Content: Introduction to History and Social Science

/ Strand: History / Grade: Kindergarten

Standard of Learning


National Information Literacy Standards


Essential Knowledge For Information Literacy

Content Area

K.1 The student will recognize that history describes events and people of other times and places by identifying examples of past events in legends, stories, and historical accounts of Pocahontas, George Washington, Betsy Ross, and Abraham Lincoln.
b) Identifying the people and events honored by the holidays of Thanksgiving Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, and Independence Day (Fourth of July). / Standard 2 The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently. / The student will select recreational and informational sources appropriate to his level.
The student will obtain information through a variety of listening experiences.


C/T K-2.4 The student will use technology responsibly.
Demonstrate respect for the rights of others while using computers.
Understand the responsible use of equipment and resources.
C/T K-2.5 The student will use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
Identify information in various formats.
Identify available sources of information.

Information Retrieval Skills

  • The student will locate the Easy section of the library media center.
  • The student will differentiate between fiction and nonfiction.
  • The student will use the calendar as a reference source.

Library Media StrategiesCollaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement.

  • The librarian will present easy books that relate facts about the lives of Pocahontas, George Washington, Betsy Ross, and Abraham Lincoln and will show students where these books are located in the library.
  • The librarian will read a portion of a fictional work (legend or story) about George Washington, Pocahontas, Betsy Ross, or Abraham Lincoln and will lead a discussion with the students about why some books about people are factual and some are make-believe.
  • The librarian will show students a calendar and will ask them to identify which months have historical events or people associated with them.

Essential Questions

Local Strategies

Sample Project/Activity

  • The librarian will read a book, such as A New Flag for Our Country by June Behrens, and the students will take a virtual tour by accessing the Betsy Ross homepage.
  • The students will create a flag using one piece of white paper (8 1/2X11), seven strips of red paper (1/2x11), one square of blue paper (2 1/2x4), thirteen sticking stars.

Local Activities

Internet Safety

Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information.
Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see:

Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see:
Technology Connection (from state plan)
The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia
  • Educational Applications Target 1 Goal 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) have been identified, communicated, and developed.

Technology Connection (division plan)

Content: Introduction to History and Social Science

/ Strand: History / Grade: Kindergarten

Standard of Learning


National Information Literacy Standard


Essential Knowledge For Information Literacy

Content Area:

K.2 The student will describe everyday life in the present and in the past and begin to recognize that things change over time. / Standard 3 The student who is information literate uses information accurately and creatively. / The student will use appropriate questioning skills to retrieve information.


C/T K-2.1 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the nature and operation of technology systems.
Identify the computer as a machine that helps people at school, work, and play.
Use technology to demonstrate the ability to perform a variety of tasks; among them turning on and off a computer, starting and closing programs, saving work, creating folders, using pull-down menus, closing windows, dragging objects, and responding to commands.

C/T K-2.2 The student will demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology.

Demonstrate the use of mouse, keyboard, printer, multimedia devices, and earphones.
Use multimedia resources such as interactive books and software with graphical interfaces.

Information Retrieval Skills

  • The student will sort or classify pictures or other items to distinguish past and present.
  • The student will use questioning skills to discover how life has changed.
  • The student will participate in the creation of a time line showing changes over time.

Library Media StrategiesCollaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement.

  • The librarian will display materials relating to life in the present and past (bulletin boards, artifacts, photos).
  • The librarian will show the students print and nonprint resources that include timelines and/or virtual field trips showing changes over a period of time.

Local Strategies

Sample Project/Activity

  • The librarian will read a book, such as Long Ago and Today by Rozanne Lanczak Williams, and will provide digital photographs of historical sites and new architecture of the community. The students will create a presentation to be shared with the school community.

Essential Questions

Local Activities

Internet Safety

Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information.
Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see:

Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see:
Technology Connection (from state plan)
The Educational Technology Plan of Virginia
  • Integration Target 9 Goal 1 Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum.

Technology Connection (division plan)