50 Years Ago

Delphos Republican

July 6 1961

Aurora Chancy

Judy McKnights's birthday was the 4th, and her mother's, Ona Bourne, the day after.

Mrs B A (Dorothy) Bourne took some ladies from the rest home on an outing. They visited some wheat fields and saw some combines at work, and ended the journey at the elevator, watching the unloading of wheat from the trucks.

Charles Klein, Jr, of Minneapolis, announces the arrival of their second child, James Morris, June 30th.

William Willis Adams, died June 2 at his home in Los Angeles. He was a brother of Bertha Dildine, and was first married to Blanche Davis.

The 7th annual reunion of the Owen family was held in ConcordiaCityPark June 4th. Present from Delphos was Mr & Mrs Joseph Crist.

A 60th Wedding Anniversary was held at Sunset Home for Mr & Mrs Peter Carlson. They were married July 1 1901 in Sweden.

Chance's Food Store has Potatoes 10 pounds for 49 cents, Lemons 6 in a bag for 23 cents, Apricots, 2 pounds for 35 cents.

Karen Ann Liedtke, daughter of Emil Liedtkes, Glasco, celebrated her 10th birthday.

Mrs Belle Nelson is being cared for at St Josephs Hospital. Mrs Nelson Reppert is here from Osawatomie to be near her mother.

The Cloud County Extension Service held a garden and yard tour last Wednesday. A rather large group took part, considering the hot weather and with harvest going on.

Curtis Driscoll was taken to St John's hospital last Thursday with a high temperature. He was brought home Sunday evening.

Ray Winter's family got a call from their son, Norlan, a week ago, saying he will soon be released from the service and will be home after July 12th.

Kathryn Lorene Gawith, daughter of Mr & Mrs Vernis Gawith, and Robert Glen Paige, of Delphos, were married June 18th at the DelphosMethodistChurch.

Churches in the Delphos-Lamar area are having a CROP Sunday ( Christian Rural Overseas Program) . Every family will be called upon to give. Rev Stenger is heading the program. Rev B A Rundus, Presbyterian Church, Rev E A Coates, HallChurch, and Rev Ralph Watkins, MethodistChurch at Minneapolis, assisting. The goal for this county is 500 bushels of grain. Lay chairmen are Clifford Chancy and Rolla Hogg, Delphos and Orville Briggs, Lamar. Harry Ponton and Clarence Cain are CROP representatives for the Delphos Coo-p and Cain Elevators.