The meeting was called to order by the Chairwoman, Linda Kuritzkes. Ms. Kuritzkes stated the meeting was being held in accordance with the Sunshine Laws of the State of New Jersey, Chapter 145, by Mayor and Council and the Zoning Board for Official Notices. Notice of this meeting was posted on the Borough bulletin board for that purpose.

Present:Linda Kuritzkes,Susan Baltake,Wayne Partenheimer ,Dominic Fahey,Brian Mulholland,Jennifer Johnson,,Ed Baum

Absent:Bryan Pukenas, Kevin Burns

Also Present: Frank Ryan, Solicitor,Todd Day, Engineer, Stephanie Heim, Zoning Officer/Board Secretary,


ZBA#2016-22 301 Hickory James Bucci

Application withdrawn

ZBA#2016- 26 199 Tavistock John Aglialoro & Joan Carter

Clint Allen (attorney)

Sworn In: Thom Wagner

Applicant proposes to remodel the existing home in order to create better use of the property. The driveway will be relocated and the garage will be extended in order to remove street parking for the residence. The existing pool will be removed. The applicant is seeking a front yard setback variance on both frontages of the property. Minimum required is 40ft. existing 2nd floor is 42.8 ft proposed 20ft, garage existing 11.8 ft proposed 13 ft .

Thom: spoke about the proposed construction and the safety of the proposed driveway eliminating street parking

Board Comments:

Brian Mulholland: verification of where the new driveway and parking will be on the property.

Ed Baum: spoke about the impervious coverage going down.

Wayne Partenheimer: Spoke about setbacks on property.

Public Comments:


Motion: 1st Susan Baltake 2nd Jennifer Johnson (approved 6-0) Ed Baum recused

ZBA#2016- 24 18 Olney Mike & Rachel Neel

Matt Madden (attorney)

Sworn In: Mike Neel (homeowner), Jeff King (architect), Robert Hunter (planner)

Applicant proposes to construct a 2nd floor addition along with a front porch and garage. The variances requested are for the front yard setback existing 33.68 ft. proposed 25.74 ft. required 30 ft. ,side yard existing 7.81ft. proposed 7.8ft required 12 ft. and aggregated existing 18.3 ft. proposed 18.3ft. required 30ft.

Jeff King: spoke about the plans for the addition

Board Comments:

Susan Baltake : spoke about the impervious coverage.

Jennifer Johnson: Spoke about the building coverage and existing homes in the area

Public Comments:

Motion: 1st Ed Baum 2nd Dominic Fahey (approved 5-2)

ZBA# 2016-27 124 Windsor Station Rd @ Haddonfield LLC

Tabled until Oct.

ZBA# 2016- 28 117-119 KHE Passariello’s

Damien Del Duca (attorney)

Sworn In: Theodore Barber (director of Operations), David Rudzinski (architect), David Shropshire

(planner/engineer), Tiffany Cuviello (planner)

Applicant proposes to open a unique restaurant in an 8822 sf building where 5000 sf is allowed. The applicant is seeking a waiver for the square footage and parking requirements. There will be seating for approximately 150 patrons and 20 outside seats. The trash will be contained in a separate enclosed trash enclosure. They are committed for a 20yr lease on the building as well as inside renovations which will cost over 2 million dollars. The restaurant will generate employment for the town.

Board Comments:

Brain Mulholland: Concerned about parking spaces required for the square footage.

Jen Johnson: questioned the size of the square footage of the building. Spoke about ceiling height of the basement. Parking spaces required for the location. Seating of restaurant

Ed Baum: Spoke about the storage and the basement and the total square footage of the property.


Theodore Barber: Director of Operations for the applicant

Spoke about the operations and daily expected patrons as well as deliveries. Spoke about incoming deliveries for supplies and delivery requirements. Spoke about trash and the removal and containment of trash from the restaurant as well as parking for the patrons.

David Rudzinski (architect)

Spoke about the signage and the building ,fire and health code requirements for the location. Venting systems will be installed on the roof of the location in order to ensure smells will be expelled thru the roof ventilation.

David Shropshire: Spoke about the impact of different traffic patterns and times. Spoke about the deliveries at the location and the impact it will have on the traffic on Kings Hwy which will be minimal about 2%. Spoke about the parking and the available public parking surrounding the location.

Board Comments:

Linda Kuritzkes: Concerned about deliveries on the am hours and the congestion it will create on

Jennifer Johnson: spoke about spaces available after 6pm

Ed Baum: concerned about ADA parking spaces.


Tiffany Cuviello (planner)

Spoke about the variance and the conditional usage for the existing building square footage and can accommodate the applicants request for the restaurant as well adequate parking surrounding the area. Spoke about the surrounding area and is designed for mixed usage. They are improving the building and the interior space.

Board Comments:

Jennifer Johnson: Spoke about BYOB, catering preparation.


Theodore Barber: Not a promoted amenity but it’s not prohibited. Catering preparation is done in the back of the restaurant

Public Comments:

Sworn In:

Dave Welsh (running Co of Haddonfield): in favor of the application as it may generate more business owners to have later hours in the evening.

John Dinsmore: (church of Moorestown) : has been next to the restaurant in Moorestown for @30 yrs and they have been a pleasure to have in the town and are an asset to the community. They keep the location in excellent condition and take pride in their location.

Herb Hess: in favor of the application.

Melissa McGrath: in favor of the application family oriented.

John & Kathy Feast (Moorestown residents): in favor of the application. The restaurant is a family oriented location. The owners are there working at the location every day.

Stuart Harding: In favor of the application. Will be an asset to Haddonfield.

Remi Fortunato: In favor of the application.

John Picking: In favor of the application. Would be a visual addition and great atmosphere for the town

Thom Wagner: In favor of the application and has done business with them. The restaurant is clean and would be a great fit.

Board Comments:

Jennifer Johnson: Concerned about the Gelato place in town


Theodore Barber: They will work with the Gelato store to sell their product in Passariello’s.

Motion:1st Wayne Partenheimer 2nd Susan Baltake (approved 7-0)

ZBA# 2016-29 501 Mt Vernon Luke Jordan Jr

Don Cofsky (attorney)

Sworn In: Bruce McDonnel

Applicant proposes to construct an addition and a rear patio. The applicant is seeking a front yard setback variance which is an existing condition. There are no additional changes to the existing foot print of the lot. The existing ramp will be removed. The home will be renovated and remain a single family dwelling.

Bruce McDonnel: spoke about the addition and the zoning requirements and the flow of the inside of the existing home.

Board Comments:

Frank Ryan: concerned about the existing patio

Ed Baum: asked about the front yard setback.

Public Comments:

Phil Cohen: concerned about the fence bordering the property.

Motion:1st Jennifer Johnson 2nd Brian Mulholland (approved 7-0)

ZBA# 2016- 30 49 KHE Little Tokyo LLC

Tabled until Oct.


ZBA#2016-23 401 Spruce Bill & Steph Cuthbert

ZBA# 2016-19 339 Bellevue Alison Rynkar

ZBA# 2016-21 312 Washington Ben & Angela Cheatham

ZBA# 2016-25 121 Washington Margo Kaplan & Ben Gibson

Adoption of 2015 Annual Zoning Report Resolution

Motion was made to approve the minutes and resolutions. (All approved).


10:50pm -Motion to adjourn. All Board members were in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stephanie Heim

Zoning Board Secretary