743 N. Martin L. King Blvd.
Lansing MI 48915
Office: (517) 485-4722
/ Greater Lansing Homeless Resolution Network
Transitional Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
LCRM Women and Children’s Shelter – Maplewood
2216 S. Cedar St., Lansing
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
I. Call to Order and Confirmation of Quorum
The meeting was called to order at 9:19 a.m. by GLHRN Chair Doris Witherspoon.
II.Welcome and Introductions
Introductions were made and a sign-in sheet was passed around. The following individuals were present:
Susan Cancro (Advent House)Doris Witherspoon (City of Lansing-DPND),
Tiffeny Jimenez (MSU)Don Hooker (Salvation Army-WMNI)
Liza Rios (LSSCM)Gina Aldridge (STVCC)
Mark Criss (LCRM)Pat Wheeler (NCA/LRA)
Angie Mayeaux (Haven House)Joan Jackson Johnson (City of Lansing)
Sara Reed (GLHRN)
- Review and Acceptance of June 28, 2011 minutes
Angie Mayeaux moved to accept the minutes as written. Gina Aldridgeseconded the motion. The motionpassed.
- Analyzing CoC’s Network- Tiffeny Jimenez, doctorate candidate, MSU’s Ecological Community Department
Tiffeny Jimenez has been working with the Power of We Consortium conducting a systems analysis of the Consortium itself, and the other existing coalitions in the area. The study of the connections within and between the coalitions will help determine whether or not they are functioning in a fashion that meets the needs of the community and the coalitions themselves. Will study the relationships by creating a visual map of the coalitions’ networks. Will do so by acquiring lists from each network or coalition to create large roster, and will also be distributing a survey. This could determine if there are policies that help make them function. System change goals include meeting attendance by agencies and overall participation in their respective networks. Mark Criss moved to have GLHRN provide member information to Tiffeny to participate in the study;the motion was seconded by Angie Mayeaux. The motion passed.
- Profile of Homelessness
Joan Jackson Johnson gave the report on the Profile of Homelessness for the Greater Lansing Area/Ingham County. There were issues with errors in the initial report caused by incorrect or lack of data entry by agencies, which was the cause of the delay in the release of the information. HMIS staff is available by appointment to provide technical assistance and data entry. Data highlights include over 1900 positive placements last year, positive increase in incomes, while over 4400 remain homeless, with numbers on the rise-numbers of homeless families in particular. Overall, positive placements have continued to increase. Sub-acute detox has slowed down trends in the chronically homeless. Positive report given current economic conditions; the Network needs to continue to be consistent, collaborate with other organizations, and meet needs across the board. There was a discussion of the possibility of including domestic violence in the report for next year. There was a suggestion of finding ways to remove stigma of drugs/alcohol use in order to increase the likelihood of self-identifying; adding new/edited questions, otherwise current format may skew the numbers. There was continued discussion of the definitions of homelessness, HUD 6 month time frame, client exits, etc. that may also skew data. Mark Criss suggested changing the last sentence of the report by striking
“...even step foot inside a shelter..” and replacing with “..experiencing homelessness..”, so the sentence will read: “Moving forward, the on-going support for local community events such as Project Homeless Connect, which linked more than 300 people with services and resources in 2010, along with a greater emphasis on prevention services, aims to assist individuals and families before they experience homelessness, with the ultimate goal of ending homelessness in our community.” Angie Mayeaux moved to accept the correction to the report. The motion was seconded by Gina Aldridge. The motion passed.
- Committee Reports /Recommendations
- Standing Committees
- Liza Rios – Board Governance Committee
The committee discussed immediate policies and style of governance of the board, its status now and for the future, how the Network would like it to progress (i.e. Do we want a director/board relationship?). Liza researched and presented different models. She will send these to the Coordinator who will forward them to the Board members for further review. Types of governance models: policy models (with immediate policies), constituent and rep, advisory board model, cooperative model (no CEO), etc. The committee decided upon these initial policies: 1. Code of Conduct (conflict of interest, “grievance policy” if code of conduct breeched). 2. Attendance 3. Communication (point of contacts for CoC) 4. Annual Agenda (self-assessment, long term strategic plan, discharge planning) 5. Role of Board (description of jobs) 6. Annual financial report 7. Performance of staff/Coordinator 8. 990 Requirements 9. Appointments to the Board 10. Letters of Support. The committee is asking for Board input. It was suggested to refer to Workforce Development Board or MI Works!, who may have similar governances. Coordinator will seek out Region 7 examples. There was a discussion of which policies will be voted on at the Board, if they go to the Board, etc. Also, the appropriateness of having an executive director. Comments were made regarding transition of the Network and passing on unfinished tasks/charges to the new Board, committee leaders, coordinator, etc.
The next Board Governance meeting will be held August 29, 2011 3:00pm-4:00pm, Maplewood Center
- Angie Mayeaux - Quality Improvement
No meeting was held in July, but there has been a meeting with Matt Stevenson and QI committee members discussing their strategy, MSHDA ESG grant, etc. Have not set a date for next meeting because the committee is trying to have CACS attend.
- Gina Aldridge - Human Services Committee
No meeting was held this month due to chairperson illness. Next meeting will include the group doing SWOT analysis on youth, individuals, etc. From these, the committee will developrecommendations and push to the Board. The committee trying to get DHS, CMH, hospitals, etc. to come to the table. If there is a need for daycare, ask human services.
The next meeting will be August 10, 2011, 8:30am, at Community Mental Health.
- Bill Ruterbusch - Finance Committee
No report.
- Sue Shoultz - Membership Committee
Survey returned 37 responses of 100 distributed. Overwhelming desire for best practices, networking opportunities at Network meetings, and stress management. The committee is stressing the need to be effective in communicating information. It was suggested giving a format to each Network meeting presenter, potentially on GLHRN website.
The next meeting will be held August 3, 2011, 11:00am at Advent House.
- Ad-Hoc Committees
- Pat Wheeler – Community Connect (formerly Project Homeless Connect)
Committees continue to meet. Pat met with people at the city who are working on save the date, provider registration forms, etc. Forms have gone to appropriate committees. An entire CC committee meeting TBD. Joan Jackson Johnson will be coordinating MSU volunteers; already has 3 departments committed to lending people. Logistics sub-committee will soon go to the former Armory to planning purposes. The chairperson and Coordinator are encouraging the individual committee meetings and participation. The committee has discussed trying to use the second floor this year, and also getting air conditioning.
- Susan Cancro – Coordinator Training & Support
Pat Wheeler and the Coordinator met to provide updates and feedback on Coordinator projects. Committee has not formed to date. Discussions continue regarding the job, priorities, etc. The Coordinator will begin giving reports at the Board meetings; to be added on the agenda.
- Bill Ruterbusch - Point-in-Time
Bill was not present. Joan Jackson Johnson confirmed Point-In-Time will be the 3rd Wednesday in January due to it being the “coldest day of the year”.
- 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness
All 83 applications were accepted for 10YP. It was suggested to create ad-hoc committee/advisory committee to discuss this, come up with quantitative data, and reassess goals as a Network. Angie Mayeaux, Gina Aldridge,Joan Jackson Johnson, and Doris Witherspoon volunteered to gather info, etc. before the next Board meeting to get this started. There was a discussion of renaming the 10YP. PWC interested in the Network’s work on 10YP, and Peggy Roberts would prefer to be kept informed of the Network’s progress.
- Additional Discussion
Don Hooker from Salvation Army in Grand Rapids gave a perspective of single point of entry. “One stop shop.” Clients getting services in the first location visited. Although, there are issues with DHS and meeting goals. There was a discussion regarding this and case examples from various agencies were given. How it works and the philosophy of it continue to be debated.
- Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:21 a.m.
The next GLHRN Transitional Board meeting will be held Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 9:00-10:30am at Maplewood Center
Respectfully Submitted by
Sara Reed, GLHRN Coordinator
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