December 1, 2016

9:30 – 1200

Lanark County Council Chambers

Refreshments provided by FCSLLG

The Council provides leadership and coordination to enable optimal development and healthy living for Lanark County children, youth (0 – 18 years of age), and their families. The Council is committed to providing leadership and innovation in the following areas: Service integration, advocacy, planning and evaluation, information sharing, community education and professional development.

www.lanarkkids.com twitter:@lanarkkids www.facebook.com/lanarkkids


Present: Meghan Lepine, Warren McMeekin, Dave Murphy, Erin Lee, Stephanie Gray, MacKenzie O’Keefe, Karen Lomas, Jane Hess, Mary Lou White, Kate Hallas, Sue Cavanagh, Jennifer Miller, Margaret van Beers, Ramsey Hart, Sharon Bjergso, Karen Schecter, Lori-Anne Bond, Lois Dewey, Terrilee Kelford, Jane Torrance, Kevin Clouthier,

Regrets: Pam Harris, Donna Davidson, Kara Symbolic, Tanis Cowan

Recorder: Cathy Clarke

A fun video presentation by Kurt Greaves about Lanark County thanks to Mary Lou


Warren Christmas Light Ceremony Dec. 8 Lanark village

Dave – Letter to Santa – send letters to Santa @SFPA, or red mail box at station which will be read on Jack FM each AM between 7 and 7:15. Prize available

Erin Dec. 6 Vigil in Perth 4:30, and Smiths Falls,Trinity Church at 12 noon, Dec. 6/16

Stephanie – Co-op Student MacKenzie O’Keefe attending.

Karen – Meeting at 5 Allen Street, CP on Dec. 5 at 1pm to discuss C possible Community Navigator position . Jane to send out invitation

Jane Hess – Opioid meeting Dec. 14.

Mary Lou –Meetings held re building of new school in Catholic School Board, Smiths Falls

Terrilee Kelford – 20th anniversary of Kelford House, Cornerstone project gathering hats and scarves

Sue Cavanagh – Please complete brief survey sent out recently

Ramsay – Forum – Good Food in Schools – Feb. 22. Look for announcement

Sharon –case of 500 packages of Kellogg cereal donated. The Hub, Caldwell School, and St. John agreed to be centres for distribution

Karen – Kudos to Friends of Smiths Falls Library – made possible donations of 200 books to Duncan J. Schoular, 200 books to St. James schools

Lois – Newsletter about to go out. First meeting held of Stewardship group

Jane – thanked Dave Murphy for his involvement in LCPC and working groups and had a cake to celebrate

Dave thanked Jane. Stated he had been on Planning council 5 years and had gained a lot of partners during this time. His replacement CSO will begin at January meeting.

Kevin – meeting March – Scott Miller key note speaker.

Almonte/Mississippi Mills Youth Club opening December 8th 6-8 pm 134 Main Street and will be catered by local Syrian refugee family.

Erin – Truth and Reconciliation being discussed at County Council meeting on Dec. 7. Come show your support.

Planning Council members expressed appreciation of living in rural setting, and their gratitude to the persons they work with on the strong commitment to helping clients and co-workers.

Review of Minutes: Accepted as presented

Approval of Agenda: Jennifer’s presentation on After School programming deferred until a later meeting

Request to move Margaret van Beers presentation to follow the Sharing portion of meeting.

Presentation: Margaret spoke on the Special Needs Strategy, and of meeting to develop proposals for development. Consensus was not reached on some of the proposals. Decisions on service delivery will not be ready until 2017/18. Delivery will be based on existing capacity. Meetings are planned for Feb 28 and Mar 23/17. Jane will sent information to find out who would be invited and will post the presentation to the website.

New Business: Pupil Accommodation Review. Erin spoke of the forum Nov. 16. No decisions have been made as yet for closures. Meeting planned Feb. 15/17.and March 2/17, with final decision to be made March 23/17. Jane read a draft letter composed for the Planning council, addressed to Sue Edwards, parents, principals on the subject of school closures. Some comments were made: concern about phrase addressing “no school closures” . Some suggestions were made about possible solutions, including renting out parts of schools not in use and review of Use of Schools First Policy, combining two schools ie. Lanark Village, taking a step back – feasibility study should include persons from community. Some confusion as to what committee ARC is. Ramsay thought every rural community deserves school

Erin – letter will be re-written before sending out. Delegate from Planning Council to attend January 30 ARC meeting. Erin will call meeting before Jan 30th to discuss this.


Regional Process – Report not available

Planner Report – Jane reported less funding available. Beginning March 31 – hours will be cut to 17.5. What will the job look like? Jane is willing to stay in position part time. Full discussion will take place in January.

Community Issues Dental Petition – this petition has the support of the Planning Table and Jane will send it out. It was suggested that this petition be taken back to the Boards of participants so a broader participation could be gained. Jane will send out resolution to each member.

Community Issues or Emerging Issues: Terrilee stated position of House Mentor for Smiths Falls residence is available - geared to single person.

Ramsay – What can we do, or is their training for dealing with racism. (Jane to send out YouTube link)

Michelle from Catholic board advised 10 positions open for ASIST training 8 and 9 Dec. (Jane to send out the info)

Key Messages:

·  Today was CSO Constable Dave Murphy’s last meeting with LCPC before he returns to his regular police duties at SFPD. We have appreciated his willingness to participate in our working groups, and his thoughtful additions, and we had cake in his honour and will send a letter of appreciation to the Smiths Falls Police Department

·  Special Needs Strategy training for front-line workers on Coordinated family-centred service planning for children and youth with multiple and/or complex special needs will be held Tuesday February 28 and Thursday March 23. Please hold these dates

·  Jane will remain in Planner position full time to March 31 2017 and part-time (17.5 hours per week) April 1 to December 31, 2017. We are planning for the future and new possibilities and a new model in 2018

·  Pupil Accommodation Review response to ARC#4 is being drafted and will come back in January. We will ask to present as LCPC at the January 30th public meeting with a broad holistic message re what is necessary for children, youth and families.

·  Mississippi Mills Youth Centre is opening its doors with a grand opening at 134 Main Street E, Almonte on December 8th from 6 t0 8pm, with catering from a local Syrian Refugee family

·  TRC action is moving forward, and a joint proposition from our LCPC working group and Neighbours for Truth and Reconciliation will be considered at County Council on December 7 at 5pm. All are encouraged to attend and support.

·  An emerging issue is racism and oppression, and we will look at and anti-racism and anti-oppression campaign in the new year. For now, we should all watch Peggy McIntosh in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRnoddGTMTY

Next Meeting: January 5, 2017.