bring Computer, Groups selected at end of class
Tuesday, February 11 - Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
Tuesday, February 18- Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Tuesday, February 25- Chapter 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Tuesday, March 4- Websites, SEO, Lawson Book Report - What you learned
Tuesday, March 11 - Violinist, branding, tool box, POD
Tuesday, March 18 - Websites
Tuesday, March 25 - Advertisements
Tuesday, April 1 - Websites/Advertisements (continued)
Tuesday, April 8 - In-class group work, elevator pitch
Tuesday, April 15- Prepare for final competition, Elevator Pitch
Tuesday, April 22- Bring Computer
Tuesday 29 - Final Presentations - Group Competition
Tuesday, May 6 Final Presentations.
Online Twitter Final
If time permits... Medical Ethics -Current healthcare events - Trends - Obama Care - Telephone bills 800 number; International Business/Diversity/Globalization - Debating health care marketing issues; Tool box - Angela Jolie & Brad Pitt - Musical Journey to success - Healthcare Marketing Consulting; Conflict Management & Negotiation - WSJ Group presentations, Telephone bills, Research (you don't anything) - Primary, secondary, Kinesthetic, Business is Changing, Angela Jolie and Brad Pitt, Lemonade stand competition, Public/Group Speaking; Vision; Mantra vs. Mission Statement; Pareto Principle, Late night sales pitch, Branding, positioning, SWOT, Market Research, Individual Market Analysis, Surveys, Buyer Behavior, Musical Journey, What did you learn main concepts?, Cell phone exam on difficult questions, Letterman's top ten list, FaceBook, Craigslist