Your guide to understanding the keyReading Strategies

Strategy / Image / Definition / Example
Predicting / / Use your own knowledge to predict what is going to happen in a text before or during reading / From what I know about fishing, I don’t think that he will ever be able to catch a shark with that size line and hook.
Connecting / / Make links between what you are reading to your own life and other texts / This part reminds me of the time I was on a small boat with my dad. I felt terrified by the waves and the swell. Andy must be feeling very unsafe here.
Comparing / / Thinking about similarities and differences between what is known and what is portrayed in texts / The author is using a very similar style in this novel to the previous ones she wrote. I notice she is once again using a flashback in time to create two plots.
Inferring / / Combining what is read in the text with the reader’s own ideas to create their unique interpretation of the text / The lady celebrated when her husband and her son went on a plane to Hawaii. I think she would have been happy to have a spare few days to herself.
Synthesising / / Bringing together pieces of information during or after reading for different purposes / So this helps me understand why Grandpa left the farm. He just couldn’t do all the jobs alone.
Visualising / / Reader uses all five senses to create images before, during and after reading / I think the house is really old and dilapidated, with creepers all over it.
Self-Questioning / / Asking questions before, during and after reading / I wonder where the dad is in this story. Did she ever know her dad at all?
Skimming / / Quickly glancing through the material to gain a general idea of the content / I think this pamphlet is going to be useful for my project. I can see by the heading and pictures that it includes information about habitat, breeding, food, hunting and behaviour of lions. This should be great.
Scanning / / Glancing quickly through material to locate specific words or information / From the list of options generated by my search, this website looks the best. It states that it contains photographs of lions, which is what I am looking for.
Determining Importance / / Making decisions about what is important in a text and what is not / This is the part about the food and hunting. I will underline the key words. I think varied diet, and female duties are important.
Summarising / / Shorten information and write the most important ideas into your own words / I think the purpose of this piece of text was to help me understand that explorers knew much less about the world than we do today.