
South Liverpool Domestic Abuse Services

Application for Employment

SLDAS is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Please use black ink. The information on this form will be kept confidential and all personal identifying information will be separated from the information used for short listing.

Application for the post of: Services Co-ordinator
Contact telephone no.
Where did you hear about the post ?


Please give details of two people who we may approach for references. One should be your current or most recent employer. If not, please tell us why
Name/Position / Name/Position
Organisation / Organisation
Address / Address
Phone No / Phone No.
Relationship to you / Relationship to you

Do you have any health problems that may affect your ability to do this job?

Yes No
Please state briefly
If appointed, when would you be available to take up the post
Are you interested or willing to job share YesNo


I certify to the best of my knowledge that the information contained in this application form is true and correct

Employment History:

Please give details of any previous employment. Include both paid and unpaid work, including work at home. SGDVP recognises the value and importance of unpaid work
Present employment
Job Title
Name and address of employer
GradeSalaryDate appointed
Brief description of responsibilities
Previous Employment (continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Name & address of employer / Start Date / Brief description of responsibilities (refer to skills/experience/understanding gained)


Please provide us with the following information about any education and/or training(continue on

additional pages if necessary)

Name of Training Provider
School/College or University / Qualifications/Training gained & when / What skills, experience and understanding did you gain?

Use following page for your answers. You can addsheets if needed.

Please address each requirement we have listed in the Skills and Experience sections on the ‘Person Specification’ and give examples from your previous work/ life experience. Please be as specific as possible when listing your work/ life experiences and why they are relevant to this application.

We will use this information to short-list candidates.

Please type your answers or write clearly in black ink, as your application will be photocopied.

Do not send CV’s.


Use this space to outline the skills and experience you have gained which make you a suitable candidate for this particular post.(continue on additional pages if necessary)

8. Personal Statement

Please use this space to tell us about yourself, your outlook and understanding of the issues involved and why you consider yourself the right candidate for this post. Please be sure to address what you think about the issues stated in the ‘Understanding’ section of the ‘Person Specification’. Continue on additional pages if necessary

The closing date to return your completed application is by, 5pm, Monday 25th April 2016

Please email to:

Or post to Jacqueline Gordon, SLDAS, Bridge Chapel Centre, Heath Road,

Liverpool, L19 4XR



Should you require further information, please contact us on 0151 494 1777 or email