Network+ LabSim Mapping Matrix

Network+ Guide to Networks, 4th Edition, ISBN: 0-619-21743-X

LabSim for Network+, Second Edition, ISBN: 1-4188-3585-4

September 2005 – Syd Shewchuk and David Pope

Note: The LabSim was mapped to either a specific chapter’s activity or in the case of no activity available the chapter’s reference pages were identified.

The first table maps the LabSim software to the textbook chapters.

The second table maps the textbook chapters to the LabSim software.

Mapping: LabSim to Textbook Chapters

Network+ LabSim / Chapter Reference / Activity / Textbook Page
0.0Using the Hardware Simulator / LabSim Instructions
0.1Using the Hardware Simulator / LabSim Instructions
0.1.1Selecting and Configuring Devices / LabSim Instructions
0.1.2Put an item on the Workbench / LabSim Instructions
0.1.3Select an item based on its Documentation / LabSim Instructions
0.1.4Select item Categories / LabSim Instructions
0.1.5Install and Uninstall Components / LabSim Instructions
0.1.6Set Dials and Switches / LabSim Instructions
0.1.7Installing Cables / LabSim Instructions
0.1.8Installing a cabled Device / LabSim Instructions
0.1.9Add Cabled Components / LabSim Instructions
1.0Cables and Connectors / Chapters 1, 3, 5, 7 Appendix C / 11-12, 91-122, 132-153, 229, 368, 391-392, 395, 407-410, 811-812, 816, 861-863
1.1Twisted pair / Chapter 3, 5, 7 Appendix C
1.1.1Twisted Pair Cables and Connectors / Reference, Hands-On Project/Chapter 3, Chapter 5, Chapter 7, Appendix C / 98-106, 132-144, 149-151, 862
1.1.2Connect a Modem / Reference, Hands-On Project/Chapter 7 / 364-366, 407-410
1.1.3Connect to Ethernet Network / Reference, Hands-On Project/Chapter 3, Chapter 5, / 104-106, 113-114, 133, 135-136, 151-153, 280-282
1.2Coaxial Cable / Chapter 3, Chapter 7, Appendix C
1.2.1Coaxial Cables and Connectors / Reference/Chapter 3, Appendix C / 95-97, 106, 133, 139, 142, 862
1.2.2Connect a Cable Modem 1 / ReferenceChapter 3, Chapter 7 / 95-97, 106, 137, 395, 367-369
1.2.3Connect a Cable Modem 2 / Reference/Chapter 3, Chapter 7 / 95-97, 106, 137, 395, 367-369
1.3Fiber Optic / Chapter 3, Appendix C
1.3.1Fiber Optic Cables and Connectors / Reference/Chapter 3, / 85, 94, 106-114, 134, 139-143
1.3.2Connect Fiber Optic Cables 1 / Reference/Chapter 3, Appendix C / 109-110, 862-863
1.3.3Connect Fiber Optic Cables 2 / Reference/Chapter 3, Appendix C / 109-110, 862-863
1.4USB and Firewire / Chapter 5, Appendix C
1.4.1USB/Firewire Connectors / Reference/Chapter 5, Appendix C / 227-230, 862-863
1.4.2Connect a USB Device / Reference/ Chapter 5 / 233
1.4.3Connect Back-to-Back Computers / No Reference
2.0Networking Devices / Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 / 4, 6-11, 53-55, 151-152, 215-216, 221-283, 309, 349-351, 355-361, 365-367, 371-378, 407-412, 808-813
2.1Network Devices / Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
2.1.1Select and Install a Network Adapter / Reference, Hands-On Project/ Chapter 5 / 222-243, 262-263, 276-280
2.1.2Exploring Network Connections / Reference, Hands-On Project/ Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 7 / 151-152, 186-187, 215-216, 280-282, 407-410
2.1.3Find Connection Information / Reference/ Chapter 7 / 349-351, 378-381
2.1.4View Connection Properties / Reference/ Chapter 7 / 309, 349-351, 378-381
2.1.5Disable a Network Connection / Reference/ Chapter 7 / 372-378
2.1.6Select a Networking Device / Reference/ Chapter 5, / 243-255, 261-262
2.1.7Select a Router / Reference, Hands-On Project/ Chapter 5, Chapter 7 / 256-259, 410-412
3.0Networking Standards / Chapters 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 14, Appendix C / 60, 95, 63, 100, 102, 104-106, 113-114, 123-144, 151-152, 230-231, 248-249, 263, 280-282, 299, 301-302, 310-320, 323-324, 327-328, 333-334, 372-379, 392-394, 402, 758-761, 763, 776-778, 862-863
3.1Ethernet / Chapter 3, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Appendix C
3.1.1Select Ethernet Cable / Reference/ Chapter 3, / 100, 102, 104-106, 113-114, 133-136
3.1.2Connect to 100BaseTX Network / Reference, Hands-On Project/ Chapter 3, Chapter 6/ Appendix C / 105, 111, 113, 136, 151-152, 280-282, 333-334, 862
3.1.3Connect to a Fiber Optic Network / Reference/ Chapter 3, Appendix C / 94, 109-113, 862-863
3.2Wireless Networks / Chapter 3, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 14
3.2.1Select a Wireless Card / Reference/ Chapter 5 / 230-231
3.2.2Create a Wireless Network 1 / Reference/ Chapter 3, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, / 123-132, 310-320, 372-374
3.2.3Create a Wireless Network 2 / Reference/ Chapter 3, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 / 123-132, 310-320, 372-374
3.2.4Configuring a Wireless Access Point / Reference, Hands-On Project/ Chapter 3, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 14 / 123-132, 310-320, 372-374, 758-761, 776-778
3.2.5Configuring a Wireless Connection / Reference, Hands-On Project/ Chapter 3, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 14 / 123-132, 310-320, 372-374, 758-761, 776-778
4.0IP Configuration Parameters / Chapters 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 / 54-55, 166-177, 179-181, 183-189, 195-201, 215-216, 453-454, 463-464, 502-504, 510-512, 541, 543, 547-551, 566-575
4.1IP Configuration Parameters / Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11
4.1.1Configuring Host Addressing (Windows) / Reference, Hands-On Project/ Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 54-55, 168-177, 183-189, 195-200, 215-216, 566-575
4.1.2Configure IP Setting 1 / Reference, Hands-On Project/ Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 8, Chapter 11 / 54-55, 168-177, 183-189, 195-200, 215-216, 453-454, 566-575
4.1.3Configure IP Settings 2 / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 8, Chapter 11 / 168-177, 183-189, 195-200, 215-216, 453-454, 566-575
4.1.4Configuring Host Addressing (Linux) / Reference/ Chapter 9 / 502-504, 510-512
4.1.5Configuring Host Addressing (NetWare) / Reference/Chapter 10 / 541, 543
5.0IP Services / Chapters 4, 8, 11, 14 / 181-189, 197-198, 215-216, 421, 578-581, 592-595, 750, 778-779, 796-799
5.1Name Resolution / Chapter 4, Chapter 8, Chapter 11, Chapter 14
5.1.1Configuring DNS and WINS Clients / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11, Chapter 14 / 181-189, 197-198, 215-216, 592-595, 750
5.1.2Configure DNS Addresses / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11, Chapter 14 / 181-189, 590, 750
5.1.3Configure WINS Settings / Reference/ Chapter 4 / 197-198
5.1.4Configuring DNS Records / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 8, Chapter 11, Chapter 14 / 166-167, 173, 183-189, 459, 590, 750
5.2Address Assignment / Chapter 4, Chapter 11
5.2.1Configure a DHCP Client / Reference / Chapter 4 / 174-176
5.2.2Configuring a DHCP Server / Reference / Chapter 11 / 54-55, 174-176, 177, 577
5.3ICS and NAT / Chapter 4, Chapter 11
5.3.1Enabling ICS / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 173-176, 349-351, 380, 407-410, 577-581
5.3.2Share an Internet Connection / Reference/ Chapter 11 / 580-581
5.3.3Configuring a NAT router / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 173-176, 193-194, 214-217, 381, 577-580, 592-593
6.0Network Operating Systems / Chapters 4, 8, 9, 10, 15, Appendix D / 179-181, 194-197, 198-200, 309, 421-432, 441-442, 444-452, 455-466, 478-482, 497-501, 504-512, 523-524, 534-540, 542-550, 810, 869
6.1Windows Networking Components / Chapter 4
6.1.1Managing Networking Components / Reference/ Chapter 4 / 179-181, 194-197, 198-200
6.1.2Install a Service / Reference/ Chapter 4 / 198-200, 309
6.2Windows Networking / Chapter 8, Appendix D
6.2.1Creating Local user Accounts / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 8, Appendix D / 422-429, 459-463, 478-482, 869
6.2.2Create a Local User Account / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 8, Appendix D / 422-429, 459-463, 478-482, 869
6.2.3Creating and Administering Groups / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 8 / 422-424, 459-463, 478-480
6.2.4Modify Group Membership / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 8 / 422-428, 444-445, 478-482
6.2.5Joining a Windows Domain / Reference/ Chapter 8 / 445-452, 455-457
6.2.6Active Directory Overview / Reference/ Chapter 8 / 425-427, 444-452, 465-466, 481-482
6.2.7Create a Domain User / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 8 / 459-463
6.3Windows Resources / Chapter 8, Chapter 15
6.3.1Mapping a Network Drive / Reference/ Chapter 8 / 421
6.3.2Map a Drive / Reference/ Chapter 8 / 421
6.3.3Configure a Network Printer / Reference/ Chapter 8, Chapter 15 / 430-432, 457-458, 465, 810
6.3.4Share a Local Printer / Reference/ Chapter 8, Chapter 15 / 430-432, 457-458, 465, 810
6.3.5Add a Network Printer / Reference/ Chapter 8, Chapter 15 / 430-432, 457-458, 465, 810
6.3.6Sharing Folders / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 8 / 424, 457-458, 478-480
6.3.7Share a Folder / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 8 / 424, 457-458, 478-480
6.3.8Setting NTFS Permissions / Reference/ Chapter 8 / 441-442
6.3.9NTFS Permissions Facts / Reference/ Chapter 8 / 441-442
6.3.10Configure NTFS Permissions / Reference/ Chapter 8 / 441-442
6.4Linux Networking / Chapter 9
6.4.1Creating Linux User Accounts / Reference/ Chapter 9 / 497-501, 504-508
6.4.2Configuring Linux Permissions / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 9 / 497-501, 504-510, 523-524
6.4.3Using Samba / Reference/ Chapter 9 / 496-497, 510-512
6.5NetWare Networking / Chapter 8, Chapter 10
6.5.1eDirectory Overview / Reference/ Chapter 10 / 536-540
6.5.2Installing Client Software / Reference/ Chapter 8, Chapter 10 / 463-464, 547-550
6.5.3Install the MS Novell Client / Reference/ Chapter 8, Chapter 10 / 463-464, 547-550
6.5.4Mapping a Network Drive / Reference/ Chapter 10 / 542-544
6.5.5Creating eDirectory Users / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 10 / 542-547
6.5.6Create an eDirectory User / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 10 / 542-547
6.5.7Assigning eDiretory Rights / Reference/ Chapter 10 / 542-547
6.5.8Assign File System Rights / Reference/ Chapter 10 / 534-540, 544-547
7.0Internet and Remote Access / Chapters 4, 7, 14 / 194-197, 215-216, 349-352, 362-366, 379-394, 407-410, 455-458, 463-464, 547-550, 684-685, 752-758
7.1Internet Connectivity / Chapter 4, Chapter 7
7.1.1Connect to the PSTN / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 7 / 349-352, 407-410
7.1.2Connect to DSL Network / Reference/ Chapter 7 / 362-366
7.1.3Configuring a Dial-up Internet Connection / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 7 / 349-352, 407-410
7.1.4Create a Dial-up Internet Connection / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 7 / 349-352, 407-410
7.1.5Configure Internet Settings / Reference, hands-On Activity/ Chapter 4 / 215-216, 455-458
7.2Remote Access / Chapter 7, Chapter 14
7.2.1Configuring Dialup Connection Properties / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 7 / 349-351, 380-381, 407-410
7.2.2Configure a Remote Access Connection / Reference/ Chapter 7 / 379-390
7.2.3Configure the Authentication Protocol / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 14 / 752-758
7.2.4Disable Networking Components / Reference/ Chapter 7 / 194-197, 349-352, 457-458, 463-464, 547-550
7.2.5Using Terminal Services / Reference/ Chapter 7 / 386-387
7.3Securing Remote Connections / Chapter 7
7.3.1Configuring a VPN Connection / Reference/ Chapter 7 / 387-394, 684-685
7.3.2Configure a VPN Connection / Reference/ Chapter 7 / 387-394, 684-685
8.0Network Protection and Availability / Chapters 1, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14 / 16, 177-179, 262, 580-581, 687-693, 697-701, 707-708, 720-721, 735-738, 752-753
8.1Firewalls / Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 11, Chapter 13, Chapter 14
8.1.1Configuring ICF / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 5, Chapter 11, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 / 262, 580-581, 720-721, 735-738
8.1.2Enable ICF for a Connection / Reference/ Chapter 5, Chapter 11, Chapter 14 / 262, 580-581, 735-738
8.1.3Open a Port / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 14 / 177-179, 735-738
8.2Data Protection / Chapter 1, Chapter 13, Chapter 14
8.2.1Back Up and Restore Data / Reference/ Chapter 1, Chapter 13 / 16, 697-701, 707-708 (721)
8.2.2Configuring Disk Protection / Reference/ Chapter 13 /Chapter 14 / 687-693, 752-753
8.2.3Create a Mirrored Volume / Reference/ Chapter 13 / 687-688
8.2.4Create a RAID-5 Volume / Reference/ Chapter 13 / 687-693
9.0Troubleshooting / Chapters 2, 4, 9, 11 / 54-55, 166-167, 169-170, 173-176, 179-189, 193-194, 214-217, 497-499, 568, 572-575, 577, 586-595, 612-615
9.1Troubleshooting IP Configuration / Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 9, Chapter 11
9.1.1Using ipconfig and winipconfig / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 54-55, 173-176, 183-189, 214-216, 592-594
9.1.2Interpreting ipconfig / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 54-55, 173-176, 183-189, 214-216, 592-593
9.1.3Find Configuration Information 1 / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 183-189, 592-593
9.1.4Find Configuration Information 2 / Reference/ Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 54-55, 173-176, 577, 592-593
9.1.5Find Configuration Information 3 / Reference/ Chapter 11 / 568, 572-575, 592-593
9.1.6Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 1 / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 173-176, 183-189, 568, 592-593
9.1.7Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 2 / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 173-176, 183-189, 568, 592-593
9.1.8Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 3 / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 173-176, 183-189, 568, 592-593
9.1.9Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 4 / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 173-176, 183-189, 568, 592-593
9.1.10Using ifconfig / Reference/ Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 9, Chapter 11 / 54-55, 169-170, 179-181, 497-499, 568, 594-595
9.1.11Find Linux Information / Reference/ Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 9 / 54-55, 179-181, 497-499
9.1.12Using arp, netstat, and nbstat / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 54-55, 166-167, 193-194, 586-588
9.1.13arp, netstat, and nbstat / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 54-55, 166-167, 193-194, 586-588
9.2Troubleshooting Network Communication / Chapter 4, Chapter 11
9.2.1Using Ping and Traceroute / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 193-194, 216-217, 591-592, 612-613
9.2.2Exploring Network Communications / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 193-194, 216-217, 591-592, 612-613
9.2.3Find Path Information 1 / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 11 / 591-592, 612-613
9.2.4Find Path Information 2 / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 11 / 577, 591-592, 612-613
9.2.5Identify Communication Capabilities 1 / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 173-176, 592-593
9.2.6Identify Communication Capabilities 2 / Reference/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 173-176, 181-182, 592-593
9.2.7Troubleshoot Network Communication 1 / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 193-194, 216-217, 591-592, 612-613
9.2.8Troubleshoot Network Communication 2 / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 193-194, 216-217, 591-592, 612-613
9.2.9Troubleshoot Network Communication 3 / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 4, Chapter 11 / 193-194, 216-217, 591-592, 612-613
9.3Troubleshooting Name Resolution / Chapter 11
9.3.1Using nslookup and dig / Reference, Hands-On Activity/ Chapter 11 / 588-590, 613-615

Mapping: Chapters to LabSim

Chapter Reference /
Textbook Page / LabSim
Chapter 1 / 11-12 / 1.0 Cables and Connectors
4, 6-11 / 2.0 Networking Devices
32 / 2.1.4 View Connection Properties
8.0 Network Protection and Availability
8.2 Data Protection
16 / 8.2.1 Back Up and Restore Data
Chapter 2 / 53-55 / 2.0 Networking Devices
60, 63 / 3.0 Networking Standards
4.0 Configuration Parameters
4.1 IP Configuration Parameters
54-55 / 4.1 1 Configuring Host Addressing
54-55 / 4.1 2 Configure IP Setting 1
9.0 Troubleshooting
9.1 Troubleshooting IP Configurations
54-55 / 9.1.1 Using ipconfig and winipconfig
54-55 / 9.1.2 Interpreting ipconfig
54-55 / 9.1.4 Find Configuration Information 2
54-55 / 9.1.10 Using ifconfig
54-55 / 9.1.11 Find Linux Information
54-55 / 9.1.12 Using arp, netstat, and nbstat
54-55 / 9.1.13 arp, netstat, and nbstat
Chapter 3 / 1.0 Cables and Connectors
1.1 Twisted Pair
98-106, 132-145, 149-151 / 1.1.1 Twisted Pair Cables and Connectors
104-106, 113-114, 133, 135-136, 151-153 / 1.1.3 Connect to Ethernet Network
1.2 Coaxial Cable
95-97, 106, 133, 139, 142 / 1.2.1 Coaxial Cables and Connectors
95-97, 106, 137 / 1.2.2 Connect a Cable Modem 1
95-97, 106, 137 / 1.2.3 Connect a Cable Modem 2
1.3 Fiber Optic
85, 94, 106-114 / 1.3.1 Fiber Optic Cables and Connectors
109-110 / 1.3.2 Connect Fiber Optic Cables 1
109-110 / 1.3.3 Connect Fiber Optic Cables 2
1.4 USB and Firewire
226-228, 270 / 1.4.1 USB/Firewire Connectors
120-121, 139, 151-152, 641 / 1.4.3 Connect Back-to-Back Computers
2.0 Networking Devices
2.1 Network Devices
151-152 / 2.1.2 Exploring Network Connections
3.0 Networking Standards
3.1 Ethernet
100, 102, 104-106, 113-114, 133-136, 149-150 / 3.1.1 Select Ethernet Cable
105, 111, 113, 136, 151-152 / 3.1.2 Connect to 100BaseTX Network
94, 106-113 / 3.1.3 Connect to a Fiber Optic Network
3.2 Wireless Networks
123-132 / 3.2.2 Create a Wireless Network 1
123-132 / 3.2.3 Create a Wireless Network 2
123-132 / 3.2.4 Configuring a Wireless Access Point
123-132 / 3.2.5 Configuring a Wireless Connection
7.0 Internet and Remote Access
7.1 Internet Connectivity
81-82, 380-383 / 7.1.3 Configuring a Dial-up Internet Connection
81-82, 380-383 / 7.2.1 Configuring Dial-up Connection Properties
Chapter 4 / 2.0 Networking Devices
2.1 Network Devices
186-187, 215-216 / 2.1.2 Exploring Network Connections
4.0 Configuration Parameters
4.1 IP Configuration Parameters
168-177, 183-189, 195-200, 215-216 / 4.1 1 Configuring Host Addressing
168-177, 183-189, 195-200, 215-216 / 4.1 2 Configure IP Settings 1
167-177, 183-189, 195-200, 215-216 / 4.1.3 Configure IP Settings 2
523 / 4.1.4 Configuring Host Addressing (Linux)
181-189 / 4.1.5 Configuring Host Addressing (NetWare)
5.0 IP Services
5.1 Name Resolution
181-189, 197-198, 215-216 / 5.1.1 Configuring DNS and WINS Clients
181-189 / 5.1.2 Configure DNS Addresses
197-198 / 5.1.3 Configure WINS Settings
166-167, 173, 183-189 / 5.1.4 Configure DNS Records
5.2 Address Assignment
173-177 / 5.2.1 Configure a DHCP Client
173-177 / 5.5.2 Configuring a DHCP Server
5.3 ICS and NAT
173-176 / 5.3.1 Enabling ICS
173-176, 193-194, 214-217 / 5.3.3 Configuring a NAT Router
6.0 Network Operating Systems
6.1 Windows Networking Components
179-181, 194-197, 198-200, 457-459 / 6.1.1 Managing Networking Components
198-200 / 6.1.2 Install a Service
7.0 Internet and Remote Access
7.1 Internet Connectivity
167-174, 183, 215-216, 569-580 / 7.1.5 Configure Internet Settings
8.0 Network Protection and Availability
8.1 Firewalls
177-179 / 8.1.3 Open a Port
9.0 Troubleshooting
9.1 Troubleshooting IP Configurations
173-176, 183-189, 214-216 / 9.1.1 Using ipconfig and winipconfig
173-176, 183-189, 214-216 / 9.1.2 Interpreting ipconfig
183-189, 214-215 / 9.1.3 Find Configuration Information 1
173-176, 214-215 / 9.1.4 Find Configuration Information 2
214-215 / 9.1.5 Find Configuration Information 3
173-176, 183-189, 214-215 / 9.1.6 Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 1
173-176, 183-189, 214-215 / 9.1.7 Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 2
173-176, 183-189, 214-215 / 9.1.8 Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 3
173-176, 183-189, 214-215 / 9.1.9 Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 4
169-170, 179-181 / 9.1.10 Using ifconfig
170-181 / 9.1.11 Find Linux Information
166-167, 193-194, 586-588 / 9.1.12 Using arp, netstat, and nbstat
166-167, 193-194, 586-588, 612 / 9.1.13 arp, netstat, and nbstat
9.2 Troubleshooting Network Communication
193-194, 216-217, 612 / 9.2.1 Using Ping and Traceroute
193-194, 216-217 / 9.2.2 Exploring Network Communications
172-176 / 9.2.5 Identify Communication Capabilities 1
173-176, 181-182 / 9.2.6 Identify Communication Capabilities 2
193-194, 216-217, 591-592 / 9.2.7 Troubleshoot Network Communication 1
193-194, 216-217, 612 / 9.2.8 Troubleshoot Network Communication 2
193-194, 216-217, 612 / 9.2.9 Troubleshoot Network Communication 3
Chapter 5 / 1.0 Cables and Connectors
1.1 Twisted Pair
280-282 / 1.1.3 Connect to Ethernet Network
1.2 Coaxial Cable
97, 137, 367-369 / 1.2.2 Connect a Cable Modem 1
97, 137, 367-369 / 1.2.3 Connect a Cable Modem 2
1.4 USB and Firewire
227-230 / 1.4.1 USB/Firewire Connectors
227-228, 233 / 1.4.2 Connect a USB Device
2.0 Networking Devices
2.1 Network Devices
222-243, 262-263, 276-280 / 2.1.1 Select and Install a Network Adapter
280-282 / 2.1.2 Exploring Network Connections
243-255 / 2.1.6 Select a networking Device
256-261, 269 / 2.1.7 Select a Router
3.0 Networking Standards
3.1 Ethernet
276-278, 280-282 / 3.1.2 Connect to 100BaseTX Network
3.2 Wireless Networks
230-231, 263 / 3.2.1 Select a Wireless Card
8.0 Network Protection and Availability
8.1 Firewalls
262 / 8.1.1 Configuring ICF
262 / 8.1.2 Enable ICF for a Connection
Chapter 6 / 2.0 Networking Devices
2.1 Network Devices
309 / 2.1.4 View Connection Properties
333-334 / 2.1.6 Select a Networking Device
3.0 Networking Standards
3.1 Ethernet
333-334 / 3.1.2 Connect to 100BaseTX Network
3.2 Wireless Networks
310-320 / 3.2.2 Create a Wireless Network 1
310-320, 333-334 / 3.2.3 Create a Wireless Network 2
310-320 / 3.2.4 Configuring a Wireless Access Point
310-320, 336-338 / 3.2.5 Configuring a Wireless Connection
6.0 Network Operating Systems
6.1 Windows Networking Components
309 / 6.1.2 Install a Service
Chapter 7 / 1.0 Cables and Connectors
1.1 Twisted Pair
364-366, 407-410 / 1.1.2 Connect a Modem
149-152 / 1.1.3 Connect to Ethernet Network
1.2 Coaxial Cable
367-369 / 1.2.2 Connect a Cable Modem 1
367-369 / 1.2.3 Connect a Cable Modem 2
2.0 Networking Devices
2.1 Network Devices
407-410 / 2.1.2 Exploring Network Connections
349-351, 378-381 / 2.1.3 Find Connection Information
309, 349-351, 378-381 / 2.1.4 View Connection Properties
372-378 / 2.1.5 Disable a Network Connection
410-412 / 2.1.7 Select a Router
3.0 Networking Standards
3.2 Wireless Networks
372-374 / 3.2.2 Create a Wireless Network 1
372-374 / 3.2.3 Create a Wireless Network 2
372-374 / 3.2.4 Configuring a Wireless Access Point
372-374 / 3.2.5 Configuring a Wireless Connection
7.0 Internet and Remote Access
7.1 Internet Connectivity
349-352, 407-410 / 7.1.1 Connect to the PSTN
362-366 / 7.1.2 Connect to DSL Network
81-82, 349-352, 380-383, 407-410 / 7.1.3 Configuring a Dial-up Internet Connection
349-352, 407-410 / 7.1.4 Create a Dial-up Internet Connection
7.2 Remote Access
81-82, 349-351, 380-383, 407-410 / 7.2.1 Configuring Dial-up Connection Properties
379-390 / 7.2.2 Configure a Remote Access Connection
349-352 / 7.2.4 Disable Networking Components
386-387 / 7.2.5 Using Terminal Services
7.3 Securing Remote Connections
387-394 / 7.3.1 Configuring a VPN Connection
387-394 / 7.3.2 Configure a VPN Connection
Chapter 8 / 4.0 Configuration Parameters
4.1 IP Configuration Parameters
453-454 / 4.1 2 Configure IP Setting 1
453-454 / 4.1.3 Configure IP Setting 2
5.0 IP Services
5.1 Name Resolution
459 / 5.1.4 Configuring DNS Records
6.0 Network Operating Systems
6.2 Windows Networking
422-428, 459-463, 478-482 / 6.2.1 Create Local User Accounts
422-424, 459-463, 478-482 / 6.2.2 Create a Local User Account
422-424, 459-463, 478-482 / 6.2.3 Creating and Administering Groups
422-428, 444-445, 478-482 / 6.2.4 Modify Group Membership
445-452, 455-457, 459-463 / 6.2.5 Joining a Windows Domain
425-427, 444-452, 465-466, 481-482 / 6.2.6 Archive Directory Overview
422-428, 459-463 / 6.2.7 Create a Domain User
6.3 Windows Resources
421 / 6.3.1 Mapping a Network Drive
478-480 / 6.3.2 Map a Network Drive
430-432, 457-458, 465 / 6.3.3 Configure a Network Printer
430-432, 457-458, 465 / 6.3.4 Share a Local Printer
430-432, 457-458, 465 / 6.3.5 Add a Network Printer
424, 428-429, 457-458, 478-480 / 6.3.6 Sharing Folders
424, 428-429, 457-458, 478-480 / 6.3.7 Share a Folder
441-442 / 6.3.8 Setting NTFS Permissions
441-442 / 6.3.9 NTFS Permissions Facts
422, 424, 441-442 / 6.3.10 Configure NTFS Permissions
6.5 Netware Networking
463-464 / 6.5.2 Installing Client Software
463-464 / 6.5.3 Install the MS Novell Client
421 / 6.5.4 Mapping a Network Drive
Chapter 9 / 4.0 IP Configuration Parameters
4.1 IP Configuration Parameters
502-504, 510-512, 523 / 4.1.4 Configuring Host Addressing (Linux)
6.0 Network Operating Systems
6.4 Linux Networking
497-501, 504-508, 523 / 6.4.1 Creating Linux User Accounts
497-501, 504-510, 523-524 / 6.4.2 Configuring Linux Permissions
496-497, 510-512 / 6.4.3 Using Samba
9.0 Troubleshooting
9.1 Troubleshooting IP Configurations
497-499 / 9.1.10 Using ifconfig
497-499 / 9.1.11 Find Linux Information
Chapter 10 / 4.0 IP Configuration Parameters
4.1 IP Configuration Parameters
183, 569-580 / 4.1.1 Configuring Host Addressing (Windows)
537-541, 543 / 4.1.5 Configuring Host Networking (NetWare)
6.0 Network Operating Systems
6.5 Netware Networking
536-540, 560 / 6.5.1 eDirectory Overview
547-550 / 6.5.2 Installing Client Software
547-550 / 6.5.3 Install the MS Novell Client
542-544 / 6.5.4 Mapping a Network Drive
542-547, 562 / 6.5.5 Creating eDirectory Users
542-547, 560-561 / 6.5.6 Create an eDirectory User
542-547 / 6.5.7 Assigning eDirectory Rights
534-540, 544-547, 562-563 / 6.5.8 Assign File System Rights
Chapter 11 / 4.0 IP Configuration Parameters
4.1 IP Configuration Parameters
183, 566-580 / 4.1 1 Configuring Host Addressing
566-575 / 4.1 2 Configure IP Setting 1
566-575 / 4.1.3 Configure IP Setting 2
569-580 / 4.1.5 Configuring Host Addressing (NetWare)
5.0 IP Services
5.1 Name Resolution
592-595 / 5.1.1 Configuring DNS and WINS Clients
590 / 5.1.2 Configure DNS Addresses
590 / 5.1.4 Configuring DNS Records
5.2 Address Assignment
577 / 5.2.2 Configuring a DHCP Server
5.3 ICS and NAT
577-581 / 5.3.1 Enabling ICS
580-581 / 5.3.2 Share an Internet Connection
577-580, 592-593 / 5.3.3 Configuring a NAT Router
7.0 Internet and Remote Access
7.1 Internet Connectivity
167-174, 183, 569-580 / 7.1.5 Configure Internet Settings
8.0 Network Protection and Availability
8.1 Firewalls
580-581 / 8.1.1 Configuring ICF
580-581 / 8.1.2 Enable ICF for a Connection
580-581 / 8.1.3 Open a Port
9.0 Troubleshooting
9.1 Troubleshooting IP Configurations
592-594 / 9.1.1 Using ipconfig and winipconfig
592-593 / 9.1.2 Interpreting ipconfig
592-593 / 9.1.3 Find Configuration Information 1
577, 592-593 / 9.1.4 Find Configuration Information 2
568, 572-575, 592-593 / 9.1.5 Find Configuration Information 3
568, 592-593 / 9.1.6 Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 1
568, 592-593 / 9.1.7 Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 2
568, 592-593 / 9.1.8 Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 3
568, 592-593 / 9.1.9 Troubleshoot IP Configuration Problems 4
568, 594-595 / 9.1.10 Using ifconfig
594-595 / 9.1.11 Find Linux Information
166-167, 586-588 / 9.1.12 Using arp, netstat, and nbstat
166-167, 586-588, 612 / 9.1.13 arp, netstat, and nbstat
9.2 Troubleshooting Network Communication
591-592, 612-613 / 9.2.1 Using Ping and Traceroute
591-592, 612-613 / 9.2.2 Exploring Network Communications
591-592, 612-613 / 9.2.3 Find Path Information 1
591-592, 612-613 / 9.2.4 Find Path Information 2
592-593 / 9.2.5 Identify Communication Capabilities 1
592-593 / 9.2.6 Identify Communication Capabilities 2
591-592, 612-613 / 9.2.7 Troubleshoot Network Communication 1
591-592, 612-613 / 9.2.8 Troubleshoot Network Communication 2
591-592, 612-613 / 9.2.9 Troubleshoot Network Communication 3
9.3 Troubleshoot Name Resolution
588-590 / 9.3.1 Using nslookup and dig
Chapter 12 / 9.0 Troubleshooting
9.2 Troubleshooting Network Communication
612 / 9.2.3 Find Path Information 1
612 / 9.2.4 Find Path Information 2
193-194, 591-592 / 9.2.7 Troubleshoot Network Communication 1
216, 612 / 9.2.8 Troubleshoot Network Communication 2
216, 612 / 9.2.9 Troubleshoot Network Communication 3
9.3 Troubleshoot Name Resolution
613-615, 589-590 / 9.3.1 Using nslookup and dig
216, 612 / 9.2.1 Using Ping and Traceroute
Chapter 13 / 8.0 Network Protection and Availability
8.1 Firewalls
720-721 / 8.1.1 Configuring ICF
8.2 Data Protection
697-703, 720-721 / 8.2.1 Back Up and Restore Data
687-693 / 8.2.2 Configuring Disk Protection
687-693 / 8.2.3 Create a Mirrored Volume
687-693 / 8.2.4 Create a RAID-5 Volume
Chapter 14 / 2.0 Networking Devices
2.1 Network Devices
759 / 2.1.5 Disable a Network Connection
3.0 Networking Standards
3.2 Wireless Networks
758-761, 776-778 / 3.2.4 Configuring a Wireless Access Point
758-761, 776-778 / 3.2.5 Configuring a Wireless Connection
5.0 IP Services
5.1 Name Resolution
750 / 5.1.1 Configuring DNS and WINS Clients
750 / 5.1.2 Configure DNS Addresses
750 / 5.1.4 Configuring DNS Records
7.0 Internet and Remote Access
7.2 Remote Access
752-758 / 7.2.3 Configure the Authentication Protocol
759 / 7.2.4 Disable Networking Components
8.0 Network Protection and Availability
8.1 Firewalls
735-738 / 8.1.1 Configuring ICF
735-738 / 8.1.2 Enable ICF for a Connection
735-738 / 8.1.3 Open a Port
8.2 Data Protection
752-753 / 8.2.2 Configuring Disk Protection
Chapter 15 / 6.0 Network Operating Systems
6.3 Windows Resources
810 / 6.3.3 Configure a Network Printer
810 / 6.3.4 Share a Local Printer
810 / 6.3.5 Add a Network Printer
Appendix C / 1.0 Cables and Connectors
1.1 Twisted Pair
862 / 1.1.1 Twisted Pair Cables and Connectors
1.2 Coaxial Cable
862 / 1.2.1 Coaxial Cables and Connectors
1.3 Fiber Optic
862-863 / 1.3.2 Connect Fiber Optic Cables 1
862-863 / 1.3.3 Connect Fiber Optic Cables 2
1.4 USB and Firewire
862-863 / 1.4.1 USB/Firewire Connctors
3.0 Networking Standards
3.1 Ethernet
862 / 3.1.2 Connect to 100BaseTX Network
862-863 / 3.1.3 Connect to a Fiber Optic Network
Appendix D / 6.0 Network Operating Systems
6.2 Windows Networking
869 / 6.2.1 Create Local User Accounts
869 / 6.2.2 Install a Service

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