1. What is this organelle and what process occurs in it?


Cellular respiration

  1. What is this organelle and what process occurs in it?



  1. What is the equation for cellular respiration?


C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6 H2 O + 36 ATP

glucose oxygen enzymes carbon water energy

  1. What is the equation for photosynthesis?


6CO2 + 6 H2O + Sun C6 H12 O6 + 6O2

carbon water energy enzymesglucose oxygen


  1. What is the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis?

They both transform energy

The reactants of one equal the products of the other (flipped


  1. What are the two types of cellular respiration?

Anaerobic (without oxygen)-yeast and some bacteria

Aerobic (needs oxygen)-animals and plants

  1. What are the two kinds of anaerobic respiration and their products?

Alcoholic fermentation in yeast

(products: ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and carbon dioxide and 2 ATP

Lactic acid fermentation in animal muscles

(products: lactic acid and 2 ATP

  1. What do plants use to make food? (=reactants)

CO2, H2O, and sun (radiant) energy

  1. What do plants make that heterotrophs need? (= products)

C6H12O6 (glucose) and O2

  1. What is the purpose of cellular respiration?

To make usable energy for the cells (ATP)

  1. What do animals and plants need for respiration? (reactants)

They use glucose and oxygen from photosynthesis

  1. What are the products of cellular respiration?

CO2, H2O, and ATP

(These are what plants need for photosynthesis)

  1. In this experiment, what gas bubbles are present? What process is occurring?


  1. If the plant is producing these bubbles, then what is being made?


  1. What color would bromethymol blue be in this experiment?


  1. If you blew in a flask of a bromethymol blue solution, what color would it change to? Why?

Yellow-indicates the presence of carbon dioxide

  1. What are limiting factors of the rate of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide, water, light, temperature

  1. In this diagram, is more glucose made in low or high temperature? Light?

High temperature and stronger light intensity

  1. Indicate what number represents the site of photosynthesis?

7 chloroplasts

  1. In the diagram above, what would move into the cell during photosynthesis?

CO2, H2O, and sun (solar or radiant) energy

  1. Within the leaf, the guard cells regulate the gas exchange through the stoma (also stomate; plural stomata). Indicate the gases and direction of movement in a plant.

CO2 IN (photosynthesis)

O2 OUT (photosynthesis)

H2O vapor OUT (transpiration)

  1. How do the animal and plant vascular systems compare?

Arteries and veins of the animal work similarly to the xylem and phloem of the plant.

Xylem: transport water from root up through plant (all end of alphabet)

Phloem: transport food, glucose, down from leaf to rest of plant (beginning of alphabet); phloem-food (f-sounding)

  1. What is the usable energy of the cell that an animal uses for metabolic processes?


  1. In the following images, what are the products of the bioenergetic relationships?

Cell respiration:Photosynthesis:Lactic acidAlcoholic



H2Oglucoselactic acidethanol (ethyl



  1. Which type of respiration is more efficient? Why?

Aerobic respiration is more efficient because it creates 36 ATP

Anaerobic respiration (no oxygen) only produces 2 ATP