Kentucky and Appalachia Public Health Training Center

University of Kentucky College of Public Health

111 Washington Avenue, Lexington, KY 40536-0003

Phone: 859-218-2061 Fax: 859-257-3748

Collaboration of Health Service PartnersCDC 1. Healthy CommunitiesCDC's Healthy Communities Program works to engage communities and mobilize national networks to focus on chronic disease prevention. Program Collaboration and Service Integration The PCSI coordinates the collaboration of interrelated health strategies as well as prevention initiatives. The site contains information of funded projects as well as information on becoming a mini grantee.

Community Health Rankings and RoadmapsThe County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program helps communities create solutions that make it easier for people to be healthy in their own communities, focusing on specific factors that we known affect health, such as education and income3.PartnershipsThe Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has funded communities that are interested in partnerships. United Way was chosen as the first national partner organization. There are also data partnership organizations, as well as community engagement partners. 4. Dialogue4HealthDialogue4Health aims to improve health through collaboration from every sector of the nation. They accomplish this by joining the expertise of public health professionals with the perspectives of business, government, and other community interests. Via a web-based platform for interaction and discussion,D4Hprovides a place for professionals to tackle provocative subjects from a multi-sectoral perspective.

5. Collaborative LeadershipThis site offers tools, resources, and training information about collaborative leadership, with a special focus on developing public health leaders.

6. Partnership for the Public’s Health
Partnerships for Public’s health links residents, community organizations, public health departments and other key partners, to transform the conditions for health through collaborative action. This program is native to California; however, the site also lists several trainings and toolkits for successful partnerships.

The have also produced an executive summary on Strategies for Building Community-Public Health Partnerships.

7. Public Health Partnerships, Coalitions, and Initiatives- Seattle & King County While this resource is specifically targeted to King County residents, they offer good examples of collaborative health services.

8. The MidAtlantic Public Health Training CenterThe training center offers a public health training series on maintaining effective public health partnerships. For more information visit the website at:

The Community Coalitions Health Institute (CCHI) seeks to strengthen existing relationships and catalyze new partnerships between NBCH (National Business Coalition on Health) member coalitions and state and local public health agencies across the United States. The website offers a wide variety of partnership resources.

10 .The Project H.E.E.D. Social Services Comprehensive Program
This program combines social services with community resources to assist individuals (including the elderly) during crisis situations. For more information visit the website.

A community approach to address health disparities. Prevention Institute has updated its community approach to addressing disparities in health with the revision of THRIVE: Toolkit for health and resilience in Vulnerable Environments. A centerpiece of Thrive is a set of community level factors that are linked to Healthy People 2010 leading health indicators. It now features a simplified list of 13 factors to facilitate use of the tool at the local level.

Please note: this document is not meant to be an endorsement of the described interventions or resources, nor is it to be considered an exhaustive list. The topics chosen were indicated as informational needs after community health assessments and meetings with stakeholders. If there are resources or interventions not mentioned that you think ought to be included, or if you have questions, comments or concerns, please contact the National Coordinating Center for Public Health Services and Systems Research at info[at]publichealthsystems[dot]org.