Packet by Adams, Carson, Cheyne, Kandlikar

This is the name of a 2009 book by the British political philosopher who wrote False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism and Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals. It is also the name of a 1996 Steven Soderbergh film about the titular character’s quest for answers regarding his “macular pucker” eye condition. The namesake star of that film played Fran’s therapist, Dr. Miller, on several episodes of The Nanny and also played the American consul in The Killing Fields, which would later inspire that man’s filmic monologue Swimming to Cambodia. This is also the name of an 1858 book containing notable illustrations by Henry Vandyke Carter. That book has seen 40 editions over the years and its British author died in 1861 of smallpox. For 10 points, name this title, notably applied to a textbook written by a lecturer at St. George’s Hospital, and which under a variant spelling, also names a television program starring Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey.

ANSWER: Gray’s Anatomy [accept Grey’s Anatomy]

This phrase is commonly used to describe plants of the speciesCordyline fruticosa, which are commonly called ti plants in Polynesia and ki plants in Hawaii. This phrase also appears in the title of a sitcom centering on Teddy and PJ, who learn to deal with babysitting the titular character. A man with this first name wasconfirmed in his role as interim president because the elected president was in Saudi Arabia receiving treatment for Pericarditis. This phrase also appears in the title of a movie wherein Cam accepts the title character's proposal after he gives her a pebble; that title character of that movie is played by(*)Dane Cook and is cursed so that the woman who he has sex with will find true love soon afterwards. A 2005 movie starring Jeff Daniels and David Straitham as Edward Murrow, has both "Good Night" and this phrase in its title. For 10 points, identify this phrase that you may tell a friend before taking a test.
ANSWER:Good Luck

A poem written in response to this work by a man who served on the Quorum of the Twelve notes that “Men are as bubbles on the wave, / As leaves upon the tree” and asks “what of Him / Who bought thee with his blood?” That poem by noted Mormon poet Orson F. Whitney also asks this poem’s speaker “Forsooth, / Who gave” a certain “place to thee?” This poem itself tells of how “the [►] horror of the shade” looms “beyond this place of wrath and tears”, though its speaker notes that “the menace of the years” shall find himunafraid. Its speaker has suffered the “bludgeonings of chance” but has emerged “out of the night that covers me / Black as the Pit from pole to pole”. For 10 points, identify this poem that ends “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul”, a work by William Ernest Henley that served to inspire both Francois Pienaar and Nelson Mandela.

ANSWER: “Invictus” [accept “To R. T. H. B.”; hope you like the NACutie]

The filz variants of these structures result in hairy tissues, whereas the causative insects become enclosed within the tissue in the "covering" form of these structures. The study of these is called cecidology, and one example can be caused by the invasion ofhaustoria into the host tissue. Another type of these occurs due to genes encoded on the Fi plasmid, and results in planar, fan like structures. Another of these is induced whenAgrobacterium tumefaciensreleases its Ti plasmid into the host. Most of these occur due to activation of genes that cause overproduction of phytohormones in the host. For 10 points, identify these (*) neoplasias that occur when plant tissues undergo uncontrolled growth, whose most well known variety is the "crown" type.

ANSWER:galls [prompt on "plant tumors" or the like]

In one opera by this composer, the tune to “We Shall Overcome” is played when Denise meets the black writer Mel and Faber reconciles with his wife Thea during a staging of The Tempest. He called his one movement fourth symphony a “birth to death piece” and dedicated it to Sir Georg Solti. This composer of The Knot Garden included spirituals like “Deep river” and “Nobody knows the trouble I see” in a work for which he asked TS Eliot to write the libretto. He used Hyginus’s Fabulae as a source for the birth and childhood of Paris in his opera (*)King Priam, while his aforementioned oratorio was inspired by the assassination of Ernst vom Rath and the ensuing Kristallnacht and is called A Child of Our Time. For 10 points, name this gay British composer.

ANSWER: Michael Tippett

Michele Wucker’s Why the Cocks Fight describes this event, which was reported on for Collier’s by Quentin Reynolds. Stenio Vincent angrily demanded reparations for this event, but never received the full amount he requested. A Rita Dove poem that uses the repeated line “like a parrot imitating spring” alludes to this event. This event was precipitated by a speech given by the man who ordered it at a dance, in which that man promised to “fix” the problem of cattle and fruit theft conducted by a certain group of people. This event forms the backdrop behind Edwidge Danticat’s novel The Farming of Bones, as the main protagonists have survived it.For 10 points, name this 1937 machete-inflicted slaying of thousands of Haitians on the order of Rafael Trujillo in which Haitians could not fluently pronounce the Spanish word for a certain herb.

ANSWER: Parsley Massacre [or El Corte]

In one Saturday Night Live sketch, Will Ferrell reportedly invents the phrase “Hey, look over there!” to escape a situation in which he has bungled running this type of activity. In another SNL sketch, Tenacious D sang that failing in this activity was “a friggin’ tragedy.” A poem claims this activity “beats euchre, poker, and van-toon” and sees people like Poker Dick and Brown of Calaveras competing in it. Besides theBret Harte poem in which it takes place “at Angels,” it is the activity which is the main focus of the Simpsons episode featuring the Ribwich sandwich and in which George Plimpton guest stars as the host of this sort of event. A 2006 film sees Keke Palmer as the title character who participates in the title activity. Besides the fictional Akeelah Anderson, Anurag Kashyap notably won one of these events sponsored by the E.W. Scripps Company. For 10 points, name this type of event which tests vocabulary knowledge, whose name suggests a meme beloved by NAQT and Minnesota.

ANSWER: Spelling Bee

This author wrote a long poem that includes the characters Ink, Blink, and Mustard, who live in a little white house with Belinda; in that poem, Belinda is abducted by Sir Garagoyle, who is eventually killed by Belinda’s cowardly pet. This author of “Custard the Dragon and the Wicked Knight” and “Line-Up for Yesterday: An ABC of Baseball Immortals” discoursed on the benefits of [►] talcum in “Reflection on Babies” and wrote “Perhaps unless the billboards fall / I’ll never see a tree at all” in a Joyce Kilmer parody called “Song of the Open Road”. In another poem, he described “a priest” and “a beast” before wagering “a silk pajama” against the existence of a figure whose name begins with three Ls, while in 1968 he updated his best-known work by adding the couplet “Pot / is not.” For 10 points, identify this American author of “The Lama” whose “Reflections on Ice-Breaking”reads “Candy / is dandy/ But liquor / Is quicker”.

ANSWER: Frederic Ogden Nash

This man co-wrote his 1979 memoir with Ralph de Toledano, who remarked this man’s original draft “read like The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table.”One of this man’s early jobs was investigating if a product called Red Cross Toilet Paper tricked people into believing it was endorsed by the Red Cross. He resented one of his superiors, L. Patrick Gray, who was frequently absent and thrust most of his work onto him. After he received a pardon, along with Edward S. Miller, from Ronald Reagan, he received a bottle of champagne from Richard Nixon. That pardon was for this man’s frequent engagement in “black bag jobs” in illegally raiding the homes of radicals while he was serving in the FBI. He frequently moved the flowerpot on the balcony of his apartment to indicate he wanted to talk. On May 31, 2005, Vanity Fair published an article about this man, confirming the long held suspicions of men like Ben Bradlee. For 10 points, name this man who gave covert information to Woodward and Bernstein as part of his guise as “Deep Throat.”

ANSWER: W. Mark Felt [prompt on Deep Throat until mentioned]

This artist included paintings of such scenes as Via Dolorosa, Mount Arbel, and The Wailing Wall in his series Impressions from Israel. This artist was played by Jared Padalecki in a film in which he is told by Peter O’Toole to “Paint the light!” According to Wikipedia he once yelled “This one’s for you Walt” while urinating on a Winnie the Pooh figure and in another instance shouted “Codpiece! Codpiece!” at a Siegfried and Roy show. This painter of Yankee Stadium and the Indianapolis Speedway recently released the painting “Bambi’s First Year” as part of his Disney series. This artist, who has trademarked the phrase “Painter of Light,” is best known for such (*) bucolic scenes as The Christmas Cottage in which a small house appears to be on fire. For 10 points, name this American artist who has teamed with QVC and Wal-Mart to sell his work all over the world.

ANSWER: Thomas Kinkade

The Tagliabue method of calculating this quantity forgoes the stirring of the sample since it provides a better fit for low-viscosity fluids. The CCC method for calculating this measures the instantaneous pressure difference, whereas the Pensky-Martens method is the commonly accepted standard for measuring this property.The Cleveland OpenCup is one device used to measure this quantity, though it has fallen out of favor since more precise measurements can be obtained in draft-free environments. For ethanol, this (*) quantity is 285.9 Kelvin. A related quantity which is slightly higher than this quantity describes the minimum temperature required for a fire to be sustained. For 10 points, identify this quantity, which describes the lowest temperature at which a liquid vaporizes enough to undergo ignition.


In the movie Step Brothers, Will Ferrell’s character says he will apply to this company because it has an excellent corporate structure and “they give you the tools to be your own boss.” One commercial for this company oddly segues from a soccer player raising her hand to celebrate to that same person urgently raising her hand in class to ask a question. In one of its commercials, an idiot named Moose uses this company’s product to impress girls at his class reunion. In another of its commercials, a woman awkwardly says “Let’s go, girls!” and lets down her hair along with her two friends. In yet another of its commercials, an idiot asks why, if this company is number one, it lacks a foam finger. One of its commercials ends with a shot of a hotel room door and a “Do Not Disturb” sign. This company has told such stories in its commercials as a dad and his daughter making a playhouse, a mom marveling that this company “sounds expensive,” and a man saying “Both” in response to his wife’s query about red or black lingerie. For 10 points, name this car rental service which promises to “pick you up.”

ANSWER: Enterprise Rent-a-Car

Julius de Coster reveals to the protagonist of one work by this man that the shipping business at which he works is an elaborate fraud; that protagonist later becomes known in the papers as the “Madman from the Zuider Zee” after abandoning his family and accidentally murdering de Coster’s mistress Pamela Mackinsen. In addition to writing about Kees Popinga in The Man Who Watched the Trains Go By, this man wrote romans durs about Dave Galloway’s family falling apart and about Joseph Timar’s adventures in Gabon. This author of The Watchmaker of Everton and Tropic Moon is much more famous for the 75 novels and 28 short stories, beginning with The Strange Case of Peter the Lett, he wrote about a pipe-smoking French [►] commissaire. For 10 points, identify this foremost exemplar of Real World Belgian Literature, the creator of detective Jules Maigret.

ANSWER: Georges Joseph Christian Simenon[accept The Man Who Watched the Trains Go By before “this man”] [I’d say he’s easily the Belgian equivalent of Dorothy Sayers, wouldn’t you?]

One polity to have this characteristic was originally known as the Cimarron territory and saw a massive influx of settlers after an 1885 ruling by the Supreme Court that the land did not belong to Cherokee Indians. The portion of the North Canadian River that flows through that polity is called the Beaver River, and that polity is home to Boise [BOYS] City and Goodwell. Another polity fortuitously got this characteristic after the passage of the 1758Island Act, and has a name which means "Land of Wood and Water" in the native Arawakan language. Yet another polity with this characteristic might lose that distinction if the proposed Appoquinimink subdivision is created; that polity comprises of one region with a seat at Georgetown, one with a seat at(*)Wilmington, and one with a seat at Dover. For 10 points, identify this distinction held by the Oklahoma Panhandle, Jamaica, and Delaware, the last of which is divided into administrative division called New Castle, Kent, and Surrey.
ANSWER: polities that are made ofthree counties

This work finds fault with the scientific method’s penchant for producing what it terms “mu answers” and failure in producing a unifying truth. One section of this work uses the example of Indian villagers capturing monkeys with coconuts to illustrate the dangers of rigidity, and it warns against muscle traps, truth traps, and value traps. The author of this work followed it with a work subtitled “An Inquiry into Morals” which lists the two types of its central concept as static and dynamic and the four levels of that concept as inorganic, biological, social, and intellectual. This work was named for a Eugen Herrigel book and posits that gumption is essential to living. This work suggests that the universe is composed of an indefinable ideal termed quality, an idea elucidated during a (*) frame narrative in which Phaedrus and his son make their way from Minnesota to California on the title conveyance. For 10 points, name this philosophical book by Robert Pirsig which is not really about an eastern religion with a Soto sect or the upkeep of engine propelled two wheeled vehicles.

ANSWER: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

This man first observed that at the large N limit, gauge theories can have a closed description through strings. An operator named for this man behaves as the dual of the Wilson loop and he also proposed an idea which was expanded upon by LeonardSusskind, and which states that that information about events in a D+1 dimensional space are encoded in a D dimensional space. Along with a Russian scientist, he is also the namesake of a soliton solution that results in a magnetic monopole with finite energy. Using the technique he developed with a colleague, he showed that gauge theories are renormalizable. For 10 points, identify this Dutch physicist who shared a Nobel Prize with Martin Veltman for his work on electroweak interactions.

ANSWER: Gerardus't Hooft

This event took place when its target walked into the offices of Felix Bornemisza, a director of ports. Shortly after it happened, Edmund Vessenmayer and others stormed Castle Hill and later informed the occupant that this event had taken place. This event was a specific component of the larger Operation Mickey Mouse or more accurately, OperationPanzerfaust, which placed the Arrow Cross party in control of a certain country that was planning on surrendering to the Soviet Union. The person who carried out this event was inspired by a certain scene in Caesar and Cleopatra. The target in this event, who thought he was meeting with representatives of Tito, was soon transported to a concentration camp at Mauthausen and was not freed until 1945. For 10 points, name this October 1944 event in which everyone’s favorite scar-faced commando, Otto Skorzeny, trussed up a young man in a carpet to pressure his father, a noted Hungarian admiral.

ANSWER: The Kidnapping of Miklos Horthy Jr. or Miklos Horthy’s Son [accept basic equivalents, accept Operation Panzerfaust or Operation Mickey Mouse before mentioned]

Humorously named holders of this position include Erastus Root in 1823, Nathaniel Pitcher in 1827, and Enos Throop in 1829. Timothy Woodruff served in this position in three different administrations and helped draft a “forever wild clause” to protect certain forests. The man who served the longest in this position was the first man to hold it, Pierre Van Cortlandt. Alfred DelBello was elected to this position despite being a member of a different political party than his “running mate.” Recently, Joseph Bruno, Dean Skelos, Malcolm Smith, and Pedro Espada Jr. have performed the duties of this position, while a September 2009 Court of Appeals decision declared the appointment of Richard Ravitch to this position was constitutional. One recent holder of this position helped his running mate to defeat John Faso in the 2006 election. That holder of this position is noted for being blind and for succeeding the so-called “Client Number 9.” For 10 points, name this position held by David Paterson in the administration of Eliot Spitzer.