Part 1
- Chair of Committee
- Minutes to be taken and distributed by
- Apologies
- Present (To be quorate, committees must have 3 or more members present)
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interests
- Matters arising from last meeting
- Adopt and sign minutes of last meeting
- Pupil number predictions
- Health and safety review actions
Velux window
Display Energy Certificate
- Deputy head teacher leadership and management time
- Insurance
- Agree the 2016-17 budget and three year budget
- School meals
- Earmarked funds
- Any other Business (Please inform the Chair at the beginning of the meeting)
- Date and time of next meeting:
Part 1
- Claire Carman
- Tracy Weaver
- Stella TudorSarah Barlow
- Paul SweetnamNigel Briers
Craig HughesSuzanne Smith
Tom WrightClaire Carman
- None
- No matters arising
- Minutes were adopted and signed by Claire Carman. Tracy to put onto website.
- The prediction for September is 141 which includes 15 reception children and several In-Year admissions.
- Velux Window
There is frequently a nasty smell in the practical area by the junior toilets due to there being no natural ventilation. It is hoped that by replacing the skylight with an opening velux window that this problem will be alleviated.Graham to obtain 3 quotes for the supply and fitting of a velux window in the practical area by the junior toilets.
Display Energy Certificate
It is a statutory obligation for us to have an Advisory Report and have a DEC displayed in a prominent place. Failure to comply could result in a fine. Tracy to compare the cost of this through ChESS and other recommended suppliers and arrange for the work to be completed as soon as possible.
- The revised budget papers include the salary for Julie Eccles for 1 day per week (1/9/16 - 31/8/17) and is included in the 3 year plan. However, the role is subject to affordability and will be reviewed annually. This appointment will allow Stella Tudor to have some deputy head teacher leadership and management time. This will be ‘offset’ against the funding that we had originally set aside for an admin apprentice.
Question from Governors:Why have you decided not to appoint an apprentice?
Answer:The idea of an apprentice was to free up time so that Tracy Weaver could spend more time working on the website, finance and clerking. Streamlining procedures such as outsourcing the school uniform have eased the admin workload and future developments such as the introduction of a texting service and online payments will ease this even further. An apprentice would need a lot of support and it was felt that this would be difficult this year.
- Insurance – Tracy outlined the cover provided by the ChESS Buildings and EARs Contents Insurances and highlighted some exclusions/items not covered;
- Malicious damage – i.e vandalism to windows or any damage to doors and other fixtures that occur during a break-in,
- Theft of metal, i.e. theft of lead from roofs, theft of copper piping and any consequent damage that may result from such thefts,
- Escape of water – i.e. from burst pipes
- Maintenance Issues
- Subsidence
EARS (Education All Risks Scheme) – Contents Cover
- Equipment acquired under a finance lease agreement i.e. Photocopier
- Mobile devices such as iPads
- Equipment Outside the building i.e. fencing, gates, goal posts and other fixed play equipment
- Equipment loaned to pupils
There are three options for schools to consider funding such uninsured losses:
- From the school’s maintenance budget
- From a fund specifically set aside by the school for such losses
- Consider taking out insurance with the Council’s property insurers, Zurich Municipal. This would require a direct approach from the school.
The governors agreed that any uninsured contents losseswill be funded by the school budgetbut requested thatTracy Weaver obtains a quote from Zurich Municipal for a ‘Balance of Risks’ insurance policy so that this can be considered.
- The 2016-17 budget and 3 year budget was approved.
Question from Governors: What is LCHI and how is the funding calculated?
Answer: It uses prior attainment data and pupils who attract this funding will not necessarily correlate with those who currently receive SEN funding. Tracy to obtain details ofthe formula used to calculate this funding and present it at the next meeting.
Question from Governors: Do we need to purchase maternity, redundancy and LTS insurances?
Answer: Yes. We do not have any problem with short term illness but have had several incidences of LTS that this insurance has been very worthwhile.
- Cheshire East Catering is increasing their school meal price by 10p per meal with effect from September. It was agreed that we should raise our price by 10p too to £2.35. Tracy to update the website.
- If we are aiming to achieve ‘good’ this year, completing the Governor Training Needs Analysis is essential. We appear to be on track but there are some tasks that our still outstanding; Governor TNA and Admin Handbook. Craig Hughes to complete the Governor TNA and present the analysis at the next meeting. Tracy to develop an Admin Handbook by the end of Autumn Term.
- We successfully created 3 x Earmarked Reserves from the 2015-16 budget; £3.5K for extensive exterior renovation and cyclical and preventative maintenance requiring the hiring of external contractors e.g. 5 Year Fixed Electrical Test, £3k for cyclical maintenance of IT equipment and £4k for SENCO training, development of distributed role, RQTdevelopment and improving the quality of teaching – appointment of external advisor.
Question from Governors: Why did we need to do this?
Answer: These are projects contained in our SDIP and because our carry forward for 2015-16 was slightly higher than predicted, we could potentially have been in a ‘clawback’ situation. This was undertaken to ‘safeguard’ our funds.
- SIP/Independent Advisor – the governors confirmed Fiona Burke-Jackson as our SIP for 2016/17 and agreed that Paul Sweetnam could appoint Fiona Burke-Jackson as required as Independent Advisor.
School Fund Audit – the governors agreed that Ken Wallington could be used again this year.
- October 17th @ 5pm.
Signed: Claire Carman
Date: 17th October 2016
Action Point / Action / By Whom / When7 / Put Spring Term Minutes onto website / Tracy Weaver / 8th July 2016
9 / Obtain 3 quotes for the supply and fitting of a velux window in the practical area by the junior toilets. / Graham Innes / September 2016
9 / Compare the cost of DEC/AR (Display Energy Certificate and Advisory Report) through ChESS and other recommended suppliers and arrange for the work to be completed as soon as possible. / Tracy Weaver / September 2016
11 / Obtain a quote from Zurich Municipal for a Balance of Risks insurance policy / Tracy Weaver / September 2016
12 / Obtain details of the LCHI formula used to calculate this funding in our 2016-17 budget and present it at the next meeting. / Tracy Weaver / Next Meeting
13 / Update school meal price on the website / Tracy Weaver / September 2016
14 / Complete the Governor TNA and present the analysis at the next meeting. / Craig Hughes
14 / Develop an Admin Handbook / Tracy Weaver / End of Autumn Term