MINUTES of a meeting of Ringwould with Kingsdown Parish Council held at Kingsdown School on Monday 3rd November 2008 at 7.30pm

PRESENT The Chairman Cllr P Macwilliam in the chair

Cllr M Fish, D Clark, C Edwards, N Jackaman, S Danby, A Shepherd

Community Warden Malcolm Wells


The minutes of the previous meeting (1st October 2008), having been circulated were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

Community warden / Partners and Community Together (PACT)

The community warden reported that dog fouling and parking outside the school continue to be a problem.

Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda.


2 comments were read from residents objecting to the proposal to locate a dog bin at the end of Victoria Rd (Kingsdown). As no comments were received in support of the proposal it was felt the council had no option but to shelve this proposal.

Street lighting in Ringwould

Cllrs Macwilliam and Jackaman have canvassed residents of Back Street to establish if there is a need for additional street lighting in this area. 4 residents were in favour and 5 against. The council agreed that as the majority were opposed to additional lighting no further action should be taken.

Kingsdown Village Hall

Cllr Clark reported that the Village Halls conference she attended had been useful and as a result of this an advisor from Action From Communities in Rural Kent would be attending the next village hall committee meeting.

Vacancy on Parish Council

3 candidates applied for the vacant position of parish councillor. The applications were discussed and a ballot held. The council voted by a majority to co-opt Mark Dewhurst to the parish council. Cllr Macwilliam proposed and Cllr Danby 2nd that the council accept Mr Dewhursts ‘declaration of acceptance of office’ being signed before the next council meeting and that he will join the council at their December meeting.

Public conveniences at Kingsdown

A letter was read from DDC concerning the public conveniences in Kingsdown. DDC are considering closing the facility unless the parish council can offer some financial support to meet the costs of retaining the facility (£5400 annually). There were discussions concerning the merit of this. It was proposed by Cllr Fish and 2nd by Cllr Clark that the council should open negotiations with DDC concerning the amount of financial support required. The motion was carried 6 votes to 1.

ACTION Clerk to ask DDC how much financial support is required.


Village Plan.

Cllr Shepherd will contact all who have expressed an interest in becoming part of the parish plan steering group and begin to move this forward as a separate body to the parish council.

ACTION Cllr Shepherd to initiate parish plan steering group.

Recreational Land

Kingsdown recreation ground

Entrance. Unless repairs are made to the entrance SITA will not empty the bin at the recreation ground. 3 quotes for this work were reviewed. It was proposed by Cllr Jackaman and 2nd by Cllr Edwards that subject to clarification of requirements and agreement from Mr Pearson Wood the quote from Oatmor Harris for £1121 plus VAT be accepted. It was agreed that the additional work to lay type 1 along the entire of the track to the recreation ground was not required.

ACTION Clerk to arrange a site meeting with Cllr Macwilliam and Oatmor Harris.

ACTON Cllr Macwilliam to confirm that the planned works are acceptable to Mr Pearson Wood.

Ownership Sign. RosPA have advised that it is a legal requirement that an ownership sign be installed at the recreation ground. Quotes to provide this were invited from a number of suppliers but only one was received. The quote from Sign from Above was discussed. Cllr Shepherd proposed and Cllr Jackaman 2nd that a ‘double’ sign be obtained which could also be used as a noticeboard. The motion failed. Cllr Edwards proposed and Cllr Clark 2nd that the quote from Sign from Above ( £125 supply plus £89 installation) be accepted. The motion was carried 5 to 2.

ACTION Clerk to proceed with the purchase of the ownership sign of approximately A4 size.

Safety Matting. Mr Simms has offered to spray the safety matting to kill the grass and weeds growing there free of charge.

ACTION Cllr Macwilliam to liaise with Mr Simms.

Hedging. A quote was received from A Calder for £352.61 to plant hedging at the recreation ground. It was proposed by Cllr Danby and 2nd by Cllr Edwards that the quote be accepted.

ACTION Clerk to contact A Calder and ask him to proceed, but not to include any Blackthorn in the hedging.


A quote has been received from Justin Ramsay to paint a new footpath map for £450. There were discussions concerning whether to proceed with this. It was agreed that further investigations would be made concerning costs and possible methods of production before proceeding with this.

Land Issues

One of the concrete blocks recently installed at Freedown Wood has been moved. There is a burnt out car at Freedown Wood.

ACTION Cllr Macwilliam to visit area to make evaluation and to arrange for removal of the car.



Clerk advised that the KALC AGM is on 8th November.

Planning Applications

The following recommendations of the planning committee were announced:

DOV/08/01014 The Gunnery, Undercliffe Road, Kingsdown

Erection of a first floor extension


The proposed extension would by reason of its design form ,size and prominence constitute a visual intrusion into the unspoilt and sensitive cliff line of Kingsdown. The height combined with the west facing terrace would be intrusive, overlook and dominate the chalets in the holiday park built close to the western boundary of the property. There is also concern about the safety aspects of the only access to the property being by the lift up the cliff. Chalet owners have expressed fears that in the event of a fire or similar emergency access through the holiday park would be used.

DOV/08/00997 Spa Cottage, Hangman’s Lane, Ringwould

Erection of a detached garage and log store.


DOV/08/01023 Land R/O 41 Balmoral Road, Kingsdown

Erection of a detached dwelling.


Although reduced in bulk the dwelling is still larger than the surrounding bungalows and will dominate the area.

TC/08/00086/TC The Gate House, Upper Street, Kingsdown

Works to one beech tree and one holly tree


DOV/08/00911 Glendale Lodge, Glen Road, Kingsdown

Erection of a single storey extension to accommodate 9 residential bedrooms with en suite facilities, soft and hard

landscaping and temporary vehicle access.


TC/08/00088/TC Laundry Cottage, Hangmans Lane, Ringwould

Remove one elm tree.


DOV/08/00991 Southcote, Northcote Road, Kingsdown

Erection of a two storey rear extension and erection of a detached garage / garden room (existing garage to be demolished).


The following decisions of the Planning Department, Dover District Council were announced:


DOV/08/00876 Hillside, The Rise, Kingsdown

Erection of a single storey front extension and replace fence with railings.


The development if permitted would, due to the contrived design of the front extension and the overly formal appearance of the railings, detract from the design and character of the host building. The development would thereby result in development that is detrimental to the special character and appearance of the conservation area and street scene. As such, the proposal is contrary to Kent and Medway Structure Plan Policies QL1 and QL6 and Dover District Local Plan Policy DD1.

DOV/08/00934 Lomea House, Church Cliff, Kingsdown

Erection of two storey rear extension, first floor front extension incorporating a dormer roof extension, conversion of garage to habitable room and erection of detached garage (existing rear conservatory to be demolished).


DOV/08/00864 Hillcroft, Kingsdown Hill, Kingsdown

Erection of single and two storey extension and dormer roof extension to rear (existing extension to be demolished).


DOV/08/01014 The Gunnery, Undercliffe Road, Kingsdown

Erection of a first floor extension


The proposed extension would by virtue of its design, form, size, height, scale and prominence, if permitted, result in an obtrusive feature which would be visually intrusive within the natural and unspoiled landscape on which the dwelling is situated. Accordingly, the proposal is detrimental to the natural beauty of the cliffs and the setting of the undeveloped coast, contrary to policies EN1,EN2, EN3, EN4, EN5 and HP5 of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan and policies DD1 and CO1 of the Dover District Local Plan.

The proposed extension, due to its design and proximity to the boundary to the property would, if permitted result in an unacceptable level of overlooking and interlooking between neighbouring properties. The proposal would therefore result in a serious loss of privacy to both their occupants, to the detriment of the residential amenity of those occupants and contrary to policy DD1 of the Dover District Local Plan and policy QL1 of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan.

The following decisions of the Planning Department, Kent County Council were announced:

DOV/08/TEMP/0029 Kingsdown & Ringwould CEP School

Provision of 2 No. 2-bay mobile classrooms.




  1. Southern Water’s 2007-2008 Stakeholder Report. Covering operational and financial performance over the past year.
  2. Registers of Common Land and Town or Village Greens – notice of implementation of part 1 of the Commons Act 2006 (from 1st October 2008). Passed to Cllr Macwilliam.
  3. Kent Health Watch. Information on a new service from KCC to help local people express their views about health and social care in the county.

4.  Communities in control: Real people, real power. Codes of conduct for local authority members and employees. A consultation. Also available at www.communities.gov.uk The consultation period ends on 24th December 2008. Copy to Cllr Macwilliam.

  1. Promotional letter from ‘Ringway’ offering street lighting maintenance contracts.
  2. Regeneration event for voluntary and community groups. 5th November, The Theatre, Dover Discovery Centre 2-5pm [email send to Councillors 26th October]
  3. Consultation on Dover District Neighbourhood Forum ‘Street Scene’ service. The Parish Council is asked to respond to a short questionnaire by the end of November. [email sent to Councillors 26th October].
  4. Invitation to Lord Lietenant of Kent Civic service at Rochester cathedral on 26th March 2009. reply by 16 January 2009
  5. Close to Home. DDC tenants newsletter October 08
  6. Letter from KCC. The contract for subsidised local bus service 593 (Western Heights – Deal) which covers the parish is due for renewal in April 09 and tenders will be issued in November. The intention is to maintain existing levels of service but this will depend both on the results of the tender and budget.
  7. Advertisement from Arien Signs for noticeboards.
  8. Letter from Langdon Parish Council concerning the public enquiry in January 09 into the Dover North Windfarm. Gives an update on the current position and asks if the parish council would be prepared to make a donation to cover the legal costs of opposing the proposed windfarm. It was proposed by Cllr Macwilliam and 2nd by Cllr Shepherd that a donation of £200 be made.


A response has been received from Richard Pollard at DDC concerning the invoice for £1156.26 for the survey of Kingsdown Village Hall; Mr Pollard advises that the insurance cost of the survey was £262 and it was this that DDC had agreed to fund, leaving the parish council to pay the survey costs (originally estimated at £1000). There was a misunderstanding and the parish council believed that DDC would fund the survey, and they the insurance costs. Mr Pollard advises that the invoice for £1156.26 still stands. Cllr Shepherd proposed and Cllr Edwards 2nd that before payment is made the parish council ask DDC why a roof survey was not included and to explain what elements of the survey were included in the cost.

DDC advise that the parish councils precept request for 2009 / 2010 must be received by them no later than 6th February 2009.

An interim financial report for the year 2008 – 2009 was circulated by the Clerk.


The completed annual return has been received from the Audit Commission. A notice of conclusion will be displayed in the noticeboards.

The following payments were approved:

434 Action with Communities in Rural Kent £20 prop Cllr Edwards

Cllr Clerk attendance at Village Hall Conf. 2nd Cllr Fish

435 Kingsdown Village Hall £1125 prop Cllr Danby

50% contribution to toilet repairs 2nd Cllr Jackaman

436 A Calder £415.20prop Cllr Shepherd

footpath clearing / hedge cut / 2nd Cllr Danby

grass cut / repairs to Kingsdown rec.

437 Kingsdown CEP School £20 prop Cllr Clark

Hall hire 13th October 2nd Cllr Edwards

438 Audit Commission £334.88 prop Cllr Macwilliam

Audit fee 2008 2nd Cllr Shepherd

439 P Godden £72 prop Cllr Jackaman

Village clearing 2nd Cllr Danby

440 E Bilsland £56.30 prop Cllr Clark

travel expenses to training at Headcorn 2nd Cllr Fish

101 miles @ 55.8p mile

441 Dover District Council £348.50 prop Cllr Fish

Clerk salary 2nd Cllr Macwilliam

442 Langdon Parish Council £200 prop Cllr Edwards

Donation to support legal costs of opposing 2nd Cllr Danby


Any other information

It was agreed that the December / January / February / March meetings will be held at Kingsdown School.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.05pm