WXES3204 Kejuruteraan Perisian

Semester 2, Sesi 2002/2003


Matric Number:

Instructions to the candidate:

Circle the right answer. Do not use a pencil.

  1. Software deteriorates rather than wears out because
  1. Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments
  2. Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often
  3. Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interactions
  4. Software spare parts become harder to order
  1. Modern CASE tools are more important than the newest hardware for achieving good software quality and productivity.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. Which of these items should be used to select a software process framework?
  1. People
  2. Product
  3. Project
  4. All of the above
  1. The prototyping model of software development is
  1. A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.
  2. A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly.
  3. The best approach to use for projects with large development teams.
  4. A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product.
  1. The incremental model of software development is
  1. A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.
  2. A good approach when a working core product is required quickly.
  3. The best approach to use for projects with large development teams.

d. A revolutionary model that is not used for commercial products

  1. The best project team organizational model to use when tackling extremely difficult problems is the
  1. controlled centralized model
  2. controlled decentralized model
  3. democratic decentralized model
  4. chief programmer team model
  1. The major areas of problem decomposition during the project scoping activity are the
  1. customer work flow
  2. functionality to be delivered
  3. process used to deliver functionality
  4. answers b and c
  1. Which factor is the least important when choosing the organizational structure for a software team?
  1. degree of communication desired
  2. predicted size of the resulting program
  3. rigidity of the delivery date
  4. size of the project budget
  1. Organizations that achieve high levels of maturity in people management have a higher likelihood of implementing effective software engineering processes.
  1. True
  2. False
  1. An effective risk management plan will need to address which of the following issues?
  1. risk avoidance
  2. risk monitoring
  3. contingency planning
  4. all of the above
  1. Process-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on
  1. information domain values and data objects
  2. project schedule and milestones
  3. software functions and process activities
  4. none of the above

12. Project management is less important for modern software development

since most projects are successful and completed on time.

a. True
b. False