
Dilationsin the Coordinate Plane

Plot theordered pairsgiven in thetableto makesixdifferent figures. Draweach figureon a separatecoordinate grid. Connect thepoints with linesegments asfollows:

•ForSet 1, connect thepoints in order. Connect thelast point in theset to the first point in theset.

•ForSet 2, connect thepoints in order. Connect thelast point in theset to the first point in theset.

•ForSet 3, connect thepoints in order. Do not connect thelast point in theset to the first point in theset.

•ForSet 4, makeadot at each point (do not connect thedots).

With your group, Divide & Conquer the graphs.

Afterdrawingthesixfigures, compareFigure1 to each oftheother figures and answerthe followingquestions.

  1. How do the coordinatesof eachfigurecompareto the coordinates ofFigure1?Ifpossible, writegeneral rules formaking Figures 2-6.

2. Describeanysimilarities and/ordifferences between Figure1 and each oftheother figures.

•Describehow correspondingsides compare.

•Describehow correspondinganglescompare.

  1. What would bethe effectofmultiplyingeach ofthe coordinates inFigure1 by½?
  1. Which figuresaresimilar?Describeasequenceoftransformations that takes Figure1 to the similar figure.

5. Translate, reflect, rotate(90°), anddilate Figure2 so that it lies entirelyin QuadrantIIIon thecoordinateplane. You mayperform thetransformations in anyorderthat you choose. Draw the original figure first (label as original). Draw and label apictureofthenew figure at each step. Label those as #1, #2, #3, and #4. Explain theproceduresyou followed to get thenew figure and givethe scalefactoryou used.Describethesimilarities and differences betweenyournew figures and the original figure.