Date: August 2, 2012

To: Arizona First District Representative Paul Gosar

504 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

Re: Larry Driscoll, American Citizen’s Demand for Congressional Investigation of Barack Obama with regard to his Criminal Actions against our America Nation and its Citizens.

Representative Gosar,

I outline present below for your review a short form description of the Criminal Actions of Barack Obama

against our America Nation and its Citizens.

Legal Authority: Attorney Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire; Already, and previously before 2008, and up to the present,

Attorney Orly Taitz has been bringing her thoroughly researched investigations and legal presentations with regard to the Criminal Actions of Barack Obama against our America Nation and its Citizens, most notably with regard to the fact that Barack Obama is not a Natural Born American Citizen’, though he fraudulently claims this, and presents a forged Birth Certificate on the internet. Additionally, his Selective Service Registration Card exhibits a, forged postal indicia, and he continues to use a Stolen Social Security Number never issued to him. Suffice it to say, that Attorney Orly Taitz from all, of her up to now efforts, has never been given a ‘fair hearing’ from our United States Judicial System, radiating a total embarrassment to all American Citizens with regard to representing due process for Truth and Justice, the purpose, for which it was created.

Law Enforcement: Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the ‘Cold Case Possee’ have stated that “the Internet

Presentation of the Birth Certificate of Barack Obama is ‘fraudulent’. At his news conference Sheriff Arpaio

continues on stating: “Let the public know what is going on. When you’re talking about documents and they’re

fraudulent, that’s a crime. Nobody seems to care about that”. I emphasize the word ‘crime’, as chosen by Law

Enforcement Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his ‘Cold Case Possee’.

Media Reporting: Washington Times Columnist Jeffrey Kuhner states the following: “Sheriff Arpaio’s

findings threaten to plunge America into an unprecedented crisis, for if-and again, I emphasize, if-he is

correct, then Mr Obama has perpetrated the most elaborate hoax in U.S. History. A fraudulent birth

certificate would mean that Mr. Obama is ineligible to serve as commander-in-chief. His presidency would

therefore be legally and constitutionally illegitimate. My bold face type emphasis added.

Barack Obama is not, and never has been, the President of the United States of America, as he has presented

to the American Citizen voting public in the year 2008, a false representation of himself, in order to become

elected to the Office of United States President and from the information presentation above, I ask that now all

American Citizens who value our America Nation as per the guidance of its United States Constitutional Law,

reflect in thought, upon the Criminal Actions of Barack Obama, and seek a pathway to remove the criminal

Barack Obama from his unconstitutionally held office of the President of the United States.

In conclusion, Barack Obama is to be prosecuted for Crimes Committed against the America Nation, its

Citizens and I demand of you as a Representative of American Citizens to contact your fellow Representatives

in order to bring Barack Obama, his actions against the America Nation, its Citizens, to investigation as per ‘due

process of law’, from which I conclude as per presented above that the individual Barack Obama, will be

imprisoned and held away from further harmful actions against our America Nation, our American Citizens.


Larry Driscoll

10827 Mesa View Rd.

Williams, AZ 86046

tel 928 583-3284; email

cc: Orly Taitz, Joe Arpaio, Jeffrey Kuhner, John Boehner