9-15-14 Learning Target: I can make connections from the text “Time Trip: Sudan’s Civil War” to the novel A Long Walk to Water.

Homework: Making Inferences worksheet

Word of the Day: dehydration

Context: “Exhausted, some boys died of starvation or dehydration”(Time Trip: Sudan’s Civil War).

*Hint: Use word-roots to help you determine meaning.

Opening Activity =Monday Book Talk

1. Time Trip: Sudan’s Civil War (wkbk. p. 15)

Preview, then listen and read

B partners: Gist AND “I Notice / I Wonder” (verbally)

2. 2nd read: take notes in the margin.


Individual time to reread and take notes (annotate)

3. 3rd read: Text-based evidence


Think-Pair-Share (B partners) **CITE EVIDENCE**

Closing Activity: Exit Ticket

3rd Read: Search for text-based evidence in order to answer these questions:

  1. How does Salva’s story relate to this article?
  1. What does the word entrenched mean in this text?
  1. Who are the Lost Boys?

Exit Ticket Name ______

How does Salva’s story relate to the article Time Trip: Sudan’s Civil War? Be sure to cite evidence from the text to support your thinking.


MakingInferences Name ______


Read these exemplars, written by CF 7th graders as part of theirGathering Evidence charts.

Circle 3 inferences that show especially good citations of evidence and clear analysis.

For each quote you circled, explain why this is a strong example. How did it add to or change your thinking about how culture, time, and place shape identity?

Chapter 1

  1. Quote: “The war had started two years earlier. Salva did not understand much about it, but he knew that rebels from the southern part of Sudan, where he and his family lived, were fighting against the government, which was based in the north” (6).

Inference: Salva is growing up in the 1980’s: we know that he is 11 years old in 1985. The war started 2 years earlier. This affects his identify becauseSalva grew up with peace in his village. Then, all of a sudden, war appears. He can lose a lot, and war has a lot of dangers. (V.L.)

  1. Quote: “It would take her about half the morning if she didn’t stop along the way” (1).

Inference: I can infer that Nya doesn’t have to go to school because she is a girl and has to go fetch the water.” (D.S.)

Chapter 2

  1. Quote: “Nya pushed at the skin around the thorn. Then she picked up another thorn and used it to poke and prod at the first one. She pressed her lips together against the pain” (8).

Inference: Nya is 11 years old. She has to support her family by getting water from a pond 2 hours away. I can infer that Nya is tough and that she has had a thorn in her foot before. (G.S.)

  1. Quote: “Nobody. Nothing. They had left him. He was alone” (13).

Inference: Salva was left behind by the rebels and by his villager group. I can infer that he is scared because he is alone with no food or water and no one to help him.” (E.B.)

Chapter 3

  1. Quote: “Nya took the hollowed gourd that was tied to the handle of the plastic container. She untied it, scooped up the brown muddy water, and drank. It took two gourdfuls before she felt a little cooler inside” (14).

Inference: This shows that Nya doesn’t have a good source of water. Nya has to walk hours to get water that is gross and dirty. We would never drink this water, but where she lives, this is all she has. This is due to the place in which she lives. (C.T.)

  1. Quote: “Holding his breath, he crept closer, until he could see her face clearly” (15).

Inference: Salva held his breath and crept slowly because he wanted to be as quiet as possible, to avoid danger. If the woman was Nuer, it could be really bad, because “the Nuer and the Dinka had a long history of trouble” (16). (C.F.)

  1. Quote: “These people were Dinka, too! Could his family be among them?” (19).

Inference: Salva has now seen the V-shaped markings of his tribe on people’s foreheads and he is alert because his family might be among them. (L.A.)

Chapter 4

  1. Quote: “Home for just long enough to eat, Nya would now make her second trip to the pond” (20).

Inference: The place she lives in has no running water, so she has to walk to get water. This takes up almost all day. (B.P.)

  1. Quote: “Nothing was real except his hunger, once a hollow in his stomach but now a deep buzzing pain in every part of him” (23).

Inference: Time and hunger are beginning to weigh down on Salva. (C.C.)

  1. Quote: “Beehive. A fine, large one” (25).

Inference: This shows that food is scarce during the war, and it is exciting to see food. (M.K)

Task: For each quote you circled, explain why this is a strong example. How did it add to or change your

thinking about how culture, time, and place shape identity?

Quotation and Inference circled: ____

Explain how this added to or changed your thinking about how culture, time, and place shape identity.


Quotation and Inference circled: ____

Explain how this added to or changed your thinking about how culture, time, and place shape identity.


Quotation and Inference circled: ____

Explain how this added to or changed your thinking about how culture, time, and place shape identity.
