Long Range Planning Committee
Conference Call
May 17, 2004
Meeting record
Attendees: James Baginski
Jack Benson
Jim Canaday
Jim Clark
Jim Condon
Paul Freedman
Mike Godfrey
Ron Mayo
Robert McMillon
Fotios Papamichael
Michael Read
Paul Roach
Julian Sandino
Nancy Wheatley
Chuck Weir
Tom Wolfe
Adam Zabinski
Approval of 4/19/04 Meeting Record
The committee approved the meeting record from the April 19th Conference Call without changes.
Governance Survey Process
The Committee reviewed recent WEFMAX meetings in Williamsburg, Tulsa, Indianapolis, and Lake Tahoe. In all cases there was satisfaction with the recent changes in governance and the current implementation process. Membership issues that have been discussed by the BOT received much discussion in Indianapolis and Tahoe. Complexity of the organizational structure was also an issue at some WEFMAX meetings. Paul Freedman highlighted an interesting discussion they had at the Indianapolis WEFMAX about declining and aging membership. Paul challenged the group to think differently about membership. Rather than sell memberships one by one, we sell them in blocks to utilities, consulting firms, watershed councils etc making all their professional employees members. In this way we can reach out to more professionals members and provide services (and market our products). This would also more quickly access a broader, more diverse and younger membership. This lead to interesting discussions about whether we preferred to be a more specialized group or broaden our membership view consistent with our “water environment” name change. The topic was ripe for discussion and it seemed as if the MAs were open to tackling the subject, albeit far from agreement.
Plans for the focus groups at WEFMAX were also discussed extensively at the WEFMAX meetings. The Committee acknowledged that specific agendas with possible sub-groups and desired outcomes/actions would need to be addressed to make the meetings successful. The major outcome would be to develop specific initiatives for each group that are in line with goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan such that they can be prioritized and considered during the 2006 budget planning process. The Committee decided that outside facilitators were not required at this time and that the following would be the facilitators for the focus groups:
WEF & MA Services Chuck Weir
WEF & MA Membership Paul Freedman
Regulatory/Legislative Nancy Wheatley
WEF's Global Presence Bill Bertera
Michael Read will develop a standard 1-page issue paper outline for each of the four focus group subjects. The facilitators for each group will use that to develop a more detailed issue paper for review by the Committee. Final approval of the issue papers will be on the next Committee agenda. The Committee was also asked to consider which key WEF Committee leaders should participate in each of the four focus groups.
Nancy Wheatley provided an update on CLC activities including the at-large Director nomination process and the CLC Governance Task Force. That group is developing guidance as to how to better link the efforts of the Committees to the Strategic Plan. Recommendations from this task force will be provided to the LRPC in the near future.
One issue that was discussed at the Tahoe WEFMAX was how to better link WEF and MA committees. The Committee discussed possible methods for increased communication including WEFMAX and the mid-year meeting. No conclusions were reached and the Committee will continue to evaluate this issue. The CLC Link with MA Committees Task Force is also considering this issue.
One issue that has not received much attention is the WEF staff link to the Strategic Plan and budget development. It is recognized that this is a multi-year process that has been extended by the revision to the fiscal year and other issues. Weir will draft a memo to Bill Bertera for the Committee to review. The purpose of the memo is to identify the issue and inquire how the Committee can assist staff with the process.
Two additional issues were briefly discussed. The first is the need for a job description for an HOD member that is based on the new governance process and increased expectations for Director involvement in the business of WEF, WEF committees, and the MAs. Weir will draft a job description for the Committee to review prior to the next meeting. The second issue was raised by Jim Condon and involves measurement of success as related to the Strategic Plan. The BOT has established a small group to address metrics and Condon will be added to this group.
Next meeting:
§ The next meeting of the Long Range Planning Committee will be a conference call on Monday, June 21, 2004 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. eastern time.
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned.