UNIT: Description of the Principles of Food Science Technology

LESSON: Trends in Food Production


Lesson Plan


The student will be able to:

·  describe importance of and trends in beef, pork, mutton, and poultry production;

·  identify importance of and trends in dairy product production;

·  examine importance of and trends in seafood production;

·  recognize importance of and trends in vegetable, fruit, and nut production; and

·  discuss importance of and trends in cereal grain and other food crop production.

Key Terms

aquaculture butterfat

carbohydrates carcass

castrate cholesterol

estuary farrow

Trends in Food Production

fat lactation

palatable protein

udder viscera



§  IMS #8409

§  Class Notes for #8409

§  Lesson Test for IMS #8409

§  PowerPoint Presentation for IMS #8409



Key Points / Methods
American farmers, ranchers, researchers, scientists are leaders in the world’s largest commercial industry, with assets exceeding one trillion dollars. Discuss the scope of this industry with students and obtain their thoughts accordingly.
Discuss the importance of food production in Texas. Discuss which crops students know to be grown in Texas and the importance of these crops.
In this lesson, the students will:
·  describe importance of and trends in beef, pork, mutton, and poultry production;
·  identify importance of and trends in dairy product production;
·  examine importance of and trends in seafood production;
·  recognize importance of and trends in vegetable, fruit, and nut production; and
·  discuss importance of and trends in cereal grain and other food crop production. / Teacher Led Discussion
Teacher Led Discussion
Review of Objectives


Key Points / Methods
American agriculture: world’s largest commercial industry; largest U.S. employer.
Americans spend less than 11% disposable income on food; other countries spend 60-70% disposable income on food.
Consumers have choice of more than 12,000 food items due to efficiency.
beef production
Comprised of more than 1 million individual farms ranches; Texas leads with over 14 million head of cattle.
Cattle are ruminants; eat large amount of hay, grass; convert plant cellulose into beef.
·  Primary source of protein for consumers in U.S.
·  1 ½ to 2 years to produce beef for processing.
·  Calf born; lives off mother’s milk; weaned at 7-8 months of age, put on pasture to graze until 700 lbs.
·  1 year: calf placed in feedlot; fed grain, protein, vitamins, minerals; will start putting on intramuscular fat, improving tenderness and flavor of beef.
·  Reach desired weight: sent to processing or packaging plant; slaughtered, dressed.
·  USDA inspects carcasses for problems making unfit for consumption; grades carcass based on age and marbling.
·  Carcass is yield graded based on fat to muscle ratio.
·  After chilling, cut into wholesale cuts; sent by refrigerated truck to supermarkets.
·  Butcher cuts wholesale cuts into wrapped and displayed retail cuts.
·  Ground beef is most popular form.
Beef by-products:
·  Leather (hide);
·  Brushes (hair);
·  Buttons;
·  Glue;
·  Gelatin;
·  Toothbrushes (bones, horns);
·  Variety meats (liver, heart, kidney, tongue, brains);
·  Marshmallows, chewing gum, sausage casings; and
·  Hand creams, animal feeds, soap, drugs.
35 million cattle to provide consumers 29 billion pounds of beef each year; 67 pounds per person
Complete Explanation of Beef Carcass Yield activity at this time.
Producers market over 99 million hogs each year.
114,000 farms actually considered commercial pork production units; 80% hogs produced yearly grown on farms that produce 1,000 or more hogs annually.
·  Born in litters (9-10 pigs) in farrowing house; stay with sow 3-4 weeks.
·  10-15 lbs: weaned, moved to nursery to be fed complex diet.
·  8-10 weeks, 40-60 lbs: moved to growing-finishing barn; fed all they can consume until 250 lbs; then marketed.
·  market pigs sold to packing plants; slaughtered, some processing.
·  Highest dressing percentage of slaughter animals (72%).
·  Packing plant sells whole carcasses or wholesale cuts to supermarkets; cut pork into retail cuts, package, display it for consumer.
Pork by-products:
·  Lard;
·  Hair for brushes;
·  Glue;
·  Leather;
·  Soap;
·  Nearly 40 drugs, pharmaceuticals; and
·  Heart valves transplanted into human hearts; skin used for badly burned human skin.
U.S. pork consumption per capita was 57.7 lbs in 2000.
Raised in every U.S. state; mostly West, Midwest; Texas produces 17% of total U.S. products (1 out of every 5).
Ruminants; feed on grasses, forbs, woody plants; can be raised on land unsuitable for cultivation.
Two categories of meat: based on age of animal, joints on forelegs at lower end of metacarpals.
·  Lamb: under one year of age; cartilaginous structure that “breaks” at joint; more tender, milder in flavor.
·  Mutton: yearlings or older; ossified joint (spool joint).
·  Give birth to 1-3 lambs during spring; nursed for 4-5 months.
·  Weaned; go directly to packing plant for slaughter or to feedlot to be fed grain until 90-110 lbs (2-3 months).
·  Slaughtered, processed; meat sent to supermarkets for retail cuts; packaged, displayed for consumer.
·  Cosmetics
·  Insulin, other medicines
·  Glue
·  Fertilizers
·  Felt
·  Sheepskin (rugs ,diplomas)
·  Catgut (tennis rackets)
·  Waxes for candles
·  Fats for soaps
·  Wool
·  Bone for china
·  Leather
·  Musical strings
·  Stearin
Ethnic diversity has helped increase lamb consumption.
Most efficient protein converters; second most efficient among domestic livestock.
Provide: milk, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream, yogurt, powdered milk, evaporated milk.
Dairy cattle:
·  fed complete ration (TMR) of concentrates (corn, barley, oats, milo, soybean meal), roughages (hay, silage), by-products (wheat bran, middlings, whole cottonseed, hominy feed, beet pulp, dried whey) mixed together, fed at one time.
·  require different amounts of nutrients depending on stage of growth, or lactation.
·  average farm milks twice daily, every day, morning and night.
·  mechanical milking machines: used to milk cows; quicker, easier, more sanitary than hand milking.
·  Leaves cow through machine; pipelined into storage tank until picked up by stainless steel refrigerated trucks;
·  Trucked to processing plants, pumped into refrigerated bulk tank;
·  Processing: clarified, pasteurized, homogenized, packaged in sterile paper, glass, or plastic containers; and
·  Every step completed with sterile equipment; milk never exposed to open air or human hands.
Average dairy cow:
·  Eat 100 lbs dry matter or silage;
·  15-25 pounds of grain;
·  25-50 gallons of water;
·  produce 60 pounds of milk per day;
·  12,000 pounds milk per year; and
·  6,000-35,000 pounds milk depending on breed, breeding, nutrition, etc.
Complete Dairy Products Listing Challenge activity at this time.
Chickens: most important birds used for human consumption.
Two types: broiler and layers.
·  Raised for meat production;
·  Grow quickly, reaching market age in 6-7 weeks;
·  hatchery: eggs incubated, hatch in 21 days; producers receive one day old chicks from hatchery;
·  Kept in brooder in broiler house for first week; controlled temperature ((95ºF);
·  Fed starter feed high in protein; switched to growing ration last several weeks; and
·  Six to seven weeks: sent to processor; stunned, killed, cleaned, prepared for market.
·  Raised for laying eggs;
·  Grow similar to broilers; start laying at 20 weeks old;
·  Raised in total confinement; fed laying mash (corn, soybean meal, vitamins, minerals);
·  Hen lays in cycles (clutch); nearly 250 eggs per year;
·  Egg is laid, conveyor belt under cage catches egg, moves to processing;
·  Machines process eggs; human hands seldom touch;
·  Processing: washing, candling, weighing and sorting, packaging in cartons, refrigeration; takes 24-36 hours; and
·  When properly processed and stored, eggs stay fresh for 4-5 weeks.
Complete Egg Candling Activity at this time.
·  300,000 turkeys produced annually in U.S.
·  Raised similar to broilers; much longer growing period
·  8 weeks: turkeys placed on range, average capacity of 250 birds per acre
·  Growing trend toward confined production; southern states done on the range
·  Marketed at various ages, weights:
o  Fryer turkeys: 4 months
o  Young hens, toms: 5-7 months
o  Yearling toms, hens: less than 15 months
·  Processed forms: turkey rolls, roasts, pot pies, franks, sandwich meat, frozen dinners
Today: more poultry consumed than ever; high in protein, low in fat and cholesterol.
Per capita consumption of chicken in 2000: 82.6 lbs.; turkey was 17.9 lbs.
U.S. has become third largest consumer of seafood in the world.
·  Low in fat, cholesterol, calories
·  Good source of protein, vitamins (A,D,B), magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper
Rise in demand put pressures on American waters, fishing fleets, availability; caused U.S. to import more fish, making U.S. second only to Japan for importation.
Aquaculture (fish farming) received more attention; best hope of producing fish to keep up with demand.
Industries in U.S. are big business; gardening is most popular hobby in U.S.
Home gardening: tomatoes, potatoes, beans, lettuce, broccoli, and radishes.
California, Florida, Arizona, Texas, and Georgia: leading producers of vegetables.
California, Florida, and Texas: leading producers of fruit.
Major vegetable, fruit crops: tomatoes, onions, potatoes, lettuce, grapes, apples, oranges, watermelons.
Nuts: eight states grow 99% of peanuts; Texas, Georgia grow 60% of pecans; California grows all almonds grown commercially in the U. S., 99% of walnuts, pistachios (second leading pistachio grower worldwide).
Industries employ many people; handle production, harvesting, processing, delivery, marketing, and sales of wide variety of products.
U.S. accounts for 44% total world grain exports; 50% world soybean exports; crop producers harvest 314 million acres of cropland to market crops worth $112 billion annually.
·  Most important food crop in U.S. and Europe; Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington produce majority;
·  High in protein;
·  Most made into flour; bread, pastries, tortillas, pasta, crackers;
·  Used in breakfast cereals; and
·  Average per capita consumption in U.S.: 110 lbs.
·  Most widely grown crop; leading feed grain for livestock in U.S.;
·  10% produced for human consumption; U.S. per capita consumption is 33 lbs.; and
·  Cornmeal, tortillas, chips, flakes, nuts, popcorn.
·  More than ½ world population depends on rice as primary food;
·  Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, California: 80% rice production in U.S.; and
·  Three varieties: long grain, short grain, medium grain.
·  Major vegetable oil crop in world;
·  High in protein; used as meat substitute; and
·  Increased more in last 25 years; risen to challenge corn as most important crop in country. / PowerPoint Slides #3-5
PowerPoint Slides #6-20
PowerPoint Slides #21-32
PowerPoint Slides #33-42
PowerPoint Slides #43-54
PowerPoint Slides #55-72
PowerPoint Slides #73-77
PowerPoint Slides #78-85
PowerPoint Slides #86-98


Key Points / Methods
Explanation of Beef Carcass Yield
Ask students to write a response explaining why only 470 pounds of marketable beef is obtained from a 1,000-pound steer. Discuss their responses in class.
Dairy Products Listing Challenge
Challenge students to list as many dairy products as they can. Reward student with the longest list.
Egg Candling Activity
Teach students how to properly candle eggs as is done in egg processing. Refer to Poultry CDE information for correct candling and equipment procedures. / Student Written Response
Student Challenge
Class Activity


Key Points / Methods
Complete Lesson Test for IMS #8409 / Worksheet

references/ Additional matierials

American Farm Bureau. (2001). [Online]. Available: http://www.fb.org [2001, February 7]

American Sheep Industry Association. (2001). [Online]. Available:http://www.sheepusa.org.

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2001). [Online]. Available: http://stats.bls.gov/blshome.htm. [2001, January 24]

Economic Research Service. (2001). [Online]. Available: http://www.ers.usda.gov. [2001, January 23]

National Agricultural Statistics Service. (2001). [Online]. Available: http://www.usda.gov/nass/. [2001, January 29]

National Cattleman’s Beef Association. (2001). [Online]. Available: http://www.beef.org. [2001, February 2]

National Pork Producer’s Council. (2001). [Online]. Available: http://www.nppc.org. [2001, February 7]

Texas Agricultural Statistics Service. (2001). [Online]. Available: http://www.io.com/~tass/. [2001, January 12]

Texas Department of Agriculture. (2001). [Online]. Available: http://www.agr.state.tx.us/producer_info/index.html. [2001, January 12]

Texas Department of Economic Development. (2001). [Online]. Available: http://www.tded.state.tx.us/ [2001, January 30]

United States Department of Agriculture. (1999). Agriculture Fact Book 1999. [Online]. Available: http://www.usda.gov. [2001, January 18]

United States Department of Agriculture. (1999). Yearbook of Agriculture. [Online]. Available: http://www.usda.gov. [2001, January 25