All Bengal Principals’ Council

Office at: AcharyaGirisChandraBoseCollege ( Formerly BangabasiCollege of Commerce)

35, Raj Kumar Chakraborty Sarani, Kolkata – 700009

Phone: 2350-1426 / 23527741 / Telefax: 2490-8350



Date: 24.1.2011


The Director of Public Instruction

Education Directorate

Government of West Bengal

Bikash Bhawan

Kolkata – 700091

Sub: Special Allowance of Principals and Earned leave Carry forward


Kindly refer to our earlier communication on the above subject. I would like to apprise you of the following facts for your consideration and necessary action:

Regarding Special Allowance of Principals

In 1996 UGC pay revision order (ANNEXURE – I) – there were 2 pay scale for principals viz. a) Principals in Professor’s Grade (16,400-22,400) – whojoined / selected as Principal with minimum 15 years experience in teaching/research. AND b) Principals in Reader’s Grade (12,000-18,300) –whojoined / selected as Principal with minimum 10 years experience in teaching/research. But the State Higher Education Department – vide G.O. No. 118-Edn (CS) DT. 4.2.1999 (ANNEXURE – II) implemented the Pay Scale of Principals in Professor’s Grade – with 2 additional increment - without any discrimination, because principals in West Bengal are appointed having minimum of 15 years teaching/research experience. In 2010, state higher education department has issued an order no 310 – Edn (CS) DT. 28.4.2010 (ANNEXURE – III) prescribing Special Allowance of Rs. 2,000/- pm for UG college principals and Rs. 3,000/- pm for PG college principals – payable w.e.f. 1.4.2010. Whereas, the same department issued order no 434 – Edn (T) Dt. 26.7.2010 – (ANNEXURE - IV) prescribing payment of Special Allowance of Rs. 3,000/- pm for principals of Technical Colleges – payable w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Thus, principals of general degree colleges have become victim of different types of discrimination:

  1. They have been divided into two categories viz. PG college principals and UG college principals – in true sense, they should be termed as PG college principals (as – Principals in the state are recruited having minimum 15 years experience)
  2. Date of effect of payment of special allowance – 1.1.2006 for technical college principals and 1.4.2010 for general degree college principals.
  3. Technical Colleges, however has not been discriminated in to UG and PG
  4. General Degree Colleges, having no principal are being run by Teacher in Charges. They are getting Special Allowance of Rs. 500/- pm from 1.1.2006. Most of them are in the same Pay Band that is of Principals. Naturally, if Pay Fixation point is same – Teacher in Charges will enjoy more financial benefit compared to principals

This is unprecedented in the history of West Bengal. While implementing UGC pay revision order of 1996, Govt. of West Bengal took in to account the actual scenario of principals’ appointment in the state and a single scale of Principals in Professor’s Grade were implemented as they were appointed after at least 15 years of teaching / research experience. We request that taking in to account this historical fact, Special Allowance of Rs. 3,000/- pm to be introduced for all general degree college principals and that toow.e.f 1.1.2006 like principals of technical colleges. We would also request to issue necessary orders so that this Special Allowance is reckoned for calculation of Dearness Allowance in line with Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) payable to Doctors in State Health Services vide ANNEXURE - VII.

Regarding Leave Carry Forward from previous college for in service principals.

When a teacher of a college joins as a principal in another college – he loses his entire accumulated earned leave of his previous college. As principal, he earns 15 days earned leave per year for first 7 years of service and thereafter @ 30 days per year for rest of the years. At present, a teacher/principal can encash accumulated earned leave up to maximum of 300 days. So for a principal, it takes almost 14 years to accumulate 300 days of earned leave – if he does not avail any earned leave as principal. As period of service as principal is limited (upper age limit for recruitment being 55 yrs. and age of superannuation being 60 yrs.) – most of the principals will never be able to accumulate 300 days earned leave – unless – his accumulated earned leave as teacher in previous college – is transferred to his college where he is working as principal. Prior to 2008, a teacher/principal could encash 90 days of earned leave. In August 2008, an order was passed regarding accumulation of earned leave by teachers/principals up to 240 days encashable at the time of retirement. On 3.12.2009, another order was passed regarding accumulation of earned leave by teachers/principals maximum up to 300 days encashable at the time of retirement and transfer of accumulated earned leave of teachers on transfer from one college to another or university. Government has issued order for benefit of teachers and principals. Unfortunately, this has enhanced the disparity between teachers and principals. When they applied for the post of principal, naturally they were not aware of the changes to come in future. This has brought a deep sense of frustration among incumbent principals. Principals, who have been appointed in the same college where they were teacher, however do not suffer from such discrimination. But, as all of the principals of general degree colleges in service have joined prior to December 2009, they are being deprived of this benefit of earned leave transfer and leave encashment up to 300 days. So, it is all the more necessary to modify the order no 762 – Edn (CS) dt 3.12.2009 (ANNEXURE – V) so that an in-service principalas on can transfer his entire accumulated earned leave as teacher from previous college and earned leave is credited @ 30 days per year since the date of joining as principal – because he has already served for at least 15 years as teacher. Again, as principals are now placed in the same pay band with that of a teacher, his financial loss is huge on account of commuted value of earned leave at the time of retirement if he is not extended the benefit of earned leave transfer. All these will have the effect of lesser retirement benefit to principals.

Regarding Initial Fixation point of Principals:

Principals initial (entry level Basic pay) should be Rs. 43,300/- plus two additional increments – otherwise principals joining between 2nd. January to 30th. June will lose one increment and their basic salary will fall below than that what he could have earned as teacher. A G.O. in this respect is necessary.

Expecting a favourable consideration of our appeal.

Sincerely yours,



Encl: Copy of letter submitted to Honourable Finance Minister