American Government

U.S. Constitution Review Questions

1.According to the 14th Amendment, what are the two main ways to become a citizen (be general, not specific)?

2.How are laws created in a statutory law system? Common law system?

3.Who wroteThe Second Treatise of Government?The Leviathan?

4.Who wrote Common Sense? Declaration of Independence?

5.Since the 3/5ths Compromise was a compromise between two different groups:

-How did slave states benefit?

-How did free states benefit?

6.Which branch’s power is discussed in Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution? Article 2? Article 3?

7.How does the Elastic (Necessary and Proper) Clause expand the power of the federal government? Explain.

8.In the Federalist #10, Madison feared that in democracy, who would abuse power?

9.Compare and contrast the New Jersey Plan, Virginia Plan, and the Great Compromise.

10.On which date was the U.S. Constitution ratified creating the birth of this nation?

11.The creation of the Bill of Rights was a compromise between what two groups?

12.Who wrote the Federalist Papers?

13.Why is separation of powers necessary for checks and balances?

14.What is the size of the government under a loose/strict interpretation of the Elastic Clause?

15.Why is separation of powers necessary for checks and balances?

16.Name four checks and balances by the branches.

17.Name the four different [broad sets of] powers established by the U.S. Constitution?

18.How does the federal government use grants to influence state decision making?

19.Explain the Supremacy Clause (which article is it located in?).

20.In Social Contract Theory, who has made a contract (agreement), and what is the agreement?

21.What are the roles of each type of committee? (sub, standing, select, joint, conference)

22.Limits on Congress: ex post facto laws, bills of attainder

23.In which house does a filibuster take place? How can you end it? What is its purpose?

24.Explain how the electoral college functions for choosing the President of the United States.

25.Which federal branch directs foreign policy?

26.What is the purpose of the President’s role as “Chief Executive?”

27.Compare and contrast the merit system/spoils system of bureaucracy.

28.How many articles are in the U.S. Constitution?

29.How many Supreme Court Justices are there on the court?

30.What are the three opinions written by the court (and what are their purpose)?

31.Compare and contrast judicial activists and restraint.

32.What are the three qualifications to President of the United States?

33.Which article defined the ratification process?

Define the following terms:

Habeas CorpusThe Enlightenment

FederalismPopular Sovereignty

Tyrannical MajorityUnitary State

Full Faith and Credit ClauseBicameral



Rule of Four Original Jurisdictions

Petition of CertiorariUnicameral

PrecedentGrand Jury

Separation of PowersChecks and Balances


1st , 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 26th

Court Cases:

McCulloch v. Maryland

Gibbons v. Ogden

Marbury v. Maryland