Resume Builder Worksheet

Resumes are the primary initial communication that an individual has with a company/organization. Creating an effective resume that conveys your experience and qualifications is critical to landing a position. Use this guide to assist you in creating a resume. Share your resume with many people to continue to refine. There are many ways to make a resume, just be sure, no matter what, it is clear and accurate!

Section 1: Personal Information

First and Last Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone Number: ______

Email (professional): ______

Section 2: Objective – State what you are looking to gain/what you desire in a role, in one sentence.

Example: To identify a challenging internship opportunity that will enable me to further develop my technical skills.

Objective: ______

Section 3: Education

High School Name: ______

Expected Date of Graduation: ______

GPA (Include if greater than a 3.0): ______

Technology or Relevant Classes Taken: ______

Special Recognition/Awards or Certifications: ______



Section 4: Experience – Work/Internship or Volunteer – List any jobs you have held or volunteering you have done. List your experience from most recent to oldest. Use action verbs and bullet out your contributions.

Name of Company of Organization: ______

Dates when you Worked There (Month/Year – Month/Year is sufficient): ______

Your Title/Role: ______

Describe your accomplishments and contributions:


  • Developed an instruction manual to help on-board other Customer Service Representatives
  • Managed lawn business, increasing sales by 50%
  • Created a new organization system to reduce claim paperwork turnaround time by 25%
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

Name of Company of Organization: ______

Dates when you Worked There (Month/Year – Month/Year is sufficient): ______

Your Title/Role: ______

Describe your accomplishments and contributions:

  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

Section 5: Special Skills and Relevant Activities and/or Interests – List all relevant skills/technologies you have/know. Be specific and include the level of knowledge(Example: Introductory Python Skills, Practiced Digital Photographer, Conversational Spanish, etc.). Use this section to differentiate yourself

Skill or Relevant Interest: ______

Skill or Relevant Interest: ______

Skill or Relevant Interest: ______


1)Type this information and format it into a Resume (you can find many templates online)

2)READ, RE-READ and RE-READ it for Clarity, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation!!!

3)Share the finished product with your School Counselor, Parents, Teachers and Internship Coordinator

4)Save your final copy to Naviance!!

5)Be prepared to talk about your experience and interests when you meet with Employers

6)Keep it current!! Add to it as you acquire more skills and have more jobs