Support & Advocacy Committee 2014 Report

Nova Scotia Division RCMP Veterans’ Association


The past year (2014) saw the continued expansion of the efforts of the Support and Advocacy Committee into the Regions of the Nova Scotia Division. This was achieved through five initiatives:

1. Participation and delivery of presentations at late spring “Roadshow” meetings in Kentville, Truro, Pugwash, Port Hawkesbury, Sydney, Bridgewater, Yarmouth, and Middleton.

2. Delivery of VAC Workshops in Sydney and Yarmouth (May and October), with a total of 55 Veterans, Associate members and spouses attending.

3. Delivery of VAC Workshops for Serving RCMP at RCMP HQ in Halifax area (June and November), with a total of 72 Regular members of the RCMP, Civilian Members, spouses and retired non-Association members attending.

4. Developing the concept of “Regional Consultants” within each of the NS Division’s Regions and providing two training sessions (May and September) for 20 Consultants from 8 Regions.

5. Providing documents and information to populate the new NS RCMP Veterans’ Association website with references for the Membership, including web-links and items of current interest (commenced summer of 2014 with input continuing).


The contacts made by the Membership with the Committee members and Consultants increased in 2014. As more individuals receive accurate knowledge, approaches and support, the Membership is increasingly becoming aware of the entitlements available should they qualify for VAC pensions and Allowances, for the Canada Revenue Agency Disability Tax Credit and other income tax Medical Deductions, and for other support programs for themselves, spouses, friends and family. Each successful application provides the confidence for the Members to move forward to ensure they receive the full coverage which may apply to their own situation. Casual conversations at “coffee mornings” more often now turn to sharing of those experiences; the news spreads and gives others the incentive to seek out the same advantages for themselves.

The 2014 Support & Advocacy Activity Report Indicates that a total of 213 persons were assisted by the Committee and/or Consultants in the past 12 months. This is a 41% increase over the same number from 2013 when there was a report only from the nine-person Committee itself. Within the short time period from their initial training in May and September, five of the Consultants also reported numbers in late November.

Of the current total number of 213 persons assisted, there was an increase of over 93% of the numbers of currently serving RCMP who accessed the services of the Committee, growing from 16 in 2013 to 31 persons this past year. This is likely a direct result of the VAC Workshops conducted at RCMP HQ and also the fact that serving members were encouraged to attend the Workshops held elsewhere in the Province. The absence of such sessions within the “working” environment has caused some to use the services provided by the Veterans’ Association.

Additional numbers came from new categories such as Military personnel and the extended family of Members. The Out of Province numbers of persons served continues to represent a portion of the count, as they often indicate that they cannot receive the service in their own area.

Types of assistance continued to remain primarily in the category of Initial VAC Application; 92 persons were assisted here – and increase of 19% over 2013. Referrals to Audiologists represented over 18% of the reported “Actions”; this is not surprising as a local audiologist has been one of the principal presenters at the VAC workshops over the past couple of years. While not all referrals for hearing, tinnitus and hyperacusis testing have been to that one practitioner, suffice it to say that the information delivered during that part of the Workshop has inspired many to move forward with their applications. During the past three years, the Committee has made a total of 188 referrals to audiologists for the Membership and other persons have gone ahead on their own during the Workshops to make immediate contact and book their appointments on the spot.

Other Referrals to Psychologists increased by 92% as the Committee were able to develop contacts with practising psychologists who would take on clients, primarily for PTSD and related conditions.

As the Membership have been more actively seeking VAC pensions and allowances over the past years, it also follows that in many cases, it has become timely to seek the next type of Allowance applicable or to periodically request Reassessments of both the pensions and allowances – many of those have resulted in the increase in both the VAC disability pension and in the change to a higher level of Attendance Allowance and Exceptional Incapacity Allowance. In 2014, 20% of the Committee and Consultants “Actions” involved providing assistance towards these reassessments or assessments after the establishment of the allowances’ thresholds.

The Association continues to provide Bereavement Assistance to the Membership and families. During 2014, there were at least 29 incidents of providing the Pall, Stand and Flag and an Honor Guard during services and visitations and in at least seven (7) instances, more in-depth assistance was given to surviving family members in working through the Post-Death notifications and estate requirements. Usage of the Pall and Flag has increased dramatically since the 2013 issuance of each to each Region.

One type of assistance provided has been the information related to the Canada Revenue Agency Disability Tax Credit. In 2014, 42 persons were assisted with this process – and increase of 121% over the previous year. This particular credit is applicable to any tax-payer and is not related to RCMP service or VAC criteria – hence it has also benefited many spouses and other family members of former Regular Members. It broadens the scope of benefits that the Committee presents.

Over the past three years, there have been seven (7) VAC Workshops presented to the Membership in NS with a total of 316 in attendance. This year alone, there were 127 persons at the four (4) sessions.

Support & Advocacy Committee: At the end of 2014, the Committee welcomed the addition of new members, following the decisions by Murray Brown and Garry McCay to step down from their involvement after being valued members for some time. In their place, Phil Scharf, Brian Flangan and Les Kakonyi joined Committee members Gary Grant, Wayne Maxwell, Keith Sherwood, Phil Young, and Co-directors Vic Gorman and Jan Gorman.

Regional Consultants in place since May and September 2014 include:

Metro: Phil Scharf, Lindy Glenn, Greg McGrath

Colchester/East Hants: Graham Geddes, Gary Bishop, Allan Wellwood, Lee Fraser, Gerry Tucker

Valley: Don LeGrow, David Cunningham, James Arsenault, Baxter Upshall, Ralph Pietersma

Northumberland: Chris Paley, Dave McGrath

Cape Breton: John Ryan, Don Peters

South Shore: Jim Kelley

North East: Tom Bennett

Yarmouth: Stephanie Patey

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