
I hope you enjoy these natural ways to decrease cholesterol. It took many hours of research to gather and some may be extremely obvious and some may not. 

I wish you good health and the best that life has to offer!!

Warm Regards,

Paul 

14 Natural Ways To Decrease Cholersterol!

2 Types of Cholesterol

HDL's = good = the more the better

LDL's = bad = the less the better

1) Keep your weight at normal levels

Swim, bike ride, talk walks, join a gym, dance, air guitar etc Anything to get your body moving and your heart pumping 3 to 4 times a week

2) Decrease Fat

Decrease the saturated fat - i.e. meat, butter, cheese and hydrogentad oil

3) Use Olive Oil

Use olive oil in place of your butter and meals that need oil

4) Not as Many Eggs

3 to 4 a week only. BUT egg whites, don't have any cholesterol, so you can have more of that

5) Try Beans

Have a cup a day - i.e., Navy, kidney, pinto, lima, soybeans etc.

6) More Fruit

Grapefruit, apples, oranges etc

7) Have Green Tea, instead of coffee

The following findings from various other studies demonstrate the health benefits of green tea:

· Green tea polyphenols in green tea may prevent cholesterol from being absorbed in the intestines

· Polyphenols limit the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet

· Epicatechins, also found in green tea, can help in the rapid excretion of bile salts and fatty acids that contain cholesterol

8) Have Oats

Oatmeals, oat-bran muffins

9) Corn Bran

Use about 1 tablespoon of corn bran at each meal (mixed into soup or tomato juice). After 12 weeks, your cholesterol levels could lower a significant 20 percent.

10) Have Carrots

Carrots can lower cholesterol because of their pectin content. It may be possible for people with high cholesterol to lower it 10 to 20 percent just by eating two carrots a day. Also, cabbage, broccoli, and onions also contain the ingredient thought responsible for carrots' success (calcium pectate) and may produce similar results.

11) Exercise Regularly

Get your heart rate up about 20 to 30 minutes 3x to 4x times a week!

12) Have Skim Milk Instead

It has a lot less fat!

13) Stop Smoking

For obvious reasons!

14) Multivitamins

Should have 400 micrograms of folic acid, 2 mg of vitamin B6, and 6 micrograms of vitamin B12, advises Robert Rosenson, MD, director of the preventive cardiology center at NorthwesternUniversityMedicalSchool in Chicago. In studies, all three of these B vitamins have played important roles in protecting heart health.


15) Garlic

Garlic - Large quantities of raw garlic can reduce harmful blood fats. But now there's an odor-modified liquid garlic extract from Japan called Kyolic that seems to lower blood fats. Taking 1 gram a day of the liquid garlic extract, your cholesterol levels could fall an average of 44 points in six months.

Have a great day!