Algebra I
PHONE: 270-465-4431
My goal is for each of my students to be successful. We can work together to achieve success. I am available after school for extra help on an appointment basis. Please ask for extra help when you need it.
DESCRIPTION: Students will discover that algebraic concepts can enhance their critical thinking skills. Topics include the study of operations with integers, solving, graphing and writing linear equations, inequalities, systems of linear equations and inequalities, exponents, exponential functions, arithmetic and geometric sequences, polynomials, factoring, quadratic functions and equations, probability and data analysis.
Required Materials: Notebook paper,graph paper, pencils, a folder or binder, ear buds/headphones, and a Texas Instruments TI-30 XS MULTIVIEW calculator
Grading for this class is as follows:
Tests 45%
Assignments 30%
Quizzes 25%
Grading Scale: A (90-100) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) F (Below 60)
We will be using videos and online programs, Math XL and Study Island. Students are expected to take notes and complete assignments based on the unit plans. Students will receive 100 points for successfully completing each unit by the due date. Ten points will be deducted for each week late. Assignments will be graded and recorded, it is very important to learning the concepts of Algebra. Quizzes and tests will be given during each unit, while a cumulative test will be given at the end of the course.
Each student will be given three hall passes per nine weeks. These are the only hall passes allowed. At the end of the nine weeks, any/all remaining hall passes can be turned in as assignment passes.
Teacher Website: My website can be found by completing the following:
- Go to
- Go to the TCHS homepage
- Click on Teacher Websites on the left side of the page
- Find my name and click on it
- Once you are at my website, click the class you are in on the left side of the page.
EXPECTATIONS: School rules as outlined in the Student Handbook will be followed.
Class Expectations:
- Be prompt! In your assigned seat with your materials, ready to participate, when the bell rings.
- Be prepared for class!! Pencils and notebooks are required daily.
- Be polite! Students are expected to be attentive and cooperative at all times. No disrespect will be tolerated.
- Be productive! Do not use cell phone. You must remain seated until the bell rings. There is no crowding around the door to wait for the bell to ring.
- Be positive! A positive attitude will help students be successful.
- Be patient! Math takes practice. Don’t give up. Everyone learns at a different pace.
Academic Integrity: All the work submitted for evaluation will be the work of that student. Any students caught cheating on an exam, quiz, or homework will receive a grade of a zero and will not be allowed to make up the grade. If a student gives another student homework to copy both students will receive a zero for their assignments.
Tutoring is also available for students who need extra help.