Book Club Project

Travel Brochure

Name / Today’s Date
Final Due Date
My child and I have read and understand the requirements for this book club project. X______

For this book club project you need to select a fantasy or science fiction novel. Imagine that you work for a travel agency and you have been asked to design a brochure to advertise the setting of your book. (If your book has more than one setting, choose the most unusual and interesting one). Your teacher will be giving you a folded white sheet of construction paper to use for this project. The project information can be typed or written (very neatly). Be sure to make your project colorful - use pictures, stickers, drawings, photos, or craft supplies to make your brochure visibly attractive. You need to “sell” your setting to travelers!!

Each Section Needs to Have A Clear Label

Front Cover Panel (1):

·  Student Name

·  Title of the book

·  Author of the book

·  Illustration that shows the setting

·  Name of the setting (if it does not have a specific name in the book make up a name that sounds interesting)

Inside Flap Panel (2):

·  Interesting Information- Using the book write a paragraph summary about the most interesting events that took place in this setting.

·  At the bottom, write “For additional information on (name of place), contact (your name).”

Inside three Panels (3,4,5):

·  Setting- Give a written description of the setting. What kinds of plants and animals will they find? Do other people live there? Are there any unique features?

·  Activities- What are some activities that people can participate in? Are there any special things to do or see while visiting there?

·  Weather/Clothing- What is the weather like? What kind of clothing should be packed for this weather?

·  Facilities- What facilities are available? Where and what kind of food can people eat? Where can people sleep? (accommodations, restaurants, hotels, recreation areas, etc.)

·  Transportation- What type of transportation will be needed to arrive in this setting safely?

·  Cost- What is the full cost of the trip? Is there an all-inclusive rate? If not break down the estimated cost range for each category. (transportation, hotel, food, activities)

·  Testimony- Two different “testimonials” from people who traveled to your setting.

Center Back Panel (6):

·  The center back panel can be left blank or used as extra space.

Use the grading rubric on the backside to double-check your project prior to turning it in.


Book Club Project: Travel Brochure

Grading Rubric

Book: ______

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Layout: Each section is includes a label and is on the correct panel. Student decorated a colorful and inviting advertisement for their location
Cover Panel Information: Includes name, book title, author, illustration, parent signature, and name of setting
Interesting Information: A complete paragraph describing important events that occurred in the setting.
Setting: A complete paragraph describing the setting.
Activities: At least three activities are presented.
Weather/Clothing: Weather and clothing recommendations are made.
Facilities: Multiple food and sleeping arrangements are recommended.
Transportation: Multiple travel options are recommended from home to the setting, as well as traveling within the setting.
Cost: Individual and package costs are presented.
Testimony: Two first-person quotes share about their vacation to the setting.
Final Points / /50
Percentage / %