KingwoodParkHigh School

American Sign Language II

1st 6 Weeks Lesson Plans

August 23rd – August 27th

Monday, August 23rd

Pass out Syllabus and go over rules and expectations

Tuesday, August 24th

1.) Bell Ringer – Compare and Contrast and ASL I Student to an ASL II Student. What should an ASL II student “look like” (mention signing skills, voice behavior, etc.)?

2.) Students will need to get in groups between 3 and 5 (at least 3 students in a group, but no more than 5 to a group).
3.) Each group will have butcher paper to draw an outline of a body. Then show what an ASL II student is supposed to “look like“. (For Example - A. Drawing Big Eyes on the face to represent better receptive skills B. A solid color shirt to show signing hands better C. A big heart to show love for the Deaf Culture). Students should be really creative and think of as many “body parts” as possible. Then each group will present their “ASL II student” to the class and I will teach them body part signs on Friday. Ideally, I would like each student to have a different color marker to show their contribution, but if this is too hard then please don’t worry about it.

Block Day, August 25th & 26th

1.)Do you remember the 5 parameters of ASL? List them!

2.)Tape “ASL II Student” around campus

3.)5th – Unit 1-5 stations. ASL III kids and myself will each be in charge of a unit and the student will be in groups, going around to every person so they get review practice at all units. Chris – Practice role play with each other, Jessica – Blind game (students are in teams, 1 closes eyes and other open. Jessica will FS a word and the others put their hands on them and they try and guess the word), Katie – races at board, Jordan – Ninja ASL

4.)6th - Have different students volunteer to come to the front and do practice quizzes. ASL II students need to review what we have done so far so have them pull out a scratch sheet of paper. The students at the front will sign (they may sign one word or sentences) and the other students write on there piece of scratch paper what was signed, then have student go over what he/she signed so the others can correct themselves.

Friday, August 27th

1.) bell Ringer – Same as ASL I

2.)Present “ASL II Student”

3.)Pass out a Place for Grace book copies. You may either read the story, pick a student to read the book, or have the students take turns on each page reading. Please tell them that Ms. Anderson said, “Although this is a children’s book and is definitely below your reading level, it is cute and does share some valuable information about hearing guide dogs”.

4.)After reading the book have students fill out the worksheet that goes along with it.

KingwoodParkHigh School

American Sign Language I

Lesson Plans

August 30th – September 4th

Monday, August 30th

1.)Bell Ringer – Why do you think the Government makes High School students take 2 years of a foreign language?

2.)Vote on David Letterman’s Top 10 List – “Top 10 Reasons for Learning American Sign Language”

3.)Then Present “Benefits for Learning a Second Language” Powerpoint (It is in the ASL II - Class Setup folder)

4.) Write Letter on Sheet of Notebook Paper and turn in

5.) Go over fingerspelling basics PowerPoint with the students

6.) Have students get into pairs/groups and pass out the fingerspelling block sheets.

Students will use the "shape" of the letter to figure out words that could fit in

the boxes. This teaches them to pay attention to the configuration of a

fingerspelled word and gives them practice looking for it in pairs. This gets the

students back into the swing of things for looking at the "whole word" in

fingerspelling and not relying on letter by letter.I will use project how much time. I put up 10 mins and at the 5

minute mark they will flip the paper upside-down.After every group has

had every piece, total how many words they were able to come up with and

give the winning group a new pencil. Hopefully it's teaching them to look at the

whole word as a picture and not letter by letter.

Tuesday, September 31st

1.)Bell Ringer –Welcome back to the Official start of ASL! How much do you remember? Ask a partner 3 of these questions and you will each then present one as an introduction of your partner. A. Your name what? B. Summer vacation, you do what? C. Last year, ASL you like?

2.)Finish FS basics Powerpoint

3.)Configuration boxes

4.)Start Unit 5 – Vocabulary “School Locations”, “Football”, and “Vice President”

5.)Classroom Exercise A

Block Day, September 1st & 2nd

1.)Bell Ringer –

2.)Sports Vocab

Friday, September 3rd

1.)Bell Ringer –

2.)Roleplay Ex. D and E

KingwoodParkHigh School

American Sign Language I

Lesson Plans

September 6th – September 10th

Monday, September 6th

Tuesday, September 7th

Block Day, September 8th & 9th

Friday, September 10th

KingwoodParkHigh School

American Sign Language I

Lesson Plans

September 13th – September 17th

Monday, September 13th

1.)Bell Ringer – Do you remember Units 1-5 well? Do you want more of a review?

2.)Assign Group Project – Due Sept 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 14th

1.) Bell Ringer – What are the Deaflympics?

Block Day, September 15th & 16th

Friday, September 17th

KingwoodParkHigh School

American Sign Language I

Lesson Plans

September 20th – September 25th

Monday, September 20th

Go to Computer Lab to Work on Group Projects!

Tuesday, September 21th

Present Group Projects!

Block Day, September 22nd & 23rd

1.)Bell Ringer –

2.)Finish Presenting Group Projects!

Friday, September 24th

Bell Ringer