‘To Reveal Jesus to all people’
Edition 9–April 2012
Holy Week is almost upon us, so I am sure most of us are very busy preparing services in preparation for this reflective period. Probably because of this, I’ve had very little input for REVEAL in April, so hopefully you are all aware of the Services taking place in each of the 6 Churches over the Easter period. In case you are left wondering, listed below are the Services and events planned for St Marks and Emmanuel Churches – take special note of the 6am Easter Sunday Service for those early risers amongst you! (I’m told it’s a lovely Service, but have never actually made it myself!).
FOODBANK for Bestwood and Bulwell is moving forward. There is hoped to be a collection date arranged for later this month at one of the local TESCO stores. Watch out for updates on this. Volunteers to hand leaflets to customers as they arrive in store are needed and to receive their donated goods as they leave.
As always, I’m happy to receive updates from you at any time during the month, either for circulation immediately or for including in the next issue of REVEAL, This could be details of events, services or prayer requests you would like publishing to the ‘Bestwood 6’. E-mail to
Information for Edition 10 – May 2012 is required, to me, by the 26thApril please.
Sunday 1st April – Palm Sunday. 10.30 am. Morning Worship at Emmanuel
Sunday 1st April – Palm Sunday. 10.15 am. Parade around Bestwood Village followed by Morning Worship with baptism at St Marks
Sunday 1st April – Palm Sunday. 6.30pm.United Service for Bestwood 6 at Bestwood Park Church (Final sermon in Lent series and opportunity for discussion on series)
w/c 2nd April - Holy Week
Monday 2nd April 10.00am –12 noon setting up for Holiday Club Emmanuel Church Hall.
Monday 2nd April. 7pm. Holy Week Quiet Service at Emmanuel.
Tuesday 3rd April - Thursday 5th April 10.00 – 12 noon. Holiday Club at Emmanuel Church Hall.
Tuesday 3rd April. 7pm. Holy Week Quiet Service at St Marks.
Wednesday 4th April. 7pm. Holy Week Quiet Service at Emmanuel.
Thursday 5th April. 7pm. Maundy Thursday Supper at St Marks.
Friday 6th April. 10.00 am -12noon. Good Friday Family Time at Emmanuel.
Friday 6th April. 2 – 3pm Good Friday. Last hour at the cross Emmanuel.
Sunday 8th April. Easter Sunday 6am. United Sunrise Holy Communion in the Country Park. Followed by breakfast at Emmanuel (please book your place for breakfast - £3.50 adults and £1.00 per child; to book please phone Ron on 0115 920 9153). For more information on the Service (and where to find the bonfire, if it’s snowing! Contact Elizabeth.
Sunday 8th April. Easter Sunday. 6pm. Easter Praise Service at Emmanuel.
Don’t forget to visit the faith and light website to see what theyhave planned: nottinghamnorthfaithandlight.webplus.net
May and onwards......
Messy Church is a creative form of church which is aimed at young families. It has three elements - Welcome and arts and crafts, worship and creative bible teaching and the final element is food and hospitality. Messy Church will take place on a Thursday between 4.30 until 6pm on the following dates at Bestwood Park Church.
Thursday 3rd May Messy Church – Moses
Thursday 31st May Messy Church – Joshua
Thursday 21st June Messy Church– David
23rd – 27th July Messy Church Holiday Club
There are loads of ways you can get involved;
- Welcoming people
- Doing the registers
- Helping with the food and refreshments
- Helping to set up, the arts and crafts, and tidy up afterwards
- By praying for Messy Church
To get involved please contact Chris Easton, 07828970959,
Prayer Diary
Week beginning 1st April
- St Mark’s Bestwood Village
- For Revd. Elizabeth Snowden and readers Greg and Kirsty Cowley and Portia Newling
- For Eden Lodge and Hawthorne Nursing homes, for staff and for those who live in them.
- For our United Service at Bestwood Park church tonight
- For the Holiday Club at Emmanuel beginning on Monday 2nd April
- For the children and young people of our communities on their Easterschool holiday
- For our churches as we observe Holy Week
- For our celebrations on Easter Sunday
Week beginning April 8th
- Emmanuel Church
- For the Boys’ Brigade, for the leader Adrian Tongue and other officers and for the children and young people
- For those who are getting married this year at Emmanuel
- For people who live in Lytham Gardens, Jacklin Gardens, Townsend Close, Hogan Gardens
- Bestwood 6
- Easter Celebrations in all our churches
- For those away on holiday
- For those attending Christian camps or conferences
- For our children and young people on schools holidays
- For our teachers and other school support staff.
Week beginning April 15th
- the Church at Rise Park
- For the youth discipleship group, the leaders and the young people
- For the toddler group
- For those who live on Ornsay Close, Revelstoke Way, Barrhead Close, Blantyre Avenue,
- Bestwood 6
- For those who will be carrying out interviews in our congregations and community as part of the Missional Church process
- For our churches as we begin to engage with the process of Missional church
- For our young people as they approach exams
- For those preparing for confirmation
- For Gabrielle Thomas, a student from St John’s College on placement with us.
Week beginning April 22nd
- For St Matthews and St Philips
- For those who live on Southglade Road, for the Southglade Hub, the health centre, the sports centre, the library and the sure start centre
- For the ongoing issue about buildings
- For Andy Morris and the steering group for Food banks
- For all involved in the preparation to open the Food Bank
- For a good response for food from all the churches in Bestwood and Bulwell
- For volunteers for the Food Bank
- For the Deanery Confirmation on Sunday 22nd 6.00pm at St Martin’s Sherwood.
Week beginning April 29th
- For Bestwood Park Church.
- For the plans for Jubilee celebrations on 3rd June
- For all who enter the building during the week
- For those who own or rent shops at the Elmbridge Shops
- For the process of missional church that God will help us to listen to him and to recognise where he is at work.
- Bestwood 6
- For growing friendships and fellowship across our six churches.
For future additions of REVEAL, please send any prayer requests to , equally if you would like something sending out in the interim for prayer amongst our communities.
‘We are a community united by Gods’ Love. Our values: Caring, Compassion, Consistency, Collaboration’