Surrey Stop Smoking Service

2 Day Advisor Training,

The Greenark, Stoke Park, Guildford, GU1 1HB

Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11thJune 2014 from 9.30am to 4.30pm

This free, intensive 2 day training programme covers basic skills in setting up One to One Stop Smoking support, and providing competent behavioural and pharmacological treatment for dependent smokers. There is emphasis on practical details of available treatment options. Participants will gain confidence in using basic individual support methods for adults, how to handle nicotine replacement treatments and feel confident advising on Varenicline (Champix) and Bupropion (Zyban).

Following this training, participants will gain certification as an NHS Surrey Stop Smoking Advisor. Subsequently those who work for or are commissioned by NHS Surrey Stop Smoking Service can,if they wish, undertake the on-line Nationally recognised NCSCT (National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training Certification) which leads to National Accreditation.

In order to receive confirmation of your place on this training you will need to evidence that you have read and completed the ‘Training Needs Analysis’ on the NCSCT website, please read instructions on the reverse of this flyer.

It is essential to attend both days. Please note that lunch will beprovided

To book your place please fill in the form below and return it to the FREEPOST address provided.


I would like to attend the Stop Smoking Advisor training at The Greenark, Stoke Park, Guildford,

GU1 1HB on Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11thJune 2014 from 9.30am – 4.30pm

Name ………………………………..………………………Position:…………………………………….

Work Address…………………………………………………………………………………………


E-mail...... ……….Tel ……………………………………

Home Address……………………………………………………………………………………….

………………………...... …………………………Tel …………………………………….

Course confirmation to be sent: Work Home

Line Manager/ Team Leader…………………………………………………………………………...

Line Manager/ Team LeaderSignature………………………………………………………………..

Please specify special dietary requirements …………………………………………………......

Please return this slip to: Surrey Stop Smoking Service, FREEPOST RSUZ-KLKR-ELKK,

Quadrant Court, Woking, Surrey, GU22 7QQ. Or email to

Phone: 01483 519616 or Fax 01483 517608

Registration with the NCSCT Training

and Assessment Programme

1. You can access the NCSCT Training and Assessment Programme from the NCSCT website:

Contact should you experience any difficulties logging in.

2. When registering with the NCSCT the following information is required:

■ Name and contact details

■ Age and gender

■ Name of employer

■ Your role and length of time in it

■ Your profession

■ When you received training and update training for your role

■ Whether you take the lead on providing a service to specific groups of smokers

Note: Please make sure that you have this information available before you register

with the NCSCT

3. Once registered you will take a brief Training Needs Analysis which is made up of 25 multiple choice questions. Most people take about 30 minutes to complete this and it must be taken in one sitting. If you do not take the Training Needs Analysis as part of your registration, you will be prompted to take it the next time that you log into the Training and Assessment Programme.

Note: If you leave your browser idle for more than 30 minutes, your session will

time out and you will need to restart the assessment from the beginning.

Please kindly print off a copy of your Training Needs Analysis (TNA) results and send them back to us with your completed booking form in order to secure your place on the course.

Once you have completed the TNA, for those of you who wish to gain NCSCT nationally recognised part accreditation, you can undertake the on-line competence-based Stage 1 Assessment. Please be aware that you will need to allow 6-8 hours study time in total to complete the whole course.