What Lambeth Road Safetyoffers to schools with School Travel Plans
Junior Road Safety officer’s scheme
Resources and support to appoint 2-4 year 4/5 children JRSOs who will promote road safety and sustainable travel in school.
Theatre in Education
A range of plays and workshops focussing on road safety and active travel
Child Pedestrian training
Two sessions available for year 3 children
Cycle activity days
The chance for the whole school to try out a range of fun and funky bikes!
Bike It scheme
12 schools a year can become a Bike It school. A dedicated Bike It officer visits weekly for one year to run an exciting programme of events to enthuse the whole school (children, staff and parents) about cycling.
Transition resources
The resource includes a magazine and website for every Year 6 children to prepare them for the move to secondary school. ncluding leaflets for parents, and resources including lesson plans and a wefor teachers.
Access to small grants from Lambeth Council
We can offer a number of small grants each year for schools to use for sustainable travel or road safety resources e.g. to help a school buy pool bikes or set up a cycle club.
Access to Transport for London grants and free cycle storage
TfL periodically offers free cycle storage and other grants for sustainable travel projects.
School Crossing Patrol Officers
Schools can request a school crossing patrol officer. These are offered through a service level agreement and schools can place an order through the Lambeth Schools.
Cycle training
To book cycle training for your students, teachers or parents, contact:
Other resources you may have in school:
A-Z of traffic tales – big books with road safety based stories for reception children
Just a Journey – blue box folder containing A-Z lesson interactive lesson plans on road safety and sustainable transport themes for juniors (7-11). All lessons link to aspects of the curriculum.
Children’s Traffic club – resources for nursery age children