Walton Village Condominium Association

Board of Directors Meeting

May 15, 2014

I.  Call to Order

A. The Board of Directors Meeting of the Walton Village Condominium Association was held on Thursday, May 15, 2014 at the offices of Axis West Realty, Inc. The meeting was called to order by Andrew Henry at 6:04 P.M.

B. Roll Call

1. Andrew Henry / 5. Stacy Huffman
2. Priscilla Schultz / 6. Gregory Campbell
3. Art Burmeister / 7. Stuart Orzach
4. Mel Stewart

Also in Attendance – representing Axis West Realty, Inc., was Evlyn Berge (Manager), Brian Berge (Operations), Urte Delliquadri (Bookkeeper).

II.  Financial Review – The financial information for the Association was presented for review. This included the Balance Sheet and Budget dated March 31, 2014.

A. Financial Overview - Urte Delliquadri reviewed the most recent financial statements for the Association and explained that there are still some bills for April that have not come in yet, and that is why April’s financials are not ready. Accounts Receivable is high because the dues have been billed but they are not yet due. Urte also noted that the name on line 2401 was changed to “carry forward deficit” in an attempt to clarify what the line represents. Concerns were raised that the name is still ambiguous, and it was suggested that Urte consult with Chris Catterson, the Association’s auditor, for a better name. The budget looks good, but there are some continuing expenses for maintaining the crawlspaces. Urte still expects for the Association to come in under budget.

B. Delinquent Accounts – Delinquent accounts were discussed briefly, and Urte reported that the new collections policy makes it more difficult to collect because there is a 180 day period before we can take legal action.

III.  Maintenance Update – Evlyn Berge presented the current list of maintenance projects that are scheduled or upcoming. The items discussed were as follows:

1.  Western Tree will spray for dandelions and whitetop. Trees will also be treated with a non-spray treatment.

2.  Stair treads will be removed on Alpha 9-16 entry as a sample.

3.  Hot tub room will have moss removed from walls. Bench replacement and painting will be addressed.

4.  The 2 tennis courts that were previously maintained will continue to have cracks patched.

5.  Community cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 17th at 9 A.M.

6.  Sand buckets will be removed from all entryways.

7.  Entryways will be cleaned with air rather than pressure washed.

8.  Christmas lights will be removed from all balconies.

9.  A formal bedbug policy still needs to be adopted.

10. Lawn mowing contract changes were presented to the Board. Mowing may be done less frequently this year to offset added costs created by the concrete walkways.

11. The lot between Beta and Gamma will be paved this summer, Delta lot shared with townhomes is on hold because the townhomes don’t have the budget at this time.

12. Omicron, Pi, and Epsilon roofs are scheduled to be replaced this summer. No specific dates at this time.

Costs and budget were briefly discussed. Priorities will need to be determined and the top projects scheduled. Urte can put some estimates into the Reserve Study to present the overall picture easily. Stuart Orzach raised a question about 2 instances where an Owner’s property was damaged by landscapers and reimbursement checks were written by the HOA instead of the landscapers. He wanted to be sure that the HOA was repaid for these payouts. Management will verify that the HOA was reimbursed.

IV.  New Business

A.  Dues Increase – The Board is choosing for a dues increase between 5% and 7%. A dues increase of 7% was voted on and passed at the Annual HOA Meeting in May. Stacy Huffman made a motion to increase dues to $900 per quarter (7%). Priscilla Schultz seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously. Axis west will inform all Owners of the dues increase via email before it takes effect.

B.  Garden Plots – Art Burmeister and Evlyn Berge walked around the property and looked at potential spots for a community garden. New gardens have been created near the Omega building in the raised yard areas. 2 units have established gardens without approval of the Board or Management. The current Board does not condone the use of common areas by individuals for gardening despite what has been allowed in the past. Stuart Orzach pointed out that if community gardens are created, the users should pay for the cost of establishing and maintaining them. Priscilla Schultz expressed her support of gardens, but in a structured way. She doesn’t feel that any new projects should be allowed in common areas. Mel Stewart agreed with Priscilla’s input regarding the gardens. Management will inform all current gardening projects to stop. No further landscaping will be allowed without approval.

C.  Smoking / Committee Update – No meeting of the Smoking Committee has taken place at this point, so there is nothing new to report.

D.  Comcast Contract – Brian Berge explained that Comcast has offered two options for Walton Village. One option is a 5-year contract that lowers the current rate to $30 per unit per month, the second option is a 3-year contract that continues at the current rate of $33.26 per unit per month. Priscilla Schultz made a motion to accept the 3-year contract, Art Burmeister seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

E.  Removal of Outdoor Hot Tub – Gregory Campbell informed the Board that he could obtain a rollback dumpster for $300 with a cost of $30 per ton to dump. He has a crew of workers that would help him remove the existing structure and dispose of the wood and hot tub. Stuart Orzach raised concerns about removing an amenity without going through the proper processes.

F.  Other – Priscilla would like to have a quarterly newsletter sent out to all Walton Village Owners. She will be in charge of the newsletter and take suggestions for content.

V.  Board Positions – The Board of Directors determined their positions as follows:

President – Stacy Huffman

Vice President – Andrew Henry

Secretary – Priscilla Schultz

Treasurer – Art Burmeister

At Large – Nikola Skoda

VI.  Meeting Adjournment – The Board of Directors Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Berge

Axis West Realty & Mgmt. Inc