Further Mathematics Support Programme

Schedule – MEIAS Further Mathematics over 2 years

This scheduleis designed to assist schools and colleges to deliver MEIAS Further Mathematics over 2 years in parallel with A level Mathematics. It isintended as a guideline and is available in editable form (furthermaths.org.uk/offering-fm) so that it can be adjusted to suit the circumstances.

A level Mathematics

The A level Mathematics content is presented below assuming two teachers are delivering the course in parallel. It is based on the units from the freely available MEI Scheme of Work, which is suitable for all Mathematics specifications. For the content of each unit, and for further information on the times allocated, see mei.org.uk/2017-sow, where alternative schedules for Mathematics are also available.The schedules here are based on an approximate allocation of time to the AS units over a notional 27 weeks in year 12, and the remaining units over a notional 33 weeks at the end of year 12 and through year 13. This should leave sufficient time for revision and assessment activities at appropriate points (these are not included in the schedules).

AS level Further Mathematics

The AS Further Mathematics content comprises the compulsory pure content and two optional components. It is left to the school/college to decide whether this will be delivered by one or two teachers and how much teaching time to allocate to each of the topic sections. The topic sections are of approximately equal size and time can be allocated in proportion to the contact time available, so that the schedule is suitable for use where the further mathematics element is being delivered either on or off timetable.

Core Pure (compulsory) / Option 1 / Option 2
  • Scheduled across years 12 and 13.
  • Split into 12 sections.
  • Links with the Mathematics content where applicable.
  • Scheduled in year 12.
  • Split into 8 sections.
  • Choose from*
  • Modelling with Algorithms
  • Mechanics
  • See Appendix 1 for topic breakdowns.
  • Scheduled in year 13.
  • Split into 8 sections.
  • Choose from*
  • Modelling with Algorithms
  • Mechanics
  • Numerical Methods
  • Statistics
  • See Appendix 1 for topic breakdowns.

A full breakdown of the contents of each of these components is available at furthermaths.org.uk/schemes-of-work, which includes details of how

each topic can be supported using (furthermaths.org/fm-videos) and (integralmaths.org).

*These options have been selected to minimise prerequisites.Other optional components are available but these have not been checked against this schedule.FMSP Area Coordinators will be able to offer additional guidance if needed: furthermaths.org.uk/regions.


Week / All specifications / All specifications / MEI
Mathematics - Teacher A / Mathematics - Teacher B / FM topics
1 / 1 / Problem Solving (AS) / 2 / Surds and indices (AS) / Option 1: Topic 1
2 / 19 / Kinematics (AS)
3 / 3 / Quadratic functions (AS) / Option 1: Topic 2
5 / 6 / Trigonometry (AS) / Complex numbers 1: Introduction
6 / 4 / Equations and inequalities (AS)
7 / 7 / Polynomials (AS) / Complex numbers 2: The Argand diagram
9 / 8 / Graphs and transformations (AS) / 5 / Coordinate geometry (AS) / Roots of equations
11 / 12 / Vectors (AS) include extension to 3-D vectors / Option 1: Topic 3
13 / 20 / Forces and Newton’s laws of motion (AS) / 14 / Data collection (AS) / Option 1: Topic 4
14 / 15 / Data processing, presentation and interpretation (AS)
15 / Vectors 1: Scalar products and the equation of a plane
17 / 16 / Probability (AS) / Option 1: Topic 5
18 / 10 / Differentiation (AS) / 9 / The binomial expansion (AS)
19 / 17 / The binomial distribution (AS) / Option 1: Topic 6
21 / 18 / Statistical hypothesis testing using the binomial distribution (AS) / Matrices 1: Introduction and matrix multiplication
23 / 13 / Exponentials and logarithms (AS) / Matrices 2: Transformations and invariance
24 / 11 / Integration (AS)
25 / Option 1: Topic 7
27 / 21 / Variable acceleration (AS) / Option 1: Topic 8
1 / 24 / Sequences and series / 25 / Functions / Option 2: Topic 1
3 / Option 2: Topic 2
5 / 26 / Differentiation / 23 / Trigonometry
6 / Sequences and series 1: Summing series
7 / 33 / Vectors revise vectors / 27 / Trigonometric functions
8 / 39 / Kinematics
9 / 29 / Trigonometric identities / Option 2: Topic 3
10 / 42 / Projectiles
11 / Option 2: Topic 4
12 / 30 / Further differentiation
13 / 36 / Probability / Complex numbers 3: Modulus, argument and loci
15 / 28 / Algebra
16 / Option 2: Topic 5
17 / 31 / Integration
18 / Option 2: Topic 6
19 / 37 / Probability distributions
20 / Vectors 2: Further planes
22 / Matrices 3: Determinants and inverses
24 / 32 / Parametric equations / Matrices 4: Matrices and simultaneous equations
25 / 40 / Force and motion
26 / 22 / Proof
27 / Sequences and series 2: Induction
28 / 43 / Friction / 38 / Hypothesis testing
29 / Option 2: Topic 7
30 / 34 / Differential equations
32 / 41 / Moments / 35 / Numerical methods / Option 2: Topic 8

Appendix 1

The table below suggests topic breakdowns for the optional AS components of Further Mathematicsthat are supported by FMSP FM Videos(see furthermaths.org.uk/fm-videos).

MEI Modelling w Algorithms / MEI Numerical Methods / MEI Mechanics / MEI Statistics
Sept 2017 / Dec 2017/Jan 2018 / Dec 2017/Jan 2018 / TBC
Option #: Topic 1 / Algorithms: Sorting, packing and complexity of algorithms / Solution of equations 1 / Mechanics basic principles / Discrete random variables 1
Option #: Topic 2 / Graphs & networks 1: Modelling / Solution of equations 2 / Work, energy & power 1 / Discrete random variables 2
Option #: Topic 3 / Graphs & networks 2: Min. span. trees & shortest paths / Solution of equations 3 / Work, energy & power 2 / Discrete random variables 3
Option #: Topic 4 / Critical path analysis / Approximating functions / Work, energy & power 3 / Discrete random variables 4
Option #: Topic 5 / Linear programming 1: Introduction / Numerical integration / Moments / Sampling / Bivariate data 1
Option #: Topic 6 / Linear programming 2: Simplex method / Numerical differentiation / Impulse & momentum 1 / Bivariate data 2
Option #: Topic 7 / Linear programming 3: Application to network problems / Order of convergence 1 / Impulse & momentum 2 / Bivariate data 3
Option #: Topic 8 / Linear programming 4: Further network applications / Order of convergence 2 / Dimensional analysis / Chi-squared tests

For information on other optional components see OCR’s website

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