LSC 40015 Module Handbook 01/10/18


LSC 40015

Research Training Shell 2


2013 - 2014

Module Manager: Professor T.J. Greenhough

Keele Campus, Huxley 201

Tel: (7)33405

Research Training Shell 2 (LSC40015)

Module Manager:Professor T.J. Greenhough

Credits: 10 (Generic)


The aims of this course are to encourage research students to further develop and consolidate successful strategies for the oral and written presentation and dissemination of their research plans and results and for the critical appreciation and evaluation of the results of other researchers.

Learning outcomes:

At the conclusion of the module successful students will, at a level appropriate to year 2 of a PhD programme, be able to:

1.Present their research results clearly, coherently and succinctly in talks and seminars

2.Prepare and deliver presentations at levels appropriate to target audiences

3.Defend their research results and objectives in both small groups and larger meetings

4.Prepare and present critical reviews of selected relevant published works

5.Prepare a synopsis of their research project in the form of a skeleton thesis

6.Formulate a strategy to bring the research project to successful completion within the appropriate timescale.


This module is to be taken by second year (equivalent PT) Research students only and is compulsory for those registered in ISTM prior to Augst 1st 2013. Entry requirements: Doctoral Progression. Prerequisites LSC 40014.

Summary of Assessment:

Formal assessment of the module, by the Lead Supervisor, will be by portfolio, with the student’s Learning Plan/PDLP submitted alongside. The assessment is subject to confirmation by ISTM PG Committee. At the conclusion of the module, the student will present a brief portfolio summarizing their activities and containing evidence of completion of all elements of the module. In-course formative assessment will take place for each presentation and for the report containing the skeleton thesis and the timetable for completion. See below for details.


To be completed within year 2 (FT), with submission of the portfolio after approximately 22 months (pro rata PT). Due to the nature of the module the twelve-month period (FT) need not coincide with the academic year.

Summary of Content:

Attending seminars within the RI, the Research theme and the Research group; preparing, presenting and defending their results through talks within the RI, the Research theme and the Research group as appropriate; preparing a second year report containing only an outline of their research in the form of a skeleton thesis and a summary and timetable of the work required to bring the research to a successful conclusion within the allocated time; presenting summaries of selected relevant published works and leading discussions of their impact and relevance; discussing with their peers the progress, potential, aims and objectives of their research; discussing their oral and written performance in assessment and feedback interviews with their supervisory team.

Guidelines for Activities:

All of these activities will usually take place in the research group/theme/Institute or Site context under the guidance of the supervisory team.

  • Approximately 5 hours delivering presentations.
  • Approximately 26 hours preparing presentations.
  • Approximately 30 hours attending seminars and presentations
  • Approximately 19 hours preparing a report containing a skeleton thesis and plan/timetable for completion
  • Approximately 6 hours in assessment/feedback sessions
  • Approximately 14 hours in discussion groups


Each time an activity relevant to LSC 40015 is completed, you should enter brief details in the relevant module section in your Personal Development and Learning Plan (recent registrations) or your Learning Plan (Pt 2).

1.Attendance (including active participation) and presentations when appropriate at:

  • RI PG talks (In ISTM, presentation at the annual ISTM PG symposium)
  • Journal Clubs
  • Seminars
  • Group Meetings
  • Research Theme meetings
  • Research Institute workshops and other meetings

2. Second year report, containing only the Skeleton thesis and timetable for completion.

  • The overall layout of the skeleton thesis should be according to planned chapter headings with 100-200 word summaries of each chapter
  • The timetable for completion should contain an indication of work completed and details of work still to be performed, including writing-up and submission, in the form of a timetable for completion. Target dates should be realistic

It is important to note that there are no rigid guidelines as to the numbers of presentations which must be given or attended. It would, however, be expected that seminars, talks, group/theme/site meetings etc will be attended on a regular basis (to give a total of around 40-50 hours attendance) and that at least one seminar in the group/theme/RI context and one or two presentations within Journal clubs will be completed. Most students will surpass these minimum requirements by a considerable margin.

Each time a presentation is made, the report and feedback form (attached for information; electronic copies available on the ISTM web site or directly from the Secretary to the ISTM PG Committee ()) must be completed and submitted to the Secretary to the ISTM PG Committee ()


Formal assessment of the module will be by portfolio, with the student’s Learning Plan/PDLP submitted alongside. The 10 associated credits for successful completion of the module form part of the 60 credits which must be accumulated for completion. You should submit (e-mail and hard copy) your portfolio and Learning Plan/PDLP to the Secretary to the PG Committee () after approximately 22 months FT (pro rata PT) study.

In-course formative assessment will take place for each presentation given, with (in ISTM) the Advisor (or nominated substitute) completing a report and feedback form (attached for information; electronic copies available on the ISTM web site or directly from the Secretary to the PG Committee ()). Assessment for students from other RIs will also use the standard forms but will be carried out by the Lead supervisor or their nominee.

The brief portfolio will summarise activities and contain evidence that all required elements have been satisfactorily completed (eg copies of presentations, list of seminars attended, the Student's learning plan/PDLP etc). It will therefore contain all report and feedback forms, the skeleton thesis and the plan for completion. The portfolio will be assessed (pass/fail) by the Lead Supervisor, subject to confirmation by ISTM PG Committee,and the result will be entered in the Learning Plan / PDLP.

The portfolio should not be an extended piece of work which duplicates information on training activities undertaken held in the Learning Plan/PDLP.

LSC 40015 Module Handbook 01/10/18


LSC 40015

Research Training Shell 2

In-course formative assessment and feedback

(Presentations, second year report)

This form, available electronically from the Secretary to the Postgraduate Committee () and the ISTM web, is to be used throughout the ISTM Research Training module LSC 40015 (Research Training Shell 2,compulsory for those registered before August 1st 2013) for presentations at events such as seminars, talks, journal clubs and group meetings, and for formative assessment of the second year report containing the skeleton thesis and the timetable for completion.

You will also need to make an entry in your Learning plan/PDLP under LSC 40015 not only for these elements of 40015, but also for each attendance at a presentation, seminar, meeting or Journal club. For further details of required elements, see the Module Handbook.

Successful completion of the Module and gaining of the 10 associated credits (the accumulation of 60 credits is a requirement of completion for those registered before August 1st2013) depends on completion of this form and its inclusion in the portfolio. See the Module Handbook for details of assessment and the portfolio.

The form has two short sections. The first is to be completed by the Advisor (in ISTM) or their nominated substitute for presentations and for the second year report. In other RIs assessments will also use the standard form but will be carried out by the Lead supervisor or their nominee. The second is an agreed statement (if any) following a feedback interview between the assessor and the Student.

Following completion the assessor should return the form electronically to Lisa Cartlidge and the Student should retain a copy for inclusion in their 40015 portfolio. In ISTM, if the advisor is away on leave, or is unable to attend a particular seminar/talk etc, please enter the name of the colleague who will act in your place. Please note that the report should be made available to the student prior to the feedback interview. Lisa will copy the completed report to the Lead supervisor.

The form available electronically from the Secretary to the Postgraduate Committee () and the ISTM web must be completed "on-line" and distributed electronically

This form is available electronically from Lisa Cartlidge or the ISTM Web site


LSC 40015 Research Training Shell 2

In-course formative assessment and feedback

(Presentations, second year report)

SECTION Ato be completed electronically by the Advisor (in ISTM) or Lead supervisor (other RIs). (or nominated substitute)

E-mail to student on completion and arrange feedback interview

LSC 40015






(Nominated Substitute)

Date & Nature of the activity (eg seminar with location and title, presentation in Journal Club, second year report)

Assessor’s comments on activity (presentation, second year report):
Signed / Date:

SECTION BCompleted form (e-mail + signed hard copy) to Lisa Cartlidge.

Student retain copy for portfolio update Learning Plan/PDLPas appropriate.

Feedback Interview / Date:
Agreed Comments (if any):
Signed: / Assessor / Student


LSC 40015

Research Training Shell 2

Module (Portfolio) Assessment and feedback

This form, available electronically from the Secretary to the ISTM Postgraduate Committee () is to be used by the Lead Supervisor for assessment of the Portfolio associated with the ISTM Research Training module LSC 40015, Research Training Shell 2(compulsory for those registered before August 1st 2013).

Successful completion of the Module and gaining of the 10 associated credits (the accumulation of 60 credits is a requirement of completion for those registered before August 1st2013) depends on completion of this form and its inclusion in the portfolio. See the Module Handbook for details of assessment and the portfolio.

Following completion the assessor should return the form electronically to Lisa Cartlidge who will forward a copy to the ISTM Director of Postgraduate Research for consideration by ISTM Postgraduate Committee. Copies should also be sent to the student and (in ISTM) the Advisor.

DETAILS of the PORTFOLIO and ASSESSMENT (see Module Handbook for full details)

The student should submit (e-mail and hard copy) the portfolio and Learning Plan/PDLP to the Secretary to the PG Committee () after approximately 22 months FT study. This will initiate the assessment process. The portfolio should not be an extended piece of work which duplicates information on training activities held in the Learning Plan/PDLP.

The brief portfolio will therefore summarise activities and contain evidence that all required elements have been satisfactorily completed (eg copies of presentations, lists of seminars/meetings attended, the Student's learning plan/PDLP etc). It will also contain all report and feedback forms for presentations given (see module handbook), and the Second year report (Skeleton thesis and timetable for completion) and assessment. The portfolio is to be assessed (pass/fail) by the Lead Supervisor, subject to confirmation by ISTM PG Committee. The result will be entered in the Learning Plan/PDLP.

There are no rigid guidelines as to the numbers of presentations which must be given or attended. It would, however, be expected that seminars, talks, group/theme/site meetings etc will be attended on a regular basis (to give a total of around 40-50 hours attendance) and that at least one seminar in the group/theme/RI context and one or two presentations within Journal clubs will be completed. Most students will surpass these minimum requirements by a considerable margin.


LSC 40015 Research Training Shell 2

Module (Portfolio) assessment and feedback

To be completed electronically by the Lead Supervisor. E-mail to student, Advisor (in ISTM) and Lisa Cartlidge (+ hard copy) on completion

LSC 40015






Element (see module handbook) / Completed / Assessment
Presentations / Pass Fail
Seminar etc attendance / Pass Fail
Second year report / Pass Fail
Overall Module Assessment / Pass Fail
Lead Supervisor’s Comments (including any work to be completed):
Signed / (Lead Supervisor) / Date
Postgraduate Committee Comments (including any work to be completed):
Date of Meeting: / Module Assessment / Pass Fail
Signed / (Director of PG Research) / Date