
Sun. 4th9:15 a.m.Bible Study

9:15 a.m.Sunday school

10:30 a.m.Worship Service

After worshipVoter’s meeting

Mon. 5th7 p.m.Bible Study here at St. Paul’s

Wed. 7th2 p.m.LWML meeting

5 p.m.Midweek

6:30-8 p.m.Midweek II

6:30-8 p.m.Confirmation class at CLC

7 p.m.Adult Choir

Thurs. 8th6:30 a.m.Breakfast Bible study at CLC

Sun. 11th9:15 a.m.Bible Study

9:15 a.m.Sunday school

10:30 a.m.Worship Service with Holy


NoonDorcas Circle ladies and guests

meet for dinner

Mon. 12th7 p.m.Bible Study here at St. Paul’s

Wed. 14th5 p.m.Midweek

6 p.m.Adult Choir

6-7 p.m.Midweek II

6-7 p.m.Confirmation class here

7:30 p.m.Ash Wednesday service here

Thurs. 15th6:30 a.m.Breakfast Bible study at CLC

Sun. 18th9:15 a.m.Bible Study

9:15 a.m.Sunday school

10:30 a.m.Worship Service

Mon. 19th7 p.m.Bible Study here at St. Paul’s

Reminder: Please let the office know if you are going into the hospital or wish Pastor to visit.

OFFICE HOURS 402-245-4643

Pastor 245-4618 or 402-360-4081

Thurs. Afternoon at St. Paul’s Lutheran

Kathy 402-245-5459

Wednesday and Thursday 1-4 p.m.

Portals of Prayer

The Portals of Prayer January – March 2018 copies have arrived and are on the table in the Narthex.

Special Services 2017

Feb. 14th Ash Wed. here at 7:30 p.m.

Feb. 21stLenten Service at CLCat 7:30 p.m.

Mar. 21st Questioning of Confirmands at CLC

Servicemen Addresses

Addresses for our three men in the service are:

B-day – Oct. 6thB-day – Feb. 12th

1stLT Ethan Fritz Luke Gifford

2306 Riley Drive Fort Hood, TX

Killeen TX 76542

B-day – Feb. 28th

Sgt. James, John

9600 Seoul Place

Dulles VA 20189-9600

Receiving Communion at St. Paul's

If you are a member of a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation and wish to commune here for the first time, please see the Pastor or an Elder first. Persons who are baptized members of another denomination that is not in Altar or Pulpit fellowship are invited to come forward for a special blessing. Please, cross your arms over your heart indicating your desire to receive a blessing. Please announce for communion by indicating your intentions on the reverse side of the attendance sheet. (These will be gathered during the opening hymn.)

Orphanage Signup for Gift-Giving

In previous years, many of you have been a part of the Russian/Baltic Orphanage gift signup for $140 (for your month). We share this Orphanage donation with Christ Lutheran.

Anyone may donate to the Orphanages. Just give your check to Ben in the amount of $140 (made out to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church) and write on the memo line Orphanage! This will be for the year 2018.

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

February 4th, 2018

St. Paul’s EvangelicalLutheranChurch

65103 712 Road

Falls City NE68355

Rev. Dan Gifford,Pastor

Rev. Kip and Ivy Hoech,

Missionaries to the Dungan People


Rev. Jeffrey and Michele Kuddes,

Missionaries to Kenya

Our Mission ~ “To serve the needs of all members so as to grow in the true Word and Sacraments, so that we share God’s blessings among ourselves and reach out with them to those who need Jesus Christ’slove.”

We remember in our prayers, especially our shut-ins:

Patsy Fritzand Esther Zentner

We pray for all members of our congregation remembering especially:Harvey and Donna Vollmer; Kevin and Julie Vollmer, Jesse Vollmer, and Megan Vollmer

We remember in our prayers this week:

Debbie Ebel, Patsy Fritz, Juanita James, John Meyer, Mark Meyer, Rich Niedfeldt, Eli Sayer, Ken Simpson, and Esther Zentner

We remember in our prayers the family of Kenny Shurtleff who passed away last Thursday

We remember all military personnel and their families and especially the military serving overseas and our missionaries serving overseas

We remember in our prayers those of the Christ Lutheran family: Joan Baldwin, Joyce Bek, Mary Lou Coonce, Alice Eickhoff, Ruth Groothuis, Patty Holtz, Bonnie Hossfeld, Linda Karst, Joan Magdanz, Darrell Rannebeck, Ron Schwartz, Irene Taylor, and Bonnie Zentner

Special Days to remember this week –Feb. 4th-10th

Birthday Baptisms

5th Tyler Di Giacomo4th Kaitlyn Kirkendall

7th Austin Merz 7th Ben Simpson

9th Victoria Vollmer

The Gospel at Work

Christ’s Servants Today: Our Efforts for our King:

Elder: Larry WissmannAtt. For 1/28/18:73

Organist: Connie Rowland Offering on 1/28/18: $1992

Greeters on Feb. 4th:Dist. Mission: $4000.00

Muriel Docker and Jan ToomsenKuddes: $1000.00

Greeters on Feb. 11th:Hoech’s: $1000.00

Ray and Jan HuebnerNeed per week: $1965

Acolyte on Feb. 4th -25th: Courtney McClintock

Feb. Ushers: Harvey, Ryan and Jared Eickhoff

Communion ware committee:

February 11th: Katy Gifford and February 25th: Katie Niedfeldt

Don’t forget to direct Thrivent Choice Dollars®

Grant funding from Thrivent Financial through its Thrivent Choice® program can help support organizations you care about. Don’t let Your designated Choice Dollars expire.

Eligible Thrivent Financial members who have been designated Choice Dollars have until March 31, 2018, to direct any remaining 2017 Choice Dollars. Help support St. Paul’s Lutheran. Go to to learn more and find program terms and conditions. Or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt.We are excited to share, based on member recommendations, St Paul’s Lutheran Church received $4,332 in charitable outreach funding in 2017.

A key was found on the east basement steps. It is a rather large key (possibly car ignition) and has an Ace Hardware sticker on it. It was found on Wednesday morning – Jan. 10th – so maybe a Dorcas Circle member has lost a key? It is in the basement on the table near the stage.

Voter’s Meeting

The voters meeting has been scheduled for today after church.
The Council has one recommendation:that we donate $250 from the Evangelism budget to train and equip Tulio Meza, a missionary in Honduras.Trinity, Auburn has been working with Gary Thies in developing this missionary presence in Honduras.
We will also discuss the memorials that have been given for Evelyn Wissmann and Donna Meyer. These are to be used for improvements in the kitchen. We will need volunteers for a committee to suggest renovations.

LLL Soup Supper

A hearty thank you to all who participated in our successful LLL Soup supper. We truly appreciate the donated soups, pies, cakes, etc. – also everyone who donated time, their culinary skills, and of course all who attended and donated money  for our LLL projects.


Divine Service IV- Page203

Ringing of the Bell

Opening Hymn…………LSB 913

“O Holy Spirit, Enter In”

Inv, Conf. & Absolution…..P. 203


Kyrie………………………P. 204

Gloria In Excelsis…………P. 204

Salutation………………….P. 205

Collect……………………… Insert

O.T.Rdg…...... Isaiah 40:21-31

Adult Choir……“Love Fulfilled”

Epistle...... 1 Corinthians 9:16-27

Alleluia and Verse…………P. 205

Holy Gospel...... Mark 1:29-39

Apostle’sCreed……………P. 207

Hymn of the Day……….LSB398

“Hail to the Lord’s Anointed”




Offertory……………….LSB 805

“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”

Benediction...... P. 212

Closing Hymn………….LSB790

“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”


Love FulfilledAdult Choir

He was just a little baby born in a cattle stall.

He was just a little baby, yet Lord of all.

He was just a little baby, but so much more, you see.

For His love was shown fulfilled on Calvary.

For God reached down and touched the earth that blessed holy night.

As angels sang, the shepherds came to see God's shining light

(First verse repeated)

Now we know just why He came, to save us from our sin.

As shepherds came, you too may come, eternal life to gain.

He was just a little baby, but so much more, you see,

For His love was shown, fulfilled on Calvary.

For His love was shown, fulfilled on Calvary, Calvary.

Love FulfilledAdult Choir

He was just a little baby born in a cattle stall.

He was just a little baby, yet Lord of all.

He was just a little baby, but so much more, you see.

For His love was shown fulfilled on Calvary.

For God reached down and touched the earth that blessed holy night.

As angels sang, the shepherds came to see God's shining light

(First verse repeated)

Now we know just why He came, to save us from our sin.

As shepherds came, you too may come, eternal life to gain.

He was just a little baby, but so much more, you see,

For His love was shown, fulfilled on Calvary.

For His love was shown, fulfilled on Calvary, Calvary.