New Appointment Scheduler changes

General Changes

·  The new SAS is written in HTML5 making it Mobile Friendly and Eliminating Telerik Controls

·  All new Skins (Themes) are provided – Users will automatically be set to the default Skin when the SAS date is migrated to the new version of the scheduler. This setting is located in the Settings tab in Appearance settings as seen here:

•  Single click menu drop down for schedule selection as seen here:

Site Admin Tab

•  All users are now configured in the Site Admin Tab

•  Schedule users can be assigned to more than one schedule

•  Users and their settings can be copied

•  A company field has been added to user’s profiles

•  Users are configured as a TAS or Non TAS user

•  TAS Agents will not see ‘Staff Only’ Appointments in the Calendar view

•  This flag may be used for future enhancements

•  Users can be listed by Schedule

•  Allowing easy management of users for a specific schedule

•  Site Administers now have the ability to ‘Unlock’ a user account that has been locked due to failed login attempts

The new Users configuration screen (below):

•  If a user’s account is locked, the unlock button in the bottom right will be available to click to unlock the account. If this button is not available, the account is not currently locked.

•  In the middle right of the screen, you can find the ‘TAS Agent’ checkbox which should be used for your Staff.

•  In the Granted Access area you can click on ‘Grant’ next to Access Groups or Schedules to configure this users’ Access.

The new Users’ configuration grid (below):

•  The grid can be sort by individual columns by clicking on the column heading to be sorted.

•  A ‘Schedule’ drop down box allows you to look at users for a specific schedule

•  A ‘Hide TAS Agents’ checkbox allows you to hide TAS Agents from the list

•  The icon on the left side of the grid allows you to copy a schedule which will copy all schedule and provider settings to the new schedule.

•  TAS Site Admin users can now import attendees

•  Review data prior to importing

•  Import a test set of data before importing entire list

The new Schedules configuration screen (below):

•  Using the icon in the schedules grid (seen at to the left of the schedule), TAS Site Admin users can now import attendees. Following the import wizard you will be able to import attendees from a CSV file.

•  Be sure to;

•  Review data prior to importing

•  Import a test set of data (first 10 records) before importing entire list

•  Schedules can now be integrated with Google Calendar – Instructions to be provided

Settings Tab

Schedule Information Appearance Settings

·  New Skins – Users will automatically be set to the default Skin (or theme) once we have migrated to the new version of the scheduler. The skin can be updated as seen in the screen below.

·  Added ability to hide the logo per schedule

Schedule Setup Schedule Settings

·  Added Google Calendar integration on a Schedule level.

·  Changed option toggle buttons to checkboxes to enable features

Schedule Setup Appointment Types and Intervals

·  Added the ability to copy

Schedule Email Setup

·  Appointment confirmation # has been added as a variable

Schedule Attendee Setup

The new Custom Fields configuration screens (below):

·  The icon on the left side of the grid allows you to copy a Custom Field.

·  Setting the Field Type to ‘Customized ComboBox’ allows you to configure the ‘ComboBox Values’

o  The values, separated by semicolons, define the choices that will appear in a drop down box that the users will select from when entering information in the Custom Field.

·  When adding an Attendee, the above programed Custom Field would look like the image seen here.

Providers Tab

The new Provider configuration grid (below):

·  Provides a new at a glance list of providers for the schedule selected.

·  The icon on the left side of the grid allows you to copy a Provider and all of their settings.

·  Seen in the grid below, providers schedules can be integrated with their Google calendar

Calendar Tab

·  Adding an Appointment or Block-Out is done with a single click

·  Canceling or Modifying an Appointment or Block-Out is now done with a single click

Instead of double clicking on an appointment or block out, you will now preform a single left click to view, edit or cancel a schedule appointment or block out. The options displayed once you click on an appointment are shown below.

Block Outs can be set by “All” or by “Seats”

·  Block Outs using “All” will block out all…

o  Providers for the time period selected

o  Appointment Types for the period selected

o  Providers and Appointment Types for the period selected.

·  Block Outs using “Seats” will block out a specific number of seats or slots for a Provider or an Appointment type

Attendees Tab

·  The name of the Tab, or sections, was changed from the Address Book to Attendees

Appointments Tab

·  Tab was previously ‘Manage Appointments’

Scheduling Tab

·  View of availability has changed. See sample below.

o  In this example you can see that a space is left for ‘Wed’ which Patty does not have enable as part of her work week.

o  Available time slots are seen in green and unavailable times are grey. These colors will vary slightly depending on the Skin that is selected for the schedule being viewed.