H. Frank Carey High School

English 9


Student’s Name:______

Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Hoffman

E-mail Address: Phone Number: (516) 539-9432

All assignments and important announcements will be posted on Schoology (sewanhaka.schoology.com). After logging-in to Schoology, you must enter the access code to join our class: R2248-2D8NF

School Website: http://www.sewanhaka.k12.ny.us/ > Schools > H. Frank Carey High School > Departments > Special Education or English > Mrs. Hoffman

TEXTBOOKS:* Literature anthology, supplementary novels, and plays (provided).

* Vocabulary workbook – Level D (purchased by each student).

NOTEBOOK: * Each student must have a loose-leaf binder with five subject dividers, loose-leaf paper, pens, pencils, highlighters, a folder, a three-ring pencil pouch, and an agenda book.


Each student is responsible for…

* recording their homework assignments in an agenda book.

* purchasing a vocabulary workbook.

* attending class daily unless excused by the health or attendance office.

* being punctual to class daily.

* being prepared for class with a pen, pencil, notebook and novel.

* completing homework which will be assigned in accordance with the District Homework Policy (homework can be accessed at any time via Schoology).

* seeking extra help when the work is difficult.

* completing all assignments and makeup work in a timely manner.

* displaying behaviors in class which are respectful to the teacher and other students.

* accepting the consequences which will ensue if these responsibilities are not met.

Summer Reading: All students were required to complete the summer reading assignment. The students were asked to read two pieces of literature over the summer and will complete an in-class essay and a creative project.

Mandated novel: The Pretenders by Lisi Harrison

Choice novels (students were asked to choose one): The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Maze Runner by James Dashner

Sleeping Freshman Never Lie by David Lubar

Makeup work: Work missed due to absence must be made up. It is the responsibility of each student to obtain and complete all missed class work, homework assignments, quizzes and tests and to see that they are made up in a timely manner. Attendance and participation are integral and important components of learning.


- 50% Tests and Writing

- 30% Quizzes

- 10% Homework

- 10% Participation

I have read, I understand, and I agree to follow all of the information stated on the Grade Expectation Sheet, which was reviewed on the first day of class.


Student’s Name (Printed) Student’s Signature

Grade: 9

Period: _____


Parent’s or Legal Guardian’s Name (Printed) Parent’s or Legal Guardian’s Signature

Home Telephone: ______

Cell Phone of Parent or Legal Guardian: ______

E-mail of Parent or Legal Guardian: ______

Call Log:

(for teacher’s use)