Sermon Discussion Guide

Sermon Title / “Noah Walked With God”
Scripture / Genesis 6-9

Key Verse(s): “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time… ‘Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.’” -Genesis 6.5 & 8.21b (NIV)

Summary: In these three chapters of Genesis, we read of Noah, the man with whom God found favor while the rest of the world was evil and corrupt. When God decided to destroy all the creatures He created, Noah and his family were spared because he obeyed God. After the flood, God made a covenant with the earth never to destroy it again.

Discussion Starters: Do you find this story difficult to comprehend? Why do you think that the flood and obliteration of humanity is often left out of this story? Can you imagine how you would feel if you were Noah?

Read and Discuss

1 Samuel 15.22 & John 15.9-11 – God commanded people to obey all throughout the scriptures, and the orders He gave were often difficult. What does Samuel say about obeying God? According to Jesus’ words in John, how will our lives be fuller if we obey? Jesus was also told to obey God. What would have been the consequences had chosen not to?

Genesis 6.22 & 7.5 – Throughout Noah’s story, God asked him to do what people in Noah’s time (and ours for that matter), considered outrageous. What kind of mockery do you think Noah may have suffered while He obeyed God? Now read Matthew 5.11-12. When we may be belittled or marginalized for our beliefs and actions thereon, where can we find encouragement? How can we hearten one another as we journey on our Christian walks, striving to obey God?

Zechariah 7.9 – In scripture we often see the tension between justice and mercy. These words were spoken by God to Zechariah regarding people’s treatment toward one another. (Without creating divisive conversation!), what have you learned about your own bent toward justice or mercy this week? God wrestled with this, too, and ultimately made a way for perpetual mercy in Jesus.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for walking with us. Thank you for the covenant you made with Noah and the new covenant we have in Jesus. Help us as we strive to obey. Amen.

Things I’d like to remember from this week’s sermon:


Prayer Requests:
